Problems of Forces personnel switching to civilian life

Written by Super User 18 Aug 2013

The shock of leaving the Armed Forces took its toll with alcohol and mental health problems, unemployment and family break-ups according to the Forces in Mind Trust. Veterans’ alcohol problems had the biggest effect, costing an estimated £35 million in 2012, followed by mental health problems costing £26 million. The costs are predicted to rise this year because of the loss of thousands of jobs in recent months in defence cuts. The trust, which campaigns to make it easier for veterans to settle back into civilian life, said the great majority made the jump successfully, but it was still surprised by the scale of the costs. The report found the culture shock for those leaving the forces has been underestimated. Andrew Curry, author of the report, said: “Even those who have gone through a good transition said they found their experience of civilian life and the workplace to be a shock.”

Pray: for members of the armed forces as they make the transition to civilian life and that they will receive appropriate support. (Ps.55:22)


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