Natasha Ruddock

Natasha Ruddock

Wednesday, 15 February 2017 10:29

From 25th May - 4th June, Christian communities and families around the world will be joining together to pray that their friends, family and neighbours come to know Jesus Christ.

Click here to take a look at the brand new range of resources for Thy Kingdom Come 2017, available to download. These include ideas to help you pray as an individual, with your family and as a church.



Wednesday, 15 February 2017 10:19

A vision to see every household in the UK receive a copy of the Father's Love Letter

The Father’s Love Letter is a collection of verses from Genesis to Revelation in the form of a letter, expressing the love of God as our Heavenly Father. At the very end of this newsletter we have transcribed a copy of this, for those of you who are unfamiliar with it.

Wendy Thomas, believes passionately in the power of this simple tract to transform lives. In 2005 in Southend-on-Sea, churches together delivered 75,000 to every home in the area, praying for every home as they delivered them. They were given an opportunity to respond and to become Christian. 300 people chose to become Christian! 

Wendy believes God has spoken to her about trying to get this Father’s Love Letter delivered to every home in the UK , with churches and organisations working together.

In support of this vision, Neighbourhood Prayer Network has published 100,000 copies of this letter at a cost of 2p each plus postage (This is basically just the printing costs). To order 'The Fathers Love Letter' Click Here.

Would you consider giving these out to streets near you? Also please visit the facebook page for more information.


Source: Neighbourhood Prayer Network

Wednesday, 15 February 2017 10:13

Neighbourhood Prayer Network have produced a 40 page ‘Lent Guide’ which has reflections, 40 days of prayers, outreach suggestions and case studies is available in print and digital download formats. It's only £1 per copy. Click here to order. Church Packs of 15 are carriage free. 


The Printed Version, a 40 Page, Full Colour Guide.

This Guide is divided into three sections. You can choose to use all of this resource or some of it, tailoring it to the needs of your local church or community.

1. Seven weekly readings and Reflections for the duration of Lent, which we suggest are done with at least one other person or a home group. We also provide questions and a ‘Neighbour challenge’ each week.’

2. A Forty day prayer guide, loosely related to the themes in part one.

3. For those of you who are want to do more than the 7 weekly, ‘Neighbour Challenges,’ we have added another 33 challenges for you to do, making up 40 daily challenges in total.

Wednesday, 01 February 2017 17:33

The World Prayer Centre has been journeying with The Turning since summer 2016. We provided prayer cover as this all began to develop and Jane Holloway is part of The Turning National Leadership team. We see this as a part of all that God has asking His church to get ready for in this time of unprecedented shaking – an unprecedented harvest. 

Here is an update from Yinka Oyekan, leader of The Gate in Reading: ‘On the 29th of May 2016 we began what we thought would be a one-week mission at our Baptist Church ‘The Gate’ which would possibly stretch into two weeks. In the end because of the results we were witnessing on the streets we stretched out the mission for a total of four weeks. In that time, we saw over 1850 people prayed for on the streets of Reading with many first-time commitments and rededications to Christ. Quite apart from the large numbers of responses to the gospel the sheer number of people willing to let us pray for them on the streets took us by surprise.

Seven months on from The Turning outpouring that shook our church in Reading, we have been excited to see in practice that this grace can and has been released in other cities. We have gained much insight through conducting five months of mission which has culminated in seeing over 4150 people in England and at last count over 865 in Lille in France respond in prayer to an invitation to accept Christ.

In the UK leadership teams covering over 230 towns and cities have asked us to bring The Turning to their town or city. In England, we are calling the implementation of this campaign to bring The Turning to these places ‘The Big Bang’, a campaign that will be inviting cities and towns to receive the best training we can give them prior to launching a Turning Team in their city or town. We will also be launching a similar event in several other countries in Europe where we have invitations to bring The Turning’.  December 2016

For more information

As this continues to develop we would invite you to pray with us for:

  • Protection for Yinka, his family and all the leadership team for The Turning and at The Gate church
  • Wisdom and continued grace to flow as they travel across the UK and beyond
  • God’s presence to be experienced at every training session
  • God’s kingdom to come and His will be done as churches get ready for this harvest
  • For an awakening across the body of Christ to respond to the Father’s invitation
  • For workers to go out into the harvest fields

Jane Holloway….

Wednesday, 01 February 2017 16:52

We want to encourage you, as part of the World Prayer Centre family wherever you live in the world, to support The Archbishop of Canterbury’s call for Christians to join a wave of prayer across the UK and around the world. WPC will be providing resources and updates and will be working with church leaders in Birmingham to provide prayer points and prayer events in the city.

It’s not complicated – Thy Kingdom Come are simply asking people to pray in whatever way they want and with whoever they want for others to come to know Jesus Christ.

• Everyone is asked to Pledge2Pray by visiting where there are resources to help and inspire. You can sign as an individual, family, church group, church, group of churches or organisation
• As Thy Kingdom Come falls in half term week in England resources are being prepared to help families engage wherever they are on holiday

The aims are:
• For people to pray with God’s world-wide family from 25 May – 4th June - individually, as a family or as part of a church

• For prayer events to be held across churches in the UK and the world. This will culminate in many larger ‘beacon’ events in cathedrals where communities gather to worship and to pray for the empowering of the Holy Spirit for effective witness.

• For people to be transformed through prayer by the Holy Spirit, finding new confidence to be witnesses for Jesus Christ.

Last year in May 2016 the Archbishops of Canterbury and York invited people to join a wave of prayer between Ascension and Pentecost. The response in May 2016 was overwhelming as hundreds of thousands joined in from churches of many denominations and different traditions around the UK and across the world.

For 2017 the vision is even bigger. The hope is to see at least 80 per cent of Church of England churches and cathedrals taking part as well as many other denominations and the churches of the world-wide Anglican Communion. Leaders from the international Methodist church, the Free churches, the Roman Catholic Church, Pentecostal churches and several of the Eastern and Oriental Orthodox churches in the UK have all signalled their support.

“This is not a Church of England thing, it's not an Anglican thing, it's a Christian thing! “ World Prayer Centre see this as a very significant element in a fresh call to pray for our nation and expect a great move of God.
What can you do?
We would love people to champion “Thy Kingdom Come” at a local level. In February 2017, further resources and information will be available on including tips and materials to download on prayer and details of prayer events and how to organize your own. Please look at these and ensure local clergy and church leaders are aware. Encourage them to engage.

UsePledge2Pray and you’ll be kept updated on new resources and information and if you’re on Facebook or Twitter reminders will be posted there.

Pray for a great wave of prayer to hit our nation and your local area. This is a really important time to keep praying – “Your Kingdom come, your will be done.”

“Jesus prayed at the Last Supper that we, those who follow Him, might ‘be one that the world might believe’. We are invited to make a lasting difference in our nations and in our world, by responding to his call to find a deep unity of purpose in prayer.” Archbishop Justin Welby

As more information becomes available we will keep all WPC family updated. It is a privilege for us at World Prayer Centre to partner with Thy Kingdom Come and for me to serve on the national steering group.

Jane Holloway National Prayer Director

Wednesday, 01 February 2017 16:44

Britain has a key role in the peace of Jerusalem. 100 years ago in late 1917, the British Army commanded by General Allenby entered Jerusalem and liberated it from the occupying Turkish and German forces. This then enabled the Balfour declaration issued earlier in the year to be implemented leading after many years to the establishment of the Jewish state in 1948. Psalm 122 tells us “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem may those who love you be secure.” Having seen a significant change in the military struggles in Iraq and Syria in recent weeks, attention is now turning back to Israel.

President Trump is significantly more pro-Israel than his predecessor and is planning to move the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. This would be highly symbolic as Jerusalem is in disputed territory whereas Tel Aviv is in the land allocated to Israel in 1948. Until 1967 the city was divided with East Jerusalem in Jordanian hands, but the city was reunited in the six day war. The UN and most nations do not recognise the legitimacy of Israel’s annexation of East Jerusalem. For many Muslims the status of Jerusalem is more important than the issue of the Palestinians. Jerusalem is their holy city.

Jerusalem is an emotive and controversial issue. Any changes to its status will have consequences. There have been recent terrorist attacks on the city but with Muslim and US relations deteriorating, changes to Jerusalem could create many serious issues.

So we go back to the scripture - pray for Jerusalem. Pray for God’s sovereign purposes, for His will for this important city and pray for the city’s safety in these increasingly uncertain times.

Wednesday, 01 February 2017 16:31

America and new President Donald Trump has been hitting the news headlines repeatedly in recent days. He lost the popular votes but won a majority of States through the electoral college system. America was deeply divided under President Obama and remains so under President Trump. It is not simply a political divide, there are divides across the age groups, rural voters v city voters and deep divisions on ethnic lines.

From a Christian perspective we believe unity is high on God’s agenda. Many American cities are working hard to bring the churches together so people around them see one body. Globally we believe there is a spiritual special relationship between the USA and the UK. We are both called to take the gospel to the world.

So at a time when Christians are arguing vehemently on Facebook and Twitter that Donald Trump is the Lord’s anointed, and others that he is just plain dangerous, we recommend three pray points:

  • God bless America - we believe America has a key role in showing and communicating the gospel and we pray for God’s hand on its government and President - give them wisdom and may God’s will be done.
  • God strengthen our links - at a time of great disagreements we pray the UK and USA might stand together as servants, ready to do what you call us to do.
  • Bring healing - the disagreements are so fierce but God says He wants His church to be one so that the world will know Him. Disunity is the enemies strategy. Lord, we pray for the Holy Spirit miracle of unity, heal the hurts, enable your people to disagree but stand together.
Wednesday, 18 January 2017 15:06

At the last Trumpet Call, we stated that 2017 was going to be the year of the extraordinary; extraordinary good things, extraordinary bad things and extraordinary surprise happenings. I believe that this will not only be at local and national level, but most certainly globally.

For Christians around the world, persecution will continue... and the Church will grow. Political shakeups will continue... but the Church will continue to grow. New leaders will emerge... but the church will continue to grow. Brexit will move in one direction or another, elections in several European countries will take place with as yet unseen consequences, but the Church will continue to grow. The gates of hell will not prevail against the Church.

Already planned for this year are several gatherings of Christian Leaders from different Continents, who in waiting on God in prayer and discussion are looking towards the fulfilment of the Great Commission through worldwide prayer and mission out of real unity within the Body of Christ.

This will be a year like never before. We must look beyond the media’s headlines and stories and see what God is doing, and what God is allowing around the world through His Church to bring His Kingdom here as in heaven.

Fellow global watchmen and women, we stand together on a global watch in faith to see, to warn, to rejoice, to pray without ceasing, as the extraordinary unfolds across the nations.

What an extraordinary privilege!

Wednesday, 18 January 2017 12:53

We are encouraging a period of prayer and fasting at the start of the year in 2017.

We sense the need to push in prayer at the start of 2017 because of the potential of this significant year.

The lining up of the national 'Mill statement' by prayer leaders in 2015, Malcolm Duncan’s refocusing on the Smith Wigglesworth revival prophecy at the World Prayer Centre conference this year, the deep significance of Brexit, the Trumpet Call about Jubilee over the British Isles, anointed street evangelism in Reading and other places - all point towards an increase in the move of the Spirit to expect in coming months.

We are aware that the prophet Daniel in Daniel chapter 9, when he realised a 70 year prophecy was soon to be fulfilled, didn’t just rejoice and accept it, but prayed and fasted to help pray in the fulfilment of it. We sense the need to partner & birth the new season.

As Beacon house of prayer, supported by UK houses of prayer network, we are suggesting 21 days of prayer and fasting to start when appropriate in January; we are going from Monday 23rd to Sunday 12th February, but we know a couple of other HOPs are doing the start of January.

Exact timing is not so important, as long as there is a covering of prayer at the start of 2017.

We are attaching a very simple prayer guide outline for any HOPs and prayer groups that would like to take this up.

Download the prayer & fasting guide

Download prophetic words


Source: Beacon House of Prayer


Wednesday, 18 January 2017 12:31

Our conference is fast approaching and we anticipate a very special time as we meet in this year of promise. The ‘As One’ title reflects Jesus’ desire that His Church be one, but we have seen the church split and disagreeing over minor issues, we have seen people jockeying to control the Church rather than serve it. Things must change if the world is to see God’s Kingdom come.

As One links with the command a centurion would give his legionaries as they faced a hail of stones and as spears flew towards them. Raise the shields As One, move forward and possess the land As One.

We are pleased to announce that Malcolm Duncan will be joining us again for As One and he will be giving prophetic teaching and direction. We will also have practical workshops on extraordinary prayer for place, harvest, the prodigals and the nations.

The As One focus will be seen in our prayer and worship - God’s people standing together in deep praise, with servant hearts to see things change and be released in our nation. We expect all delegates to return home with a renewed sense of expectation and authority.

Tickets are going fast - people share our expectation that this will be a special time. To book visit or call 0121 633 73093.

This year will be special - think about other people you could bring along - your pastor, a younger leader, or other friends so they can share the As One experience.