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Monday, 18 February 2013 11:38

Four major British churches have criticised government proposals for a new way of measuring child poverty in the UK, which they say masks the problem. The Baptist Union of Great Britain, the Church of Scotland, the Methodist Church and the United Reformed Church have accused the Government’s consultation on the proposals of being "confused" and "surprisingly badly evidenced". “Child poverty is an unacceptable injustice,” said Paul Morrison, Public Issues Policy Adviser for the Methodist Church. “While we applaud the Government’s commitment to eradicating child poverty in the UK, the proposed new measure is fatally flawed. It is a confusion of targets, measures and, most disturbingly, the Government’s beliefs about what causes poverty, backed by very little solid evidence.” “As Christians we believe that we all have a duty to take responsibility for the injustices that have become embedded in the society we have built," added Marie Trubic, United Reformed Church spokesperson on public issues.

Pray: for the Government that in seeking to address the issue of child poverty, they will listen to the people who are working with the people affected by it. (Pr.1:5)


Monday, 17 October 2011 17:30

Cornish speakers can now read the complete Bible - An Beybel Sans - in their chosen language. The New Testament was translated into Cornish by Prof Nicholas Williams and published in 2002. It has taken him about six years to translate all the books of the Old Testament, using a variety of versions, including Hebrew and Greek texts. An Beybel Sans is written in standard Cornish and its 10 maps also have place names in Cornish. The 69-year-old professor from London, who is considered to be one of the leading experts on Celtic languages, taught himself Cornish at the age of 15 because it seemed ‘a bit odd and a bit bizarre’. He told BBC Radio Cornwall: ‘One of the reasons we lost the language was because there was no Bible in Cornish. ‘Once you have the Bible you have created your literary heritage and I hope this book will be influential in the Cornish revival.’

Pray: for this new version of the Word of God to raise interest and reach new audiences. (Acts12:24)


Monday, 02 December 2013 11:25

The Christian Institute and other civil liberty organisations have launched a campaign to reform clause 1 of the Anti-social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Bill that could catch street preachers and carol singers. Under the clause, a court can grant an Injunction to Prevent Nuisance and Annoyance (IPNA) if someone “has engaged or threatens to engage in conduct capable of causing nuisance or annoyance” to any person. IPNAs are easier to grant, and require a lower threshold of evidence than Anti-Social Behaviour Orders, known as ASBOs. In a piece for The Daily Telegraph, Philip Johnston said the new IPNAs would be deployed against “easy targets” while others “get away with terrorising their neighbourhoods. Lord Macdonald also said: “Of course political demonstrations, street performers and corner preachers may be ‘annoying’ to some but, he added, “The danger in this Bill is that it potentially empowers State interference against such activities in the face of shockingly low safeguards”.

Pray: for the concerns raised to be heeded and for Clause 1 to be amended to exclude preaching, carol singing. etc. (Gal.5:1)


Friday, 07 October 2011 13:34

From 24th to 31st October 2011 Christians across the British Isles will set aside time to pray for the Nation based on the extensive network of Street Pastor projects. The focus for the week is asking God’s blessing on our nation and ‘Thy kingdom come Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven’. Praying locally for a change nationally. Asking God what he wants his church to do in their area and then involving as many people as possible from other churches and ministries to join Street Pastor groups. Participating churches are being encouraged to do as much or as little during the week as they ask God to bless our towns and nation. Churches can ask their Council if there is something they can do to help. As this falls in half-term week in many areas it will be a good opportunity to involve the children and young people in prayer events.

Pray: for many churches to catch this vision of corporate prayer for our nation. (Ps.20:4)


Thursday, 20 September 2012 14:27

Samaritan’s Purse UK is joining thousands of believers on their way to Wembley Stadium for the National Day of Prayer and Worship (NDOP) on September 29th, when the Christian charity will be leading prayers for some of the poorest and most vulnerable children around the world, reports Peter Wooding, Europe Bureau Chief for Assist News Service. ‘We are

really excited to be part of this historic event, where we will be highlighting the plight of some of the neediest children around the globe,’ said Samaritan’s Purse UK Executive Director Simon Barrington. On September 29th, as tens of thousands of Christians gather together at Wembley, there will be a time of prayer for the children in over 105 countries who’ll be receiving gift-filled shoeboxes through this year’s Operation Christmas Child campaign. ‘We will also praise God and celebrate all that’s been done through the 94 million shoeboxes that have been delivered to needy children through Operation Christmas Child over the past 22 years.

