Natasha Ruddock

Natasha Ruddock

Wednesday, 01 June 2016 12:53

It has been a busy season of prayer and fasting so far in 2016.  We started with 40 days of prayer and fasting during Lent with initiatives like The Fast UK, and then many prayer initiatives - Trypraying, the Scottish Prayer Shield, Thy Kingdom Come week of prayer and Ark on the Park to mention a few.  

But how do we know that our prayers are working and having an effect?

The simple answer is... by the fruit. So here are some of the answers to prayer that we have heard.  Let's give thanks to God that He hears and He answers our prayers!  So we want to encourage you to keep perservering in prayer for your life, your family, your community and the nation - particularly in the run up to the EU referendum.

The Scottish Prayer Shield toured throughout Scotland for 40 days blessing as they went.  Check out some of the testimonies.

Watch some of the videos from Trypraying which has had a month of prayer in Birmingham, Scotland and elsewhere. 

Ark on the Park took place in May on the island of Jersey.  Here's some of the real life testimonies from the day.

Thy Kingdom Come was an amazing time of prayer for evangelism in the run up to Pentecost.  Here's some details of the week and links to some of the stories.

We received an amazing testimony from Chelmsford 24-7 prayer about a guy called Danny who miraculously encountered God at a prayer station in Chelmsford Cathedral!


Wednesday, 11 May 2016 15:59

Each year, the Canterbury Diocese produces a little prayer/reflection booklet for the Novena – 9 days of prayer between Ascension and Pentecost.
They choose a series of paintings, either by a single artist or on a single theme, then photograph them for the booklet, and marry each one with Scripture, a bit of text and some prayers. Access each day's material here: 
Order from CPO £1.00 each 

Wednesday, 11 May 2016 10:25

Prayers on the Move, is an initiative from SPCK, and launched in London and Newcastle in February, and in Birmingham later in 2016. SPCK is placing 700 ads on the Newcastle Metro and 3,000 on the London Underground encouraging people to give prayer a go. The prayers are aimed at stressed young commuters and are designed to appeal to people who think of themselves as spiritual but not religious. Alongside the prayer posters are a website, app, booklet and merchandise.

The booklet, app and website contain 31 prayers, mostly written specially for the project by leading Christian writers. The app also contains 31 one-minute audio files so individuals who are unused to praying can challenge themselves to pray for a minute a day for a month. There is also advice on how to pray and where to go to find out more, written from a Christian perspective. These materials may also help Christians who are feeling jaded in their prayer life and want to try something new. Churches in Newcastle have been collaborating in organising local events – prayer vigils, prayer walks and getting volunteers together to hand out travel card wallets with prayers printed on them.

You can download the apps from the website.


Thursday, 05 May 2016 11:21

The least of you will become a thousand, the smallest a mighty nation. I am the Lord; in its time I will do this swiftly.' (Isaiah 60: 22)

God uses children to change nations. No one is too small or insignificant in his eyes! The Bible is full of children used by God and children who've overcome the odds to become great men and women of God.

Today, children are born into situations of great risk of abuse, trafficking, disease, disaster, early death – yet are being used by God to share his love and to change society.

Let's empower the children in our churches to lead us in prayer.

Let's make them more visible and listen to them.

The 2016 World Weekend of Prayer for children at risk campaign on 4-5 June has the theme: "Small but mighty".

Our desire is to turn to God together in prayer for a change of attitude and action by all communities around the world towards their children.

We're calling on Christians wherever they are that weekend to join us in praying that:

  • Children who feel neglected and forgotten would experience lasting change in their lives, receiving genuine love and compassion.
  • God would turn around the thoughts and actions of those adults who look down on, ignore or even despise children.
  • Child leaders would be raised up and anointed as ambassadors for Christ: committed in prayer, selfless in action and spiritual in their decisions.

We would love for World Prayer Centre to stand with us that weekend and be part of this global prayer campaign.

Would you be able to promote the event through your member/supporter networks, on your website, email communications or through social media?

Go to to find resources for download, including a resource guide, plus activities, a study series, a song and a prayer diary. Our Facebook page is


Thursday, 05 May 2016 10:38

We are so excited by the participation in 'Thy Kingdom Come' with 10's of thousands of people already involved and daily more congregations are joining this great wave of prayer for the evangelisation of our nation. Thank you for all you have done to enthuse churches about this week of prayer.

Emails have been flowing in from far and wide, from parishes across a range of traditions and a variety of locations, from urban town centres to rural parishes, from the centre of England to the USA, from Bermuda to Brussels and Israel they are joining with us to hold prayer and Beacon Events.

Many tell us they plan to host continuous prayer, from 12-1 to 24-7, often partnering with others in their deanery and other denominations in their area. We are also most encouraged to hear of a huge number of special prayer services, prayer walking events, and prayer stations, to name but a few.

We are delighted to share with you the invitational video for the Archbishop Canterbury:

There has been considerable uptake of the Novena prayer booklet and the 'Pray for 5' leather bands (indeed we have sold out of the leather bands and are having to order more!).

Tickets for the Beacon events over Pentecost weekend are going fast – indeed, Canterbury and Durham Cathedrals have no more tickets but Canterbury will live-stream the service over the internet. In Winchester, where all tickets went in a matter of weeks, screens are being erected outside the Cathedral to allow an additional 2,000 people to participate. These tickets along with a few for Coventry and St Michael Le Belfrey are available – please grab them before it is too late at

Resources are available to use for the week of prayer.  You can download PDF's below:

Resource book A5                          Young persons resource book A5

Resource book A6                          Young persons resource book A6

We do ask that you continue to hold Thy Kingdom Come in prayer and encourage all to think about how they can take part. There is still time.

Source:  Thy Kingdom Come

Wednesday, 27 April 2016 16:10

Do you want to pray about the EU Referendum?

Every vote counts in this EU Referendum. At the moment many are confused about the issues, what to believe, what to think and ultimately how to vote. We believe the starting point is prayer and fasting, to better understand God's will and purpose for our nation and for Europe.

World Prayer Centre have compiled a 51 day prayer guide starting on 14th May until 2nd July.  It will help you to pray for an issue and a European nation each day.

Download Every Vote Counts prayer guide.

Download a prayer based on the Lord's prayer.


Let's be informed – here are a few websites to help our engagement:

CARE – Read arguments from both sides. 

Churches Together in Britain and Ireland – Think Vote Pray. 

EU Focus – information and resources from Christians in Politics. 

Evangelical Alliance's Idea Magazine May- June 2016. The Europe Issue will look at this from all sides and feature many key issues. 

KLICE - Kirby Laing Institute for Christian Ethics

Maranatha Community - What is God's will for Britain?

Reimagining Europe a multidisciplinary blog hosted by the Church of England and the Church of Scotland. 

Theos Think Tank – A soul for the union. 

The Jubilee Centre is producing a number of discussion papers and articles in the lead up to the EU Referendum. 

An insiders view - The wife of an MEP gives her view

Anglican Mainstream - European Mission strategist view


EU Referendum prayer events

We are happy to advertise each prayer meeting for the referendum but given the nature of the debate there are a range of events with different focus. In advertising specific prayer meetings that are for an out or remain position we are not endorsing these positions. Our approach remains clear – we encourage people to make their own voting decision wisely and prayerfully and encourage them to pray with us during the period up to the referendum and beyond. Equally we believe in unity in the body of Christ – especially when we have different opinions but share a desire for God's kingdom to come and his will to be done in this nation and in Europe.  Check out our events calendar.


Wednesday, 27 April 2016 15:48

Praying for the UK, Europe and the EU Referendum
14th May – 2nd July 2016

Every vote counts in this EU Referendum. At the moment many are confused about the issues, what to believe, what to think and ultimately how to vote. We believe the starting point is prayer and fasting, to better understand God's will and purpose for our nation and for Europe.

The political and economic issues are important and so is God's call on these islands and His spiritual purpose for Europe. We believe we are in fast changing times and that God is stirring us to pray for spiritual awakening. As the EU Referendum approaches we are praying that each of our votes count – that God will lead us and guide us so that His will is done among the nations.

Let us seek the Lord and His word afresh, asking the Holy Spirit to replace fear with His peace. Let us come and worship, lifting up the name of Jesus and humbly ask for His mercy and blessing on all the peoples and nations of Europe. Nations of the EU marked with *.
As we ask for His wisdom to engage with the issues He places on our hearts, let's expect Him to lead and guide us. 
Use this prayer guide in your homes, small groups, prayer meetings and church services.

