Displaying items by tag: Praise

Thursday, 16 May 2019 23:19

Ramadan ‘Iftar’ Kosher meal

A leading Palestinian businessman, Sheikh Ashraf Jabari, served a kosher spread to his Israeli guests at a traditional fast-breaking ‘Iftar’ meal, which Muslims eat during the holy month of Ramadan. He hosted several key Israeli leaders including the Samaria regional council head, a Jewish community leader, and Heather Johnston of the Israel-US Friendship Association, as well as members of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Jabari said, ‘This meal is a reinforcement, in the sense that economic-business relationships and the strengthening of relations and friendship lead us all to a more positive place. Breaking the fast together at a joint meal in Hebron clearly symbolises our ability to bridge all gaps.’ The meal is an example of Palestinian business leaders choosing to set aside political issues to focus on improving economic prospects for the Arab sector.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 09 May 2019 23:31

Welcome, Archie Harrison Mountbatten-Windsor

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex have named their baby son Archie Harrison Mountbatten-Windsor. The name Archie does not have any British royal connotations, but the name means ‘genuine’, ‘bold’, or ‘brave’. Harrison is also a totally new name for the royal family: it was originally used as a surname meaning ‘son of Harry’. As the first-born son of a duke, Archie could have assumed the title of Earl of Dumbarton, but he will instead simply be known as Master Archie.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 09 May 2019 23:29

J John to speak in Belfast

Christians across Northern Ireland have the opportunity to bring relatives, friends, neighbours and colleagues to hear the good news of Jesus Christ proclaimed by evangelist J John in CS Lewis Square, Belfast. The square features seven bronze sculptures from The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, including the great lion, Aslan. As J John preaches the gospel in this unique setting, organisers and supporting churches will be praying that many come to know the true and living Christ. The last evangelistic event in Belfast was in 1923. At that time 2,000 dock workers marched straight from work, still wearing their dungarees, to go and hear evangelist WP Nicholson preach. Such was the power of his preaching that a shed named the ‘Nicholson shed’ was erected in the shipyard, to house the stolen tools that newly-converted workers returned.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 09 May 2019 23:27

Aasia Bibi’s ordeal finally ends

Aasia Bibi, a Pakistani Christian freed from death row last year, has arrived in Canada with her husband to join her daughters. She had suffered repeated death threats from religious extremists when her conviction for blasphemy was quashed. In 2018 the Islamist movement Tehreek-e-Labbaik went on the rampage in Islamabad and Lahore when she was acquitted. Protesters attacked public property and burnt cars. Although Aasia has been released, please continue to pray for the countless, nameless, Christians (and others from minority faiths) still languishing in Pakistan’s prisons after unproven accusations of blasphemy.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 02 May 2019 22:04

Israel: secular Jews discover the Living God

A Jewish refugee couple from Russia were not interested in hearing about Christ, but they did participate in a marriage seminar based in Israel. L and Y had benefited from previous marriage guidance, but still felt a residue of bitterness beneath the surface. The teaching made big differences in their married life, but it was coming to faith in Christ that made all things new. ‘It has made me see that, despite the past, I can start building a better present. I have drawn so much nearer to God, I realised that in prayer I can ask for wisdom and understanding in different situations I might be in.’ Jewish refugees from former Soviet bloc countries as well as Israeli nationals come to faith in Christ through the native ministry’s varied outreaches - feeding the hungry, biblical tours of the Holy Land, celebration of Jewish festivals like Passover, and evangelistic courses and events.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 02 May 2019 21:40

Syria: fighting IS, finding Jesus

When Kobani was under siege by IS most of the city was destroyed and thousands fled. But IS’s violence caused a re-examination of Islam by the Kurds. When Christian Kurds are asked, ‘What made you change?’ they reply, ‘What IS did opened our eyes.’ When they saw first-hand the death and destruction wrought by radical Islam, they revised their beliefs, saying, ‘Islam in theory is different to Islam in action’. Brother Rachid said, ‘When we read “Kill the infidels” it’s only a sentence, but when you see the blood - it changes your attitude. The Lord has used these circumstances to bring people to faith. It is still growing like this (pointing upward), accelerating, huge numbers.’ About twenty families (80 to 100 people) now worship at Kobani’s new church. ‘We meet on Tuesdays and hold a service on Fridays. It is open to anyone who wants to join’, he said.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 25 April 2019 23:19

Easter service at music festival

The reporter from the LA Times was not sure what to make of Kanye West’s Easter morning church service at the Coachella Valley music festival. describing it as ‘a new-age Baptist church revival’. The service began shortly after 9.30 am. West arrived dressed in violet-magenta hues - with his hair dyed to match. What unfolded was a nearly two-hour celebration of gospel music, which has played a major influence on his creative achievements. He was supported by hundreds of singers, dancers, and a full orchestra. His part in the service was minimised, with no sermonising or rapping. He allowed the choir and band to be the main focus as he was caught up in the worshipful atmosphere of the moment. West transformed a secular festival at Coachella into a black church experience.

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 19 April 2019 16:20

Easter celebrated around the world

Easter traditions vary in different parts of the world. For instance in Germany, Easter is called Ostern and Good Friday, Easter Saturday and Easter Sunday are all public holidays. In the USA Easter is about eggs, bunnies and new clothes; it has ceased to be a religious celebration. French Easter starts with a sombre note on Good Friday - mourning Christ’s crucifixion. Church bells are not rung for three days, then on Easter morning children rush outside to watch the bells ‘fly back from Rome’. A Greek Easter, their main religious festival, is full of Orthodox fervour. Russia’s merger of Eastern Orthodox Christianity and Western Christianity means the date of the festival is different for each group. Whether in high-spirited Romanian celebrations or in traditional Polish style, we all celebrate: ‘Christ is risen, Hallelujah!'

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 19 April 2019 16:18

Prayer tent meetings catching fire

A movement of prayer tents has been spreading throughout the USA, as believers are motivated to get outside the walls of the church and into the streets to promote the truth about Jesus Christ. There is no pretence or preaching, no law or Christian jargon, no offerings are taken. Juan and Patty Tirado joined this movement after watching Todd White ‘let Jesus be Jesus’ in communities. They started prayer tents in parks and other local venues. Soon testimonies began pouring in. For instance a lady whose granddaughter was a captive in an unknown location asked for intercession. She came back to the Tirados to report that the very same night, the perpetrator was airlifted to a hospital and her granddaughter was able to escape. Police found her and took her to safety.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 11 April 2019 23:25

App is catching criminals

On 7 June 2018 we prayed for an awareness-raising phone app, commissioned by the CofE, to become a valuable part of intelligence gathering that combats an estimated 11,700+ people trapped in UK modern-day slavery - starting with car washes. To date, police have been alerted to 930 reports of potential modern-day slavery at car washes, thanks to the app. Users spotted potential signs of modern slavery or labour exploitation, which they marked off against the app checklist. Then they called the Modern Slavery Helpline anonymously to inform the authorities. Nottingham University said the application was downloaded 8,225 times during its first six months. Bishop Alastair Redfern said, ‘This research shows that the Safe Car Wash app has made an excellent start towards mapping the extent of modern slavery and labour exploitation in hand car washes, and, crucially, raising public awareness of this issue’. See

Published in Praise Reports