Displaying items by tag: Lebanon

Hezbollah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah has warned that no place in Israel would be safe if a full-scale war erupts between the two foes, also threatening Cyprus and other Mediterranean regions. Hezbollah has released drone footage of sensitive Israeli military sites; Nasrallah says that it has a ‘bank of targets’ for precision strikes, and Israel must prepare for attacks by land, air, and sea. He also threatened Cyprus, accusing it of aiding Israel with its airports and bases for military exercises. There was no immediate response from Cypriot authorities; Cyprus has historically allowed Israel to use its airspace for drills, but not its land or bases​. In another development, Benjamin Netanyahu has dissolved his war cabinet after two of his opponents resigned from it: see

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Hundreds of rockets were fired from Lebanon towards northern Israel on 12 June, hours after an Israeli airstrike which killed a senior Hezbollah commander. The Israeli military reported detecting about 215 projectiles, with some intercepted and several causing fires. The death of the commander, Hajj Abu Taleb, has intensified clashes along the border, with Hezbollah using more advanced weaponry and Israeli airstrikes penetrating deeper into Lebanon. Over 400 people have been killed in Israeli airstrikes in Lebanon, including more than seventy civilians. On the Israeli side, fifteen soldiers and ten civilians have died since the conflict began. Meanwhile, Antony Blinken stated that mediators are working to finalise a cease-fire deal after Hamas proposed amendments to a US-backed proposal which aims to ensure a permanent ceasefire and the complete withdrawal of Israeli troops from Gaza. The proposal, announced by Joe Biden, includes these provisions, but Hamas remains sceptical about Israel’s commitment to implementing the terms.

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Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant conveyed to U.S. Special Envoy Amos Hochstein that Israel is nearing a decision for military action in Lebanon due to Hezbollah’s ongoing attacks. This message was delivered following a significant rocket attack on the northern Israeli town of Kiryat Shmona by Hezbollah, where around 30 rockets were fired, 10 intercepted by Israel’s missile defence systems. One rocket hit a house's yard, causing minor damage but no injuries. Hochstein, who is in the region to facilitate a negotiated agreement to prevent escalation between Israel and Hezbollah, was warned by Gallant of the increasing likelihood of conflict due to Hezbollah’s aggression. This escalation was evident in the intense skirmishes along Israel’s northern border, with Hezbollah claiming responsibility for at least eight attacks in a single day. The IDF responded by striking the launch sites of the attacks and other Hezbollah infrastructure in Lebanon. Targets included a military site in Ayta al-Sha’ab, operational headquarters in Jabal al-Batam, and launch positions in al-Matmura, as well as other military buildings in southern Lebanon. Hezbollah justified its heavy rocket barrage as retaliation for Israeli strikes in Hula, initially reported as civilian casualties but later confirmed as Hezbollah members.

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During a visit to Israel’s border with Lebanon, the defence minister Yoav Gallant warned Hezbollah not to test the Jewish state, referring to ongoing provocations by the Iran backed terrorists violating legally-binding UN resolutions. Gallant toured the region with other senior officers and was updated on defensive efforts made along the border and the construction of a barrier. In a Hebrew-language video statement, he warned Hezbollah secretary-general Nasrallah not to ‘make a mistake’, saying, ‘If an escalation or conflict develops here, we will return Lebanon to the Stone Age. We will not hesitate to use all our power and erode every inch of Hezbollah and Lebanon if we have to. We don’t want war, but we are ready to protect our citizens, our soldiers, and our sovereignty.’ The UN resolution forbids Hezbollah from operating anywhere near the border between Lebanon and Israel. Alarmingly, Hezbollah’s armed patrols stationed along Israel’s northern frontier are provocations.

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Thursday, 29 June 2023 21:12

Syria: poor man’s cocaine

Built on the ashes of ten years of war, an illegal drug industry run by associates and relatives of President Bashar al-Assad has grown into a multibillion-dollar operation, eclipsing Syria’s legal exports and turning the country into the world’s newest narcostate. Its flagship product, captagon, is an addictive, inexpensive amphetamine, popular in Saudi Arabia and now being found in Europe, Africa, and Asia. Syria’s operations include workshops manufacturing the pills, packing plants to conceal them for export and smuggling networks to spirit them abroad. The production and distribution is overseen by the Fourth Armoured Division of the Syrian Army, commanded by Maher al-Assad, the president’s brother. Hezbollah's fighters have played a key role in helping the Syrian government turn the tide in the civil war and have long been accused of involvement in drug trafficking. The UK and US have imposed sanctions on those responsible for the captagon trade, which could be worth $57 billion. See

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Thursday, 25 May 2023 23:34

Syria: Assad welcomed by Arab League

President Bashar al-Assad joined the Arab League summit in Jeddah and was embraced by the Saudi crown prince. A decade ago, the Saudis funded anti-Assad militias; now they want to remake the Middle East and need Syria onside. Assad insists, ‘Other countries should not interfere with what happened inside Syria’s borders. It is important to leave internal affairs to the leader and his supporters.’ Between them, princes and presidents at the summit have locked up many thousands of their opponents. Syrians blame the Assad regime for destroying their country. Over a million Syrian refugees have fled to Lebanon, but recently Lebanon sent 1,500 back to Syria at gunpoint. The UN insists Syrian refugees cannot return home until their country is safe and secure. The Assad regime remains under US and European sanctions. Amnesty International said, ‘Assad has turned Syria into a slaughterhouse’. President Bashar al-Assad broke his country to save his regime. There has been no justice for his victims.

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Thursday, 13 April 2023 21:31

Israel: terrorist tensions

Following two nights of violence between police and ‘agitators’ at Jerusalem’s al-Aqsa mosque, 34 rockets were launched into Israel’s civilian population from southern Lebanon terrorists. The Israel Defence Forces (IDF) said 25 of the projectiles were intercepted by the Iron Dome defence system. See Israel’s military then carried out air strikes on Hamas targets in southern Lebanon and the Gaza Strip. Gaza retaliated with dozens more rockets. IDF warplanes struck Hamas’ infrastructures in Lebanon and Gaza, including an underground shaft to construct weapons, three weapons workshops and an underground terrorist tunnel. Another 44 rockets from Gaza towards southern Israel were intercepted. See On Good Friday, two British-Israeli sisters were killed and their mother later died after being shot in the West Bank. The next day, an Italian tourist was killed and seven others injured in a Tel Aviv car-ramming. Benjamin Netanyahu has called up army and police reservists.

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Thursday, 24 November 2022 20:51

Iraq / Lebanon: headed down a chaotic path

Governments in both Iraq and Lebanon struggle to function and pass legislation. Political parties tied to ethnic and religious groups vie for control. Iran-backed militias hold more power than the military. There are many parallels between Lebanon, Syria, and Iraq because the nation-state borders were drawn around them by colonial nations around a hundred years ago. Ethnic groups thrown together by these borders often find it difficult to make their own voices heard and cooperate. It is an ongoing process that is only successful if there has been a dictator or authoritarian government. There is government corruption. Young Iraqis are dissatisfied and  are opening their eyes to opportunities for truth. South Iraq is seeing a time of harvest among the Shia community.  Even though they face persecution by larger religious groups, they are boldly proclaiming the Gospel repeatedly to all peoples and all backgrounds or ethnic minorities or majorities in their communities. God is doing amazing things in the south.

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Friday, 28 October 2022 12:17

Lebanon & Haiti: Cholera outbreaks

Lebanon is trying to contain cholera in its most vulnerable communities. 290 cases and 11 deaths were confirmed since October 6th. Cholera is a bacterial infection caused by contaminated water or food, it spreads quickly and can kill within hours through severe dehydration. It’s completely preventable with clean water and sanitation access, usually provided by public utilities, but those empowered to deliver this have already made off with the money budgeted for the infrastructure. See Haiti is also grappling with cholera, and the timing couldn’t be worse. The previous outbreak killed nearly 10,000 people between 2010 and 2019. Now, over 1,700 cholera cases have been confirmed, half of them children, and 40 people have died so far. Haiti was already struggling under hostile gang takeovers in cities. A few medical centres try to treat cases, but they lack fuel, gangs blocking the seaport prevent fuel being released, bringing businesses and health facilities to a halt.

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Friday, 26 August 2022 09:44

Lebanon: helping the persecuted

In the midst of persecution God is providing spiritual and financial support to Christians: spiritual investment is eternal, while the financial support is temporal. Help the Persecuted (HTP) addresses real needs with Gospel-centred, sustainable methods like an agricultural project in Lebanon that goes beyond providing physical needs. The community created around this farm is hearing the Gospel being shared along with food distribution. One member tells of being strangled by her radical Al-Qaeda husband and in that moment she saw Jesus. He reached out his hand and said, ‘I love you.’ She didn’t know who he was, but shortly afterwards learned about the person she saw in her vision. She gave her life to Jesus and fled alone to Lebanon. She knows he will never leave or forsake her. We can praise God for the work of HTP and need to continue praying for their protection and finances.

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