Natasha Ruddock

Natasha Ruddock

Thursday, 20 October 2016 11:16

This book takes hold of the revelation of the power of the Word of God when it is spoken out into the atmosphere. The emphasis is unashamedly upon the nation. In this time when God is shaking up our settled world, there is an unprecedented opportunity to release Kingdom prayers into the atmosphere to shape the nation and nations for the future according to Godly principles and destiny.

Declarations to Change a Nation contains 40 Biblically based declarations which can be used daily or as an aid to raising prayer for Government, Justice, and Transformation in our land. It is suitable for use with both individuals or groups.

Purchase from the Passion for the Nation website for £5.

Thursday, 20 October 2016 10:42

For all those that were at Trumpet Call, we spoke about the 'WOW' of God (wonder of wonders).  We then got sent this article via the Elijah List.  Interesting reading and confirmation!

"The 'Wow' of His Glory! Being Captured by the Awe of God"
by John Belt, Cincinnati, OH

From the Desk of Steve Shultz:
Do we ever need to see the "wow" impact of God...and over our nation. We've received some amazing words and have heard great testimonies about the glory of God...His revival glory that is happening.

My friend John Belt shares a "wow" word about the awe of God:
We should have days like this where God gives us an experience that wakes us up to His reality. This is not just His presence that I'm talking about. His presence is first and is the person of who He is, but it's His power that also has a way of shaking things up. When His power is manifested it causes us to "stand in awe" with an experiential understanding and a "wow!" of His glory.
Many are praying and believing that we are going to see and stand in awe of what God is going to do in our nation! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List go here

Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
"The 'Wow' of His Glory! Being Captured by the Awe of God"
by John Belt, Cincinnati, OH

God wants us to be captured with awe for who He is and what He is doing. This is why it is so important that we notice God is working in our midst. When Jesus came on the scene things started happening that startled the people. They were captured by surprise by the wonders the Lord was performing among them. When miracles happen now, our spiritual senses become heightened, almost like a slap in the face, when God does something extraordinary.

We should be in passionate pursuit to see the "awe of God," and even the fear of the Lord, restored among us.

Luke 5:22-25, "But when Jesus perceived their thoughts, He answered and said to them, 'Why are you reasoning in your hearts? Which is easier, to say, your sins are forgiven you, or to say, rise up and walk? But that you may know that the Son of Man has power on earth to forgive sin— He said to the man who was paralyzed, I say to you, arise, take up your bed, and go to your house.' Immediately he rose up before them, took up what he had been lying on, and departed to his own house, glorifying God. And they were all amazed, and they glorified God and were filled with fear, saying, 'We have seen strange things today.'"

Experience a "Wow" of His Glory
We should have days like this where God gives us an experience that wakes us up to His reality. This is not just His presence that I'm talking about. His presence is first and is the person of who He is, but it's His power that also has a way of shaking things up. When His power is manifested it causes us to "stand in awe" with an experiential understanding and a "wow!" of His glory.

Another benefit of God's power being at work among us, is that those who don't know God are struck with a healthy fear of God, conviction of sin and the need to come to a place of salvation. When people see that God is alive it changes everything. No longer can they argue with their minds, but they now have to deal with the truth of the living God!

The Necessity of Operating in Spirit and in Power
I really believe the Church, as a whole, has been led to believe that having demonstrations of the Spirit and power of God isn't necessary. But this was essential to the Gospel that Paul preached.

1 Thessalonians 1:5, "For our Gospel did not come to you in word only, but also in power, and in the Holy Spirit and in much assurance, as you know what kind of men we were among you for your sake."

The message of Good News, "the Gospel," is followed by the reality of God's goodness being demonstrated in people's lives. For then, the reality of God's glory is touching people physically; bringing healing, restoration and health in dramatic ways that cause people to "stand in awe." The awe of God is essential to our lives. Ask yourself if you have ever been struck with awe because of something so amazing that God has done which caused you to step back.

If so, may it happen more often! If not, pursue God in such a way that it will happen. I'm sure blind Bartimaeus, in retrospect, was glad that he did not have sense enough to keep quiet when Jesus was walking by on that day and everyone there benefited from his miracle as well (Mark 10:46-52). 

John and Brandi Belt
Overflow Global Ministries

Thursday, 20 October 2016 10:23

The Trumpet Call National Day of prayer at the International Convention Centre on 15 October was a remarkable day. We believe it was a time of release and re-commissioning. Jesus is calling His whole church to pray and evangelise. We are moving into a time of harvest and revival and there is an urgency to our preparations.

On the day Ian Cole, our founder, shared the passion God has for His Gospel – this remarkable, life-changing work of redemption, mercy, restoration, reconciliation, unity and freedom. Our six partners, whose ministry links with these themes, shared their vision and we prayed for their work and for the Gospel themes. As we prayed, a trumpet was sounded and the 1,500 audience joined with our Gospel declarations.*

This was a day of prayer and praise with many moments where God’s presence was tangible and we received clear messages about God’s heart and purpose for these times.