The World Prayer Centre will not be making a recommendation on how to vote but we do want to mobilise prayer. A vote is a choice and people will vote in different ways, but we pray for God's sovereignty over the decision and His wisdom as we make that choice.

Download 'Every Vote Counts' prayer guide.

Download 'Praying for the UK, Europe and the EU referendum using the Lord's prayer'

Updated list of resources to help you pray.

We are happy to advertise each prayer meeting for the referendum but given the nature of the debate there are a range of events with different focus. In advertising specific prayer meetings that are for an out or remain position we are not endorsing these positions. Our approach remains clear – we encourage people to make their own voting decision wisely and prayerfully and encourage them to pray with us during the period up to the referendum and beyond. Equally we believe in unity in the body of Christ – especially when we have different opinions but share a desire for God's kingdom to come and his will to be done in this nation and in Europe. Check out our event calendar for EU referendum events.


Monday, 25 April 2016 10:56

Churches around Hampshire answer Archbishops' call for 'great wave of prayer' across the country

Churches throughout the Diocese of Winchester have responded to a call from the Archbishops of Canterbury and York for "a great wave of prayer across our land, throughout the Church of England and many other Churches". Inspired by the simple, powerful words of the Lord's Prayer, the Thy Kingdom Come marathon of prayer will begin on the 6th of May and culminate at Pentecost on Sunday the 15th of May.
The Diocese of Winchester is leading the way in this national movement, with Hampshire churches pioneering a variety of creative new approaches to prayer. Many are setting up prayer stations which will be manned 24/7 for continuous prayer in the week leading up to Pentecost; others will be going out onto local high streets and into coffee shops offering to pray with people in the community; still more will be performing a Novena Prayer – a nine day long act of worship.
Commenting on the prayer initiative, the Right Reverent David Williams, Bishop of Basingstoke, said: "It's exhilarating to see the way people from parishes across the diocese have taken up this call to prayer with such enthusiasm. Pentecost celebrates the coming of the Holy Spirit and the start of the Church's mission to the world. We will be recapturing something of what happened on that first Pentecost Sunday as Christians across the diocese pray for the confidence to share the good news in the 21st century."
Lyndhurst Deanery creates Clock of Prayer
The call for prayer has given churches throughout the diocese the chance to demonstrate their creativity. In Lyndhurst Deanery, for example, parishioners have taken the idea of continuous prayer and are running with it. On a map, the 13 churches which make up the Deanery resemble a clock with Lyndhurst at 12 o'clock, Lymington at 6pm, Brockenhurst in the centre and other churches spread around the edge representing each of the different hours. In the days leading up to Pentecost, prayer will sweep around the deanery like the hand of a clock, passing from one church to the next. One mobile phone will be passed around the churches and people will be encouraged to send messages to the phone with prayer requests.

Romsey residents invited to 'Say One For Me'

Meanwhile, in Romsey, a prayer meeting will be held in Caffè Nero at 9-10am every day in the lead up to Pentecost. People will be offered a free coffee to enjoy while discussing prayer, and by meeting in a local café rather than a church it will be more accessible to all. During each morning, members of the local congregation will also be out on Romsey's High Street offering to pray for people within the community. They will be asking passers-by for their prayer suggestions and handing out 'Say One For Me' cards which local people can fill out and hand in to offer their prayers. The cards will also be distributed in schools, offices, shops and nursing homes. Later, the 'Say One For Me' cards will be collected at Romsey Abbey and every prayer on every card will be offered. For each prayer given in the Abbey over the period a ribbon will be tied on a frame, creating the new altar front for Pentecost Sunday.

Prayer walks in Alton Deanery

In Alton, churches have answered the Archbishops' call for a great wave of prayer by organising prayer walks every day in the period between Ascension and Pentecost. Members of the congregation will be joined on the walks by others not so familiar with the Church as they walk through less visited areas praying for every community. Speaking of the planned prayer walks the Rev Andrew Micklefield said: "We will walk around different parts of the town each day and pray that we will see it through God's eyes, to see where needs are. Very importantly, we will also have a session afterwards to give feedback to see what we can respond to. We want to see the town differently."