Pray: for the NDOP and especially for the work of Samaritan’s Purse. (Gal.2:10)



Thursday, 31 January 2013 17:22

Please will you pray earnestly as we enter a crucial period in the campaign to defend the true meaning of marriage? And can you encourage your church to join our National Day of Prayer for Marriage on Sunday 3 February? Any day now, we expect the Government to introduce its Bill which seeks to redefine marriage. The Government may very well go on a charm offensive, telling the media that people who believe in traditional marriage have nothing to worry about. But we know that’s not the case. European judges have recently shown that people who believe in traditional marriage can be forced out of their jobs. On Tuesday 5 Feb, we expect MPs to have the first opportunity to debate and vote on the Bill. We don’t need an outright win at this stage – so don’t worry if the Bill passes this first hurdle – but it is important that as many MPs as possible vote ‘no’.

Pray: that marriage will not be redefined, and that real marriage will be promoted in society for the good of all. (Mt.18:19-20)



Thursday, 12 April 2012 13:51

‘Not Ashamed of the Cross’ campaign is urging the Government to support historic Christian values in Europe while 400,000+ signed the Coalition for Marriage petition asking the Government to support historic Christian values at home. In 2012 Christians in Parliament need our prayers more than ever. On Easter Sunday former Government Minister Gary Streeter gave his testimony in a national newspaper, ‘My hand was healed by God, as he challenged The Advertising Standards Authority’s (ASA) stance against Healing on the Streets claim that God heals today being unfounded and breaking the law. 'My wife put her hand on my back and prayed for me and job done.' He also asked ASA if they would rebuke football fans who prayed for Fabrice Muamba. We can praise God for Mr Streeter’s challenge and pray for more Christians in positions of authority to speak out when Christian truths are challenged by our policymakers.

Pray: for Christians in the Government to stay true to Christian ethics and for the Prime Minister to act on his words, ‘Britain needs the values of the Bible more than ever.’ (Jas.2:17)


Thursday, 07 July 2011 18:55

A top advocate for Muslim women’s rights has welcomed Baroness Cox’s Bill, which is designed to curb the problems caused by Sharia courts operating in England and Wales. Cassandra Balchin, co-founder and Chair of the Muslim Women’s Network-UK, said that in her work with Muslim women, she had found ‘anecdotal evidence of gender discriminatory arbitration and this included family cases’. Lady Cox’s Arbitration and Mediation Services (Equality) Bill is designed to stop a parallel legal system taking root and it also aims to ensure equality before the law for women. Cassandra Balchin has claimed for some time that Muslim women in Britain suffer from fewer rights in the UK than in many Muslim countries. She also welcomed other aspects of the Bill, chiefly the proposed provisions to penalise false claims to legal jurisdiction. ‘Unlike the arbitration tribunals, Sharia councils have no legal status’, she said. (See 26-2011 Insight Article

Pray: for the success of this Bill and that God’s righteous authority would overrule. (Is.42:21)


Wednesday, 19 May 2010 12:55

Britain's national faith is being ‘eroded’ by politically-correct individuals seeking to remove religion from society, a Muslim doctor has claimed. Dr Taj Hargey has warned that numerous secularist groups are sidelining Christianity in the country. He claimed that this was leading to the destruction of the ‘strong moral compass’ and ‘once famous community spirit’ present in the nation. He stated that rather than protecting religion, those in charge are instead contributing towards its marginalisation. ‘I am Muslim. But even as a non-Christian, I can see all too clearly the shameful way in which Britain's national faith is being eroded,’ he explained. ‘The over-riding impression is that the state increasingly favours minority religions over Britain's own.’ A number of religious organisations have spoken out against the introduction of new legislation in the UK which they believe seeks to marginalise Christianity from society.

Pray: that Christians continue to speak out and fight against marginalisation of our faith. (1Ch.19:13)


Thursday, 27 June 2013 14:55

Prison officers have warned of Islamic ‘gang culture’ in jails after figures showed the number of Muslim inmates has rocketed compared with other faiths. Stats obtained by the Sunday People reveal convicts in England and Wales who say their religion is Islam have passed the 11,000 mark for the first time. The total for Christians is 43,235, according to data given out under freedom of information laws. Prison officers’ association general secretary Steve Gillan said: ‘There is clear evidence of gang culture and a radicalisation of young men. They use the name of religion as an excuse to behave badly and in a threatening manner. Muslims in jail numbered only 3,681 in 1997 but last year there were 11,278. ‘Terrorists in maximum security jails have increased dramatically in number. It puts pressure on prisons at a time of cost cuts and overcrowding. This has been reflected in problems involving some Muslim gangs.’

Pray: against any growth in gang culture and radicalism amongst the prisoners. (Heb.13:3)
