Displaying items by tag: Praise

Friday, 21 June 2019 11:55

Help and hope for Iraqi Christians

17 June 2019 marks five years since IS told Christians living in Mosul to ‘convert, pay or die’. Three thousand Christian families were among the half million citizens who left Mosul. Most of them fled to the city of Erbil or to the Kurdish region in the north of Iraq. Only 25 Christian families stayed in the city after the ultimatum - those who were too old, ill, or disabled to flee. Open Doors started working through local churches and partners to support internally displaced people, giving humanitarian aid and providing monthly food packages. By 2015 they were employing 86 local people, distributing food to 75,000 people, and handing out Bibles, Christian materials, hygiene baskets, clothing vouchers and support for medical expenses. Next they gave churches training on trauma care, and provided three trauma centres.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 13 June 2019 22:18

Little Worship Company

Little Worship Company is a new project which offers a range of co-viewing products designed to inspire and delight children aged 0 - 7 years, while helping families worship and discover God together. Finding the right resources that will equip children on this important journey to build their relationship with God can be challenging. The company’s beautifully crafted products are designed to support both children and grown-ups, with a range of inspiring and entertaining media, built on a solid Bible curriculum. A 32-lesson pack can be used as individual sessions, or split and delivered over a number of weeks. It is designed to support educators, children’s workers and volunteers in delivering highly engaging, interactive children’s sessions in Sunday schools, family services, or school assemblies.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 13 June 2019 22:16

Conversion of a convict

Twelve-year-old Matt Martinson truanted from school, experimented with drink and drugs, and spiralled into a life of crime. Petty offences escalated to drug dealing, burglary and armed robbery. He was jailed for 11 years following an armed raid on a post office in York. After serving nearly four years - during which time he drew alongside a prison chaplain and came to faith - he was released. After study and much commitment he was eventually ordained as a priest. Matt, now aged 44, explained, ‘I remember being in prison and hearing God say to me, “One day you will be a vicar”. I burst out laughing saying, “Didn’t you hear what the judge has sentenced me to?”’ He now ministers to people who are hurt and lost, reaching out to them with grace and telling them, ‘No matter what you may have done in the past, there is a loving God to turn to’.

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 07 June 2019 05:55

1459 receive Christ at an army base

Twelve months ago Army Chaplain Jose Rondon wrote, ‘There is nothing more exhilarating than seeing people come to Christ.’ Rondon experienced that exhilaration with 1,459 professions of faith in six months. There’s a spiritual awakening at Fort Leonard Wood. Retired Major-General Doug Carver said, ‘Fort Leonard Wood is not an exception. There are 1,348 military chaplains in the Southern Baptist Convention at work. Our troops are increasingly hungry for truth and relevancy in their lives and finding a faith that works through a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. The spiritual awakening at Fort Leonard Wood indicates a great move of God taking place within the Armed Services.’ Army chaplains are currently baptising an average of 70 soldiers during every basic combat training cycle at Fort Jackson, South Carolina. The military has built more chapels since 9/11 than any other period of American history, except for World War II.

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 07 June 2019 05:54

Story that inspired a ministry

‘My husband Todd and I were serving at an orphanage. The kids hadn't had meat in a year so we made them hamburgers. I noticed the pre-schoolers kept coming back for more before disappearing. I was curious, so I followed them. The children were hiding the burgers underneath their mattresses for another day. I called my husband over, and that was a defining moment for both of us. We couldn't un-see that scene, we knew that we were called to ministry.’ In 1997 Beth and her husband saved, took a year's leave of absence from work and moved to Mexico to start their orphanage. Today, Back2Back Ministries is an international orphan care ministry serving abandoned, orphaned and impoverished children in Mexico, Nigeria, India and Haiti.

Published in Praise Reports

A year after its launch the Church of England’s Alexa skill has been asked over 75,000 questions. The smart speaker skill was originally launched with prayers, explanations of Christian faith and details of where to find the nearest church for local events and services. More family prayers have also been added, and integration improved with A Church Near You, the national church finder tool, showing maps of where the nearest church is. A range of videos have now been added to bring the Christian faith to life and showcase Church social action work across the country. The highest numbers of people using the skill were in the evening. So the teams added a wider range of mealtime, evening and night prayers. The skill is average 4.2 out of five stars on the Alexa store with comments such as ‘Love it - great example to the kids on how to pray’.

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 31 May 2019 06:11

British Visas for Afghan translators

On 11 April you were asked to pray for Afghan translators, living in fear of retribution from the Taliban because they once served alongside British forces in wartime situations. The men and their families were promised visas for UK entry, but years later they are still in hiding in Afghanistan. You prayed for ‘the MoD to honour visa promises swiftly'. (Proverbs 3:23) On 27 May the media reported ‘the first Afghan translator arrived in the UK to start a new life with his family after years of death threats from the Taliban.’ Niz, his wife and their five children will live near Coventry, after living five years ‘in the shadows' because Niz worked as interpreter and was branded an infidel spy. Last week he became the first Afghan translator to begin a new life in Britain.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 23 May 2019 23:08

Answered prayer: clergy help Home Office

In March, Prayer Alert intercessors prayed for an overhaul of the ethos of the Home Office, after Iranian Christian converts’ asylum applications had been unfairly rejected. Clergy have now been drafted in to teach religious literacy to hundreds of Home Office case workers tasked with deciding on asylum claims that involve religious conversion and persecution. The new training was developed with the support of Church House, Westminster, and other faith groups. Rev’d Mark Miller, vicar of Stockton, advised the Home Office on the training, and attended the first case workers’ meeting. He said, 'In the session, I asked staff what they thought was basic knowledge. Most of what they suggested wasn’t basic knowledge, it was “name the Ten Commandments”, rather than the significance of a faith in Jesus.’

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 23 May 2019 23:06

Answered prayer: Celebration of Hope

Last week you prayed for thousands of pastors and their congregations as they worshipped together in Singapore, heard inspiring teaching, and stepped out in faith for a bountiful harvest. We have heard from the organisers that there were 5,485 enquiries: 1,910 about salvation, 1,525 rededication, 1,006 interested to find out more. 170 wanted to join a church. The three-day celebration could not have happened without the 17,000 ushers, counsellors, security crew, production crew, intercessors, interpreters, and countless others. Praise God for their willing hearts and labour of love.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 16 May 2019 23:22

Changing face of mission

In the eighteenth century mission agencies were established, recruiting missionaries and mobilising mission across continents. Later, a new generation of pioneers took the gospel into regions of unreached people. But Christians realised that many were still isolated from the gospel by cultural and language barriers. Then mother tongue evangelists appeared. Work progressed, identifying more unreached peoples and taking the gospel to them. Globally, churches became significant missionary senders. Former pioneer areas like South Korea, Nigeria, India, Brazil and the Philippines sent missionaries into the world. Today, local churches have cross-cultural opportunities on their doorstep. Translators are using modern technology to interpret the gospel into other languages in a matter of months. The same work previously took years to complete. Satellite TV broadcasts into closed countries, and the Church continues to rise to the challenge of taking the gospel to the whole world.

Published in Praise Reports