Displaying items by tag: Praise

Friday, 19 July 2019 10:56

Giggle Doctors and healthcare

Theodora Giggle Doctors are professional performers, highly trained to work in hospitals and hospice environments with children with disabilities. They are actors, entertainers, magicians, musicians and singers. Play in hospital gives children the chance to forget about what they are going through and makes situations that could be scary and worrying more fun, creating happy memories. Play stops children getting bored and takes their mind away from what is going on around them. The Giggle Doctors always bring joy and laughter not only to the children but also to parents and hospital staff. During their visits they are able to make children relax and feel happy, taking their mind away from the hospital environment they are in and creating smiles which parents treasure.

Published in Praise Reports

A Zen group will no longer be holding their hour-and-a-half silent meditation sessions at the Old Palace in the Cathedral grounds, due to complaints that it is incompatible with Christianity. The Wild Goose Sangha group sessions were run by Canon Chris Collingwood, an Anglican priest who is also a Zen teacher, and referred to as the Sensei within the meditation sessions. Zen meditation roots are in Buddhism and Canon Collingwood describes himself as ‘religiously bilingual’ and said Zen poses fewer problems than other non-Christian customs because it doesn’t claim to be a system of doctrine or belief. Concerns were raised three years ago about the compatibility of Zen with Christianity and finally cancelled after the Rt Rev Dr Jonathan Frost, the dean of York Minster, ended the Minster’s association with the group.

Published in Praise Reports

On 31 May 2006 Dwura, an Iraqi Christian housewife, saw her brother-in-law gunned down by terrorists who asked him for his identity card and when they saw that he was a Christian he was shot in the head and chest. ‘From then onwards we lived in fear’, she said. The family stayed in the plains of Nineveh, where Christians have lived for nearly two millennia. But things got worse and they fled for their lives with tens of thousands of other Christians. Now families can return but their homes are destroyed, there is nothing there. Dwura and her husband wanted to start a new life where they could live freely as Christians. With visas from the Australian government and financial help from Barnabas Fund, they flew to Australia a few days ago. Over 100 similar air tickets have been issued since March.

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 12 July 2019 13:22

Algeria: massive Church growth

The world’s largest Arab country (95% Muslim), once home to the Phoenicians, Romans, Ottomans, and French is now home to a growing number of Christians, despite significant persecution. Believers face intolerable pressures from family and neighbours militating against any open expression of Christianity, along with anti-conversion and blasphemy laws. Yet in God’s economy, as much as Satan attempts to squeeze the church, the faster it grows. In 2008 there were 10,000 Christians - by 2015, it was 380,000. It could now be approaching 500,000. A healthy portion of the growth is attributed to Christian satellite programming into North African countries. Joshua Project, tracking church growth, confirms that there are now 600,000+ professing Algerian Christians. So many are coming to Christ that there are regular baptism services for 60 to 100 new believers and one church has already planted 14 daughter churches.

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 05 July 2019 11:13

Answered prayer: Christian wins appeal

In 2016 Prayer Alert intercessors were asked to pray for Felix Ngole, a Christian student removed from a postgraduate course in social work at Sheffield University. A judge ruled against him in 2017, but now three Court of Appeal judges have overturned that ruling. Felix said, ‘This is great news for everyone who cares about freedom of speech, especially those working in or studying for caring professions. As Christians we are called to serve others and care for everyone, yet publicly and privately we must also be free to express our beliefs without fear of losing our livelihoods. I am thankful to the judges for recognising that I did not discriminate against anyone.’

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 05 July 2019 10:59

Egypt: a miraculous healing

13-year-old Rosaline was in the late stages of kidney failure, but her symptoms were misdiagnosed as food poisoning. Eventually, her doctors discovered that she had acute and permanent kidney failure and would have to be on dialysis all her life. After receiving regular five-hour dialysis treatments her symptoms worsened. The doctors didn’t expect her to survive. But her Christian faith remained steadfast. ‘My mum cried but I told her not to, because God’s timing is right’, Rosaline said. ‘I had faith in the Lord that He would heal me’. Her Sunday school teacher, Mariam, phoned Christian broadcasting station SAT-7 to ask for prayer for Rosaline. She prayed with the audience and production team live on the programme. Within a week, Rosaline’s kidneys were performing normally. Everyone was amazed at the miracle. ‘God is the greatest physician.’ said her father.

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 05 July 2019 10:57

Footballer’s faith

Raheem Sterling, 24, one of England's most talented footballers, has described his Christian faith as ‘massive’. He was interviewed by GQ, a news magazine based around music, models, women and news and directed at young adult males. Sterling says he was brought up in the church, and his mum taught him about faith from an early age. When he moved from home, his faith deepened and now he has ‘no doubt’ that God exists. ‘I know for sure. A lot of scientists, the cleverest people in the world, will tell you that there has to be a creator. They need answers, but you just have to sometimes accept that it's bigger than you and you have to leave it at that.’

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 27 June 2019 22:58

Hong Kong: Sing Hallelujah!

An estimated two million people filled Hong Kong streets in protests against the government, which had been pursuing an extradition agreement that could have sent activists, advocates and even foreign nationals to mainland China for legal proceedings. But even after the bill was pulled, the protests not only continued: they have grown, and through the ongoing protest, an unlikely song has rapidly become the unofficial anthem by tens and hundreds of thousands. The uniting song is ‘Sing Hallelujah to the Lord’. A quarter of the entire population sang the anthem. Praise the Lord, Hong Kong! Praise the Lord, indeed!

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 27 June 2019 22:57

Bravery at a synagogue shooting

John Earnest walked into a California synagogue carrying a semiautomatic rifle. Rabbi Goldstein was preparing for the day’s prayer and heard gunshots. He found himself staring down the barrel of a gun. Earnest had just shot someone in the foyer. ‘I have a fraction of a second to decide what to do’, he recounted. ‘Do I hide? The gun is pointing at me. Do I think about others?’ His mind raced. When he turned to herd the children to safety the gunman fired at him, blowing off his fingers. His granddaughter cried, ‘Grandpa, why are you bleeding?’ The gunman fired into a side room full of people but only two were slightly wounded. As the rabbi turned back, the gunman’s rifle jammed. Two congregation members chased him out of the building. A short time later, he inexplicably phoned 911 and reported the shooting.

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 21 June 2019 11:57

Church learning to love enemies

‘It was as if God had prepared us for this,’ said Pastor Hikmat Kashouh of his congregation. He is recalling the time when over a million Syrian refugees started pouring into Lebanon, fleeing civil war. Resurrection Church, Beirut had already built strong connections with local Syrian workers. But what the church was less prepared for was the radical transformation it would take to welcome former enemies as equal members of their church family. From an unremarkable congregation of ninety people to one that welcomes 1,300 people and broadcasts to thousands across the Arab world via SAT-7, Resurrection Church has experienced a great transformation in the last ten years among Arabs, Kurds, and Muslim converts. To read the inspiring story of conversions, click the ‘More’ button.

Published in Praise Reports