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Last week we prayed for God to direct the UK’s defence ministry and the Royal Navy as they organise safe passage through the Strait of Hormuz, either individually or in groups. This week the foreign secretary Dominic Raab announced, ‘The Royal Navy will join a US-led taskforce to protect merchant ships travelling in the Gulf.’ The decision goes against plans laid out by his predecessor, Jeremy Hunt, for a European-led mission in the area which was not favoured by some European countries invited to participate. The US/UK move comes amid growing tensions between the two western powers and Iran over the shipping route in the Strait of Hormuz.

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 09 August 2019 13:04

Billy Graham Chaplains at US-Mexico Border

The Billy Graham Rapid Response Team and Samaritan’s Purse are ministering at refugee centres in Texas, to offer the love and compassion of Jesus to those who have been granted legal US access. When exhausted immigrant families arrive at a centre, they are offered prayer by local pastors and have an opportunity to take showers, receive new clothes, food and other necessities, along with temporary shelter and organised transportation. Chaplain Jennifer Metallo recalled meeting one Cuban family that began to sob as they spoke to God. ‘This was the first time they had ever been able to pray out loud without fear or repercussion in a public setting. You could see on their faces that they were still apprehensive but the opportunity to do this was so monumental they couldn’t just not risk it’.

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 02 August 2019 00:01

Afghan Christians share Christ

Voice of the Martyrs recently reported, ‘Afghan believers are boldly sharing the gospel in their country like never before in its history. In a nation that is 99 percent Muslim, the risks of such ministry are incredible. But many of these courageous followers of Christ have decided their countrymen must hear that God loves them, that Jesus Christ has paid for their sins, and that there is a guaranteed future for them with God through Jesus. Their witness is producing fruit: today there are Christians throughout the country of Afghanistan. Over the years, Afghan believers have often hidden their faith, but there are men and women willing to share the gospel courageously throughout Afghanistan and other Asian nations where Christians are persecuted for their faith.’

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 01 August 2019 23:59

Muslims save Christians from attack

In Kenya a group of local Muslims alerted twenty, mostly Christian, construction workers to an attack by a jihadist fundamentalist group. The workers were building a hospital when the Muslims warned them to leave the site quickly and helped them do so. The area is usually very hostile towards Christians, and believers who come from other areas for work or ministry face harassment and are continuously targeted by al-Shabaab attacks. Pray for God’s protection over those who took this bold move.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 01 August 2019 23:57

Where hope comes to life

Through Africa Renewal Ministries in Uganda abandoned babies, child sponsorship, and children's transition care programmes are bringing hope and renewal to thousands of vulnerable children. Each age-appropriate programme (0-19 years) focuses on discipleship, education, healthcare, and leadership. Participants include Loving Hearts Babies Home, Early Childhood Development Programme, Child Development Programme, Bethany Children's Village, and the Mwangaza Children's Choir.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 25 July 2019 23:48

Religious moments in space

We recently celebrated fifty years since men landed on the moon. But NASA did not share one celebration on that day. Once the lunar module landed in the Sea of Tranquillity, Buzz Aldrin radioed Earth to say they wanted a moment’s reflection on what had just happened. Then he turned off the radio. Aldrin, who was a church elder, opened containers of bread and wine that he had brought with him and read John 15:5. In the 1/6th gravity of the moon the wine curled slowly and gracefully up the side of the cup: the very first liquid ever poured on the moon, and the first food eaten there, were communion elements. A few years earlier three Catholic astronauts took Holy Communion on board the Endeavour, and Israeli astronaut Ilan Ramon said the Jewish Shabbat Kiddush prayer while in space.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 25 July 2019 23:46

God still heals supernaturally

Oakland Raiders quarterback Derek Carr told a congregation, ‘I saw the lame walking and people healed at a conference in California. We prayed for healing, and people were healed all over the place. We saw one man's hand open for the first time in five years. Another man, in a wheelchair, began to stand up and dance while they were playing their music.’ He told them that he was describing these miracles so that they would have opportunities to ‘get a word deep within you, that you would be so filled up with the awareness of the Holy Spirit that when people look at you, they say, “That is amazing. I must go see what that is”. You see, you don't need a twelve-step programme. All you need is one moment in God's presence. I believe that can change your life.’

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 25 July 2019 23:43

Apulstock Festival: 20 July

Apulstock is a safe music festival in Sussex, for people with special needs. It is organised and run by volunteers whose sole aim is to inspire and entertain people who don’t have the opportunities or support to attend the larger annual music festivals. Apulstock is a mixture of music and dance slots led by professional rap, rock and roll, and alternative musicians plus lots of fun bands encouraging audience participation in Zumba fitness and funky dance routines. Every week, across the country, there is an army of volunteers using their talents to touch the lives of the hidden 2% in our communities. They deliver special church services, discos, karaoke, sports, arts and crafts, gardening, etc to develop people’s individual strengths and support them to overcome their weaknesses.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 25 July 2019 23:28

Universal Credit benefits

Since its introduction, Universal Credit (UC) has made things harder for people receiving it. Now, a court ruling has made it possible for 13,000+ disabled people to receive backdated benefit payments. People who moved from the severe disability benefit to UC, which rolls six payments into one, will receive backdated payments of up to £405 per month alongside the UC benefit. The work and pensions secretary said that claimants who had been entitled to the severe disability premium would be given ‘ongoing transitional payments’ as they moved across to UC, and those who had already moved to the new system would be eligible for backdated payments. While we can thank God for this change, we can continue praying for other support packages which need re-assessing and addressing, including dementia care and undiagnosable illnesses that do not fit into any recognised medical category but still need support with training, transport, supervision, and personal care.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 19 July 2019 11:15

Dominican Republic: Sex Trafficking

Give thanks for Clayton and Ellen Kershaw, from the Los Angeles Dodgers Baseball Team, who partnered with the International Justice Mission (IJM), and visited the Dominican Republic to help bring a major reduction in the scale of sex trafficking of children. They met with local government officials, local partners and survivors. They then used their American platforms in sports and media to shine a light on this issue and released a clip on the internet about their visit. Please pray for many people to watch the video clip about sex trafficking and then go on to join the fight for justice.

Published in Worldwide