Displaying items by tag: Praise

Thursday, 26 September 2019 23:15

Hope Youth

Hope Youth (formally Hope Revolution), the youth arm of Hope Together, seeks to engage young people from across the church in mission and evangelism. Hope Youth has numerous partners including but not limited to the Church of England, Alpha, Limitless, Youth for Christ, Scripture Union, Message Trust and the Pais Movement. Collectively this group has facilitated the creation of various initiatives and resources including Mission Academy, Mission Academy Live, and Amplify, part of Advance 2020, an evangelistic movement to promote and stir up the gift of the evangelist building towards a cross-country outreach in 2020. Alongside this they are praying and planning together for what an intentional, strategic, and spirit-filled year of mission will look like in the UK in 2020, taking the gospel to the nation on an unprecedented scale. See

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 26 September 2019 23:13

Worship killed cancer

Evelyn had an MRI scan and was told that she had an inoperable, benign tumour on her brain. While she went through five rounds of radiation, her husband was dying and she needed to take care of him. ‘God, where are You through all of this?’ she cried. She recruited a prayer group to support her. After six months, the tumour had grown and engulfed the optic nerve. She might go blind. Instead of flagging in faith, Evelyn experienced a surge of faith. She believed God wanted her to stop asking for healing and start praising Him for healing. Evelyn requested her prayer group and family members to do likewise. They reluctantly followed orders. Nine months after her initial diagnosis, the doctor said the tumour was dead. The tumour dissolved, and her husband lived long enough to know that she was well, so she is grateful for that.

Published in Praise Reports

Yassine, a Muslim boy, had recurring dreams of a bright light and a voice saying, ‘I am the way, the truth, and the life.’ He said, ‘This was not a normal dream to me because I had never heard this phrase before. I had no idea it was from the Bible.’ Several years later, when he was given a Bible and started to read it, he found the same words. So he looked for a church - a daring step in a country that is 99% Muslim. ‘I went to church and learned more about Jesus and Christianity. I soon truly knew that Jesus was the person in my dreams.’ To read his testimony of his walk towards mission work, click the ‘More’ button.

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 20 September 2019 10:56

They looked closer and found survivors

Flying over the Bahamas, a helicopter was dropping supplies, when a passenger pointed out a destroyed village and asked if people could possibly still be alive there. They had flown over it several times and had not seen any people or movement, but on the next run they felt an urge to fly closer and land, to check out their passenger’s suspicions. Then forty people climbed out of overturned vehicles and rubble where they had been sheltering, and ran to the team, who quickly gave food, water, tents, and other supplies to these ever-so-grateful and elated survivors.

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 20 September 2019 10:54

Drugs to devotion - life turned around

She attended church but didn’t know what it meant to seek God. She smoked weed on Friday and sang in the choir on Sunday, without thinking she did anything wrong. After graduation she went for drinks with a man and was date-raped. She reported it to the police, but was told there was not enough evidence. ‘I was depressed and drove down the road thinking, I could run into this tree and people won’t think it was suicide.’ Fortunately, she didn’t do it. A few weeks later she shared her troubles with a friend who told her that Christ could heal her heart. ‘When he talked sincerely about his life and relationship with God, I felt my eyes open, I started crying. I got it. I’d been wrong.’ She rededicated herself to Christ, and her life has turned around.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 12 September 2019 23:40

UK jet skiers save 100 people in Bahamas

Fourteen members of a British jet ski club drove through driving wind and rain to save the minister of agriculture, Michael Pintard. He had been making calls for help, knowing his family was in grave danger when flood waters from Hurricane Dorian shattered windows and blew through the door of their home in Freeport. ‘They did a phenomenal job, not just with us. They continued to go back in, over and over again’, said Mr Pintard. In total they saved about 100 people, including a pregnant woman and a baby, while the storm caused havoc around them.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 12 September 2019 23:38

State trooper’s kindness

A New York state trooper, Chris Mahoney, at a petrol station, noticed a man carrying several heavy bags. Striking up a conversation, the trooper learned the man was homeless and carried all his belongings on his back. When Mahoney asked him when he’d last eaten, he learned the man had only had a doughnut. When he offered to buy the man a meal, another customer took a photo of his kindness, which went viral. Now, Mahoney encourages more people to do kind things for others. Jesus said we are to ‘love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind and to love your neighbour as yourself.’

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 12 September 2019 23:38

State trooper’s kindness

A New York state trooper, Chris Mahoney, at a petrol station, noticed a man carrying several heavy bags. Striking up a conversation, the trooper learned the man was homeless and carried all his belongings on his back. When Mahoney asked him when he’d last eaten, he learned the man had only had a doughnut. When he offered to buy the man a meal, another customer took a photo of his kindness, which went viral. Now, Mahoney encourages more people to do kind things for others. Jesus said we are to ‘love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind and to love your neighbour as yourself.’

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 06 September 2019 10:44

Fifty-one baptised at New York beach

People crowded onto Jacob Riis Beach on a hot July afternoon to witness an unusual event - 51 people presenting a public witness for Christ through baptism. As exciting as it was, for the Journey Church, one of the city’s largest Southern Baptist churches, it wasn’t necessarily out of the ordinary. The Journey is on track toward 140 baptisms this year - close to the church’s average over its 18-year history. Since its founding in the days following 9/11, the church has baptised more than 2,750 people. On a typical weekend it draws 1,000 people for worship in three Manhattan locations. Kerrick Thomas, its lead pastor, said that New York is one of the most unreached cities in America. They see reaching people with Christ as their primary mission, focusing on training and equipping believers to talk about their faith with their friends and co-workers.

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 06 September 2019 10:42

Prayer movements and houses of prayer

In August 1727 the Moravian community in Herrnhut started a 24/7 prayer watch that sent an unbroken stream of prayer to heaven for 100+ years. Moravian influence on John Wesley helped start the Wesleyan revival. The Moravian vision of sending missionaries (they sent hundreds) helped spark the Protestant missions movement that took the gospel to most countries of the world. Brother Andrew, in 1982, initiated seven years of intercession for the fall of the Iron Curtain. In 1989 the Berlin Wall fell and re-opened eastern Europe to the Gospel. In 1991 he initiated 10 years of intercession for the Muslim world: in 2001, 9/11 was the tragic catalyst that brought immense change to the Muslim world, including many great breakthroughs for the good news of Jesus. Up to now, 26 years of the annual publication ‘30 Days of Prayer for the Muslim World’ have ‘coincided’ with 26 years of unprecedented numbers of Muslims encountering Jesus.

Published in Praise Reports