24/7 Prayer

Many parishes in the Diocese will be setting up 24/7 prayer stations, where people can sign up to take part in continuous prayer. These prayer rooms will be erected in a variety of places including churches, schools, homes, and community centres, with people taking turns to maintain the uninterrupted prayer around the clock. Jess Ford of 24/7 Prayer International said: "I'm delighted that people have responded so positively to the idea of non-stop prayer. It's inspiring to think that during the week before Pentecost people will be constantly praying, encountering God day and night. It's our hope that this great prayer movement taking hold of the Diocese of Winchester will inspire others, within the Diocese and beyond, to explore prayer and discover its life-changing power."

The wave of prayer will culminate on Sunday 15th May as more than 3,000 young people will join together for an evening of prayer and worship at Winchester Cathedral to celebrate Pentecost. The service is one of six Beacon Events taking place across the country. The Bishop of Basingstoke will lead the evening, with sung worship guided by internationally renowned singer-songwriter Matt Redman. Intended for young Christians, the event will draw on their enthusiasm and energy, with an inspiring message from Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby delivered live via video link.

To find out more about Thy Kingdom Come and to get involved with what's happening near where you live, please visit the Diocese of Winchester website: 

Source: Thy Kingdom Come


Tuesday, 19 April 2016 16:49

You are invited to our next national call to prayer, Trumpet Call 2016 to be held in the International Convention Centre, Birmingham, on 15 October 2016. This year the theme of the call is Jubilee.

The term Jubilee in the Old Testament was given to the last year of a 50 year period which God instituted for the Nation of Israel to maintain the spiritual, economic and social cohesion of the nation.

The principles of Jubilee are the foundation stones of the Christian faith today, namely, redemption, reconciliation, freedom, mercy and forgiveness, restoration and unity, and they are as important for any nation today as they were in Bible times.

Trumpet Call 2016 will see Churches, Christian Agencies and Prayer Ministries from across our nations standing together to see an increasing release of these great truths through His Church into and throughout 2017. Come and be one of the 3000 people to stand and pray that day.

Put the date in your diary/phone/ iPad and share with your friends.  Please pray for us in the planning and funding of this event.  We will release more details in the coming weeks.

Ian Cole on behalf of the WPC team.

Tuesday, 19 April 2016 14:47

The World Prayer Centre believes the EU referendum will have profound effects on our nation and on Europe. The vote, and the action the nation takes after the vote, needs to be soaked in prayer. Whatever the result, it takes us into a time of political and economic uncertainty.

We believe this vote is an individual decision and encourage people to pray and listen to God. We each have a choice. At this stage, we shall not be making a recommendation on how to vote - but we shall be seeking God's will and purpose not just for this nation but also for the countries of Europe. We are praying for God's will to be done and for God's mercy on both the UK and Europe.

We believe God's heart is that none should perish and all should come to a knowledge of Him. Whatever the result we shall be praying for the gospel to be preached, shown and heard in our nation and the nations of Europe. The referendum is happening at a time of great spiritual challenge and opportunity, so we pray beyond the political and economic for God's Kingdom purpose, His mercy and deliverance.

We are calling for a season of prayer and fasting from 14 May to 2 July – covering 40 days of prayer up to 22 June, 23 June voting day and for 10 days after.

We will support these 40 days with prayer resources suitable for use for individual and corporate prayer and issue daily prayer alerts on social media. We will launch this resource at our day of prayer and worship on Saturday 14 May (alongside praying for Thy Kingdom Come (the Archbishop's week of prayer for evangelism). We will be focusing on praying for the EU referendum at our 'Every Vote Counts' prayer day on Saturday 18 June. Our Prayer Room will also be open on Voting Day, Thursday 23 June from 9.30am-11.30pm. We will watch and pray over the outcome at our day of prayer on 2 July. Find out more.



There are a number of resources available for us to prayerfully consider all of the issues from a biblical perspective:

CARE – Read arguments from both sides

Christians in Politics EU Focus information and resources. 

Evangelical Alliance's Idea Magazine May- June 2016 will carry many articles on The Europe Issue

Reimagining Europe a multidisciplinary blog hosted by the Church of England and the Church of Scotland with the editorial support of Crucible, the Christian Journal of Social Ethics. Reimagining Europe's central aim is to create a space for Christian reflection and debate on Britain's future relationship with Europe ahead of the forthcoming referendum on whether Britain should remain a member of the EU. 

Theos Think Tank – A soul for the union pdf downloadable

The Jubilee Centre is producing a number of discussion papers and articles in the lead up to the EU Referendum. 

The Kirby Laing Institute for Christian Ethics (KLICE) are launching extended comment pieces.