Here are some of the key Trumpet Call themes. We ask you to consider them carefully and ask – is God calling me to be praying for these things in my family, friendship groups, neighbourhood or workplace?

We believe that out of Trumpet Call, God is saying it is His appointed time for:

  • The power of the Gospel to be released in this land. The Gospel is the good news of unquenchable love of Jesus. It speaks of the extraordinary change Jesus can bring into anyone’s life. He brings mercy, He brings freedom and release. This is not just about knowing God’s love; it is also about knowing His deliverance and change.
  • The Gospel to be released where you live, worship and work. The Gospel is also the good news of unity. Not a distant toleration of each other but the unity of the deep embrace, with respect across the generations, between all the ministries in a church, across ethnic groups and between churches and Christian organisations. Unity releases blessing and gets us ready for harvest time.
  • The Gospel brings redemption and restoration. God hears the prayers from generations past and is restoring the role of the Church to bring mercy, freedom, love and deliverance to the places where we live and to our nation.
  • It is the Gospel of reconciliation and it is time for the prodigals. Many carry the deep hurt of children and other family members who have abandoned their faith or who have never had a true relationship with Jesus. We are glad to say they are high on God’s priority list. At Trumpet Call, hundreds came in tears to bring their prodigals to the cross. We believe these will be the first fruits and God plans to bring hundreds of thousands of prodigals home. They are like Ezekiel’s vision of dry bones and God is saying “Wake up, rise up, I am restoring my army and you the prodigals are key parts of it so I can bless this nation.”
    It is time for the emerging generation. Some of them will be the prodigals called back home. This generation is called to be a revival generation; they will carry and sustain this move of God. It is time to pray for a tsunami of divine passion to hit this generation that they might be completely sold out for Jesus. One of the key calls on the older generation is to pray with generosity for this generation to rise up into their calling and authority.
  • It is time for children to enter into the fullness of who God called them to be – children who praise God, prayer regularly, are excited about Jesus moving in their lives and are entering into their gifting and calling.
  • There is a unique call on the British Isles to be people who take the Gospel to other nations, and to pray with renewed vigour for the persecuted church.
  • It is time for a new Trumpet Call at local level calling the church to pray. Across the nation we get stories of boring poorly attended prayer meetings. We go through the motions of prayer. We need to pray intensely for a prayer revival. Let us stop meeting with a shopping list but turn our prayer times into holy moments in the presence of God. Let God engage our hearts as well as our minds. We long to see small groups turned into engine rooms of prayer and transformation. Places of great intimacy with Christ, great encouragement and prayer rooms where we expect God to move powerfully.
  • It is time for a new Air War and Ground War. Some are called to the Air War – to pray for cities and nations and in particular to be watching the things of the kingdom. To be more aware of where God is moving, and what He wants to encourage as well as standing on guard to protect and pray for breakthroughs. All of us are called to the Ground War – regular, sustained and inspired prayer for our family, friends, workplace and neighbourhoods to be changed by God and for many to find Jesus and have their lives changed.
  • It is the time for Wow! There is nothing boring about God. He is the God of the extraordinary, He is the God of abundance, and He is the God of release and restoration. It is time to pray for the Wow of God. That our churches will be places hungry to meet with God, where miracles glorify His name. Our God is the Lord of the marketplace, the schoolroom, the University campus, the shop floor, the squash court, the prison cell, the office and the coffee houses. As the chorus says – “Spirit break out”. We pray for an extraordinary move of God across every part of our nation from north to south, from old to young, from rich to poor, from healthy to sick, that the extraordinary of God will shake, change and release our nation.


A new season

World Prayer Centre believes that we are in a dramatic new season. Our aim is to watch what is happening and encourage and enable prayer. We have many resources and materials already prepared that you can use personally and with small groups to raise your prayer level. We will send out new resources to give prayer focus and direction. We will work with partners to plan and develop prayer events and fresh teaching. We will provide testimonies and stories of God’s WOW at work.

Work with us 

We would love to hear your feedback, your testimonies, and your requests for support. We want to encourage you to prepare for harvest, be champions of prayer, and be builders of unity. May God’s Kingdom come.


*Feel free to use the Gospel declarations in your small group or church or a wider prayer gathering. This is powerful way to release the power of the Gospel into your community.


You can still view some of the live streamed videos from the day on our Facebook page under videos.

Thursday, 29 September 2016 11:10

Thy Kingdom come 25 May – 4 June 2017

In 2016 the Archbishops of Canterbury and York invited parishes across England to join a great wave of prayer between Ascension and Pentecost.The response was overwhelming. Hundreds of thousands joined the wave of prayer in churches of many traditions and denominations around England and around the world. What began as invitation in England started to look like the beginnings of a global wave of prayer for people to know Jesus Christ.

For 2017 the vision is even bigger. The Presidents of Churches Together in England are joining with the Archbishop of Canterbury and York to make the call to churches of all denominations in England, and Archbishop Justin Welby is sending out the call to every part of the worldwide Anglican Communion, and the World Methodist Council to Methodist Churches worldwide.

The three aims are:

To join in prayer with the whole family of God the Father
To pray for the empowering of God the Holy Spirit
That we may be effective witnesses to God the Son, Jesus Christ.

As we look to 2017 there is a remarkable and beautiful desire across denominations and countries to share in this great work of prayer. The Presidents of Churches Together in England are committed. The Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales has committed to playing a full part. The Free Churches Group is actively encouraging all its member churches to get involved. Many of the Pentecostal churches and new churches will be participating, and several of the Eastern and Oriental Orthodox churches in the UK have signalled their support. Provinces across the Anglican Communion have been invited to join the wave of prayer, and the World Methodist Council is encouraging all Methodists to warmly receive and actively participate in it. We also hope there will be ‘Beacon events’ in many capital cities in Europe.



'Thy Kingdom Come 2017 Invite' for SOCIAL MEDIA with ENGLISH SUBTITLES from Frogspawn Creative Limited on Vimeo.

More information on the Thy Kingdom Come website

Thursday, 22 September 2016 13:37

These are the words of Bank Hi Moon General Secretary to the United Nations endeavouring to describe the situation in Syria.

However as we look around the world today we know that statement could be made in many countries including our own.

The consequences of telling God we do not need Him, and that man is quite capable of sorting things out, that we can manage on our own are becoming more evident to those who want to see.

However at the same time all over the world God is raising up an army of young (and not so young) people who are, through word and action, saying ‘enough is enough’.

In nation after nation people are turning their backs on the depravity spewing out of nations and seeking first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, often at great cost to them and their families.

In response to the prayers of millions around the world they are arising in the power of the Holy Spirit and as the light of the world dispelling the depraved darkness.

By the grace of God, together we are rising with them, as part of an army knowing that at the cross Jesus won such a victory that the most depraved could be redeemed, healed and restored.

Will you be part of the mighty army that God is raising?

Ian Cole
Founder of World Prayer Centre

Thursday, 22 September 2016 12:42

Recently a group from the UK joined over a thousand young people from 37 nations in South Korea at a prayer event called UPrising (United Prayer Rising). Three days of worship and prayer preceded a visit to the DMZ between North and South Korea for six hours of worship and prayer for North Korea. We prayed for the reunification of Korea and for the raising up of the next generation to be the fire carriers of the Gospel around the world.

During that time, a young boy from South America gave a prophetic word to a minister from the UK saying that he, along with others, should go to the ‘Big Clock’ in London to kneel and confess the sins of the government and nation, and pray and declare, “It is time” that through the Church, a spiritual awakening would come to the UK.

On Tuesday 20 September, some of the people who had been to the UPrising in Korea and others gathered at 12 noon by Big Ben and surrounded by visitors from all over the world, knelt together on the pavement, confessed the sin of the nation and asked that God in His mercy would visit our land. We prayed that this visitation would impact the Government, the Church, the business community and families.

As yet we do not know the outcome of this gathering, but we do know that God will honour the obedience of His people and we go on praying the release of that word through our nation to the nations.

Ian Cole
Founder of World Prayer Centre

Tuesday, 20 September 2016 14:02

After several successful years of running a Street Pastors Network National Prayer Week, this year Wendy Thomas, National Prayer Coordinator for Street Pastors has felt led by God to call for a 24/7 National Prayer Month.

Prayer Theme: Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven

In line with our prayer theme, please pray blessings over our nation and anything you feel led by God to pray for the nation, not forgetting to give us feedback of what God says to you in your prayer time.

Let’s pray 24/7 for the month of October

We are calling for all Street and Prayer Pastor groups, as well as volunteers and church groups that want to support their local Street Pastors to take a period of one hour or more in October and to contact Wendy Thomas with what time that hour would be.

If you would like to get involved and join Street Pastor's in praying, visit the website.

Thursday, 01 September 2016 17:35

It was a tremendous privilege to be part of this gathering of young people who came together in South Korea with a mandate to pray for the unification of the north and south. Over 37 nations were represented and over 1,000 mainly young people gathered daily in Ilsan Kwanglim Methodist Church just outside Seoul 26 – 29 July. There were 26 attending from the UK; and they were all blessed, challenged and loved interacting with people from the nations. We received an email when we returned from one of the guys from the UK he said, “Personally, this trip was probably one of the most significant moments in my life and ministry. I feel the Lord has reoriented my ministry and destiny.” How amazing is that and such an encouragement.

We were collected each morning at 08.45 and returned most nights at 22.45 so they were long days but we survived! The Methodist Church was an amazing venue with lots of space for people to eat, rest, break-out areas, very large auditorium; we with other leaders were in a VIP lounge where we were looked after and fed lunch-time and evening, not sure what we were eating some of the time but we survived! There were nine worship teams from Philippines, Malaysia, four from South Korea and an International Team; they were all anointed teams and many times during the week, Heaven touched earth through the worship.

We had speakers from Philippines, two from Korea, Germany, Singapore, Indonesia and Dr Michael Brown who is a professor of Bible and Hebrew studies at several seminaries. They were all appreciated by the content they shared. Ