Pupils aged ten viewing pornography

Written by Super User 25 Nov 2010

One in three children is accessing a ‘tsunami’ of explicit pornographic images on the internet by the age of ten, a study has revealed. Four in five teenagers regularly look up unsuitable photographs or film on their computers or mobile phones, it also suggested. Campaigners warned that exposure to these images inflicts ‘serious mental harm’ on children and prevents them forming healthy adult relationships in later life. The average age of a child first exposed to pornography is just 11. At a conference in Parliament on Monday, campaigners called on ministers to force websites to carry cigarette-style health warnings. A large ‘R18’ banner would pop up on targeted websites, alerting children and parents to the nature of the site, they said. The British Board of Film Classification, which censors films, should also be called in to classify website content. Miranda Suit, director of SaferMedia, said pornography was getting more extreme and easier to access.

Pray: for the internet to become better regulated to prevent corruption of our young. ( Job.5:17)

More: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1332165/Third-pupils-aged-10-view-porn-internet.html#ixzz167KPo9sW

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