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Thursday, 13 June 2013 20:02

The number of lone parents is rising by a rate of more than 20,000 a year with ‘devastating’ consequences for children and adults alike, warns the Centre for Social Justice. In a report, the CSJ says the number of lone parents will pass two million by the time of the next election. The increase is not being fuelled by divorce but by the surge in cohabitation. Since 1996, the number of people cohabiting has doubled to nearly six million but cohabiting parents are three times more likely than married couples to separate by the time a child is five. The number of lone parents increased by almost a quarter between 1996 and 2012. Britain has one of the highest rates of family breakdown in the developed world, with a quarter of families with dependent children being headed by a lone parent. Around a million children are growing up without any contact with their father.

Pray: or less family breakdowns. And for lone parents and their children to establish sound relationships compensating for any loss of stability and family breakdown. (Ps.79:6)



Friday, 27 August 2010 13:36

According to the Office for National Statistics (ONS) the number of civil ceremonies dropped by almost a fifth to just 7,169 in the UK in 2008, compared with 8,728 in 2007. The latest figure is a drop of more than a half since 16,106 ceremonies in 2006, the first full year after the law was changed. The number of true wedding ceremonies is at a record low as more and more couples cohabit and it seems the civil ceremonies are proving less popular than their supporters had hoped. When Government officials drew up the new laws for civil partnership they estimated that five per cent of the population was gay or lesbian and predicted that 62,000 gay couples would register in the first five years of ceremonies. The ONS published the number of ‘divorces’ for the first time. There were 180 dissolutions last year.

Pray: for the church’s sacrament of marriage to remain as the bedrock of true committed relationships. (Ac.14:22)



Monday, 17 December 2012 19:30

A new publicity campaign by the NSPCC aims to help prevent sexual abuse of children by encouraging people to report their concerns. The recent allegations against Jimmy Savile and others have exposed many tragic cases of sexual abuse against the young, says Peter Watt, director of the NSPCC. 'We are concerned that, as many of his victims were abused in the 1970s and 80s, child sex abuse could be seen as more a problem of the past. Furthermore, we are worried from the findings of the case that people don't know where to turn to for help in reporting child abuse, or hesitate to report abuse until they feel 100 per cent certain it has taken place. That's why we're launching a new ad campaign encouraging people to contact the NSPCC if they are concerned about a child. Our advert aims to remind people that child abuse remains a widespread problem and children are still abused today.

Pray: for all measures that will help to make child abuse a thing of the past. (Mk.9:42)


Thursday, 25 November 2010 15:48

Christian Concern says thank you for your continuing support of ‘Not Ashamed’ (See Prayer Alert 3910). With just a few days to go until the 1st December launch, momentum is growing. Signatures on the declaration continue to grow – please continue to spread the word at church and elsewhere. Why not send a quick email to all the Christians in your address book? We’re keen to hear of how you are planning to mark ‘Not Ashamed’ day in your local area. Some churches are thinking of placing an advert in the local paper, others of writing a letter to the editor highlighting the reason for Not Ashamed; others are intending to deliver a copy of the declaration to their local MP or mayor. Please send us your ideas so that we can share them to

Pray: that this initiative will grow and develop national prominence. (Ps.25:20)


Sunday, 01 September 2013 17:47

A Norwich pastor is under investigation for using "homophobic" language after sending an email expressing his disapproval of the city's gay pride event, held in June this year. Dr Alan Clifford sent the message to the organisers of Norwich Pride, which subsequently reported his comments to the police as a "hate incident". The police has now referred his case to the Crown Prosecution Service, which will decide whether or not to act on the complaints made against him. Writing in the Spectator, academic and theologian Adrian Hilton said: "Dr Clifford may exercise his freedom of speech – especially in regard to religious liberty and preaching the Word of God – even if this might cause offence. I find myself now feeling not much less than contempt for those gays who persecute and prosecute elderly hotel owners and B&B proprietors, or call in the police when they receive ‘Good News for Gays’ in their inbox. It is deeply and profoundly intolerant."

Pray: for Dr Clifford and that the CPS will recognise his freedom of speech. (2Ti.2:24-26)


Thursday, 17 January 2013 16:53

Around 1,500 protesters held a peace rally at Belfast City Hall on Sunday in reaction to Northern Ireland’s 40th night of violence. The protest took place hours after 29 police officers were injured during the latest sectarian clashes in east Belfast. Loyalist anger has built over several weeks following restrictions on the use of the union (or British) flags at official buildings. Police say paramilitary groups are behind some of the violence. The organisers of Sunday’s peace rally said protesters were speaking for ‘the silent majority’.‘What you’ve seen on TV over the last weeks has nothing to do with what we want for this country or for our children,’ said one man. ‘We don’t want to go back in time and the peace march was a really positive atmosphere of everybody coming together just to make that statement,’ said another protester. (See also 02-2013)

Pray: that these protests will bring a breakthrough leading to a sensible resolution to this situation. (Ps.120:6)



Friday, 13 August 2010 15:53

An employment tribunal has ruled that it was reasonable for Wandsworth Council to dismiss Duke Amachee, after he was sacked for gross misconduct for suggesting to a client with an incurable illness not to give up hope and to try putting her faith in God. The decision has come as a huge surprise to Duke and to his legal team. Duke, a committed Christian, had worked for Wandsworth Council for 18 years and had an unblemished record. Yet, as a result of the comments he made in one 45-minute housing interview, he was subject to six months of investigations and three interviews with the Council. His solicitor was even told by the Council that saying ‘God bless’ to a client would require an investigation if the client complained. Listen to Duke’s personal appeal: Duke and his legal team intend to appeal the decision.

Pray: that God would hear our prayers and grant a reversal of this decision. (Ex.23:6)




Thursday, 02 February 2012 12:09

Girls as young as nine are being forced to marry in mosques in Islington, according to the findings of a leading women’s rights group. The Iranian and Kurdish Women’s Rights Organisation (IKWRO) has reported that at least 30 forced marriages took place in the borough in 2010, involving at least three 11-year-old and two 9-year-old girls. Similarly, the Ministry of Justice revealed details of over 30 applications for Forced Marriage Protection Orders in 2011, of which ‘five or fewer’ were made to protect children aged 9 to 11. IKWRO has warned that child marriages in Britain could be on the increase. Ms Nammi said that the girls are married off to family friends or family members to stop them from losing their virginity to anyone not chosen by their father. The marriages are conducted by Imams under sharia law, rendering them illegal and void under British law.

Pray: that our justice system and authorities will be able to get to grips with this problem. (Pr.18:5)


Tuesday, 03 December 2013 14:07

Nearly nine million people across the UK are living with serious debt problems, according to a new report. The Money Advice Service (MAS) also said very few people were making any attempt to get professional help. The problem is particularly acute in five English cities, (Manchester, Hull, Nottingham, Knowsley and Liverpool), where more than 40% of the population is struggling to pay their debts. According to the survey, 18% of Britons, 8.8 million people, consider they have ‘serious’ financial issues. MAS, which is backed with public money, said that for the first time, the survey had provided a detailed understanding of the lives of those who are in debt. The report found that 74% of those struggling with debt were ‘unhappy’. There is particular concern that very few people ask for help. ‘millions of people could escape their spiral of debt by accessing free advice,’ said Caroline Rookes, the chief executive of MAS.

Pray: for the many thousands trapped in debt and that ways will be found to offer advice. (Ro.13:8)


Tuesday, 20 July 2010 15:07

Northern Ireland's First and Deputy First Ministers have said there is no excuse and no justification for the violence of recent days. More than 80 police officers were injured in two nights of rioting by nationalist youths. Peter Robinson and Martin McGuinness said there had been ‘outright thuggery and vandalism’. Mr Robinson also said comments by a senior police officer alleging poor political leadership were unhelpful. He said he and Mr McGuinness have been working, and will continue, to work for a resolution of the difficulties around parading. McGuinness said both men were ‘resolute’ in their commitment to tackle sectarianism. ‘This will require the community to stand united against all those forces seeking to bring conflict back on to our streets,’ NI Secretary of State Owen Paterson praised the police and said those ‘who use young people to attack the police and smash up their own area are cynical enemies of the whole community’. (See Prayer Alert 2810)

Pray: for seekers of peace to prevail in Ulster and elsewhere. (Jas.1:21)
