Protecting Christian beliefs

Written by Super User 17 Jan 2011

The legal system may have gone ‘too far’ in restricting the right of Christians to live out their faith, Britain’s former top judge has cautioned. (See Prayer Alert 5310.) Lord Woolf’s comments came after the Bishop of Winchester warned that the demise of ‘religious literacy’ had created an imbalance in the way Christians are treated by the courts. Lord Carey, the former Archbishop of Canterbury, has urged the Prime Minister to review legislation which has been used to penalise Christians. Lord Woolf acknowledged that the Bishop of Winchester’s concerns had ‘a grounding in the facts’, saying ‘The law must be above any sectional interest even if it is an interest of a faith but at the same time it must be aware of the proper concerns of that faith. The law should be developed in ways that, wherever practicable, it allows that faith to be preserved and protected.’


Pray: for fairness in the law towards Christians acting out their belief. (Ps.136:16)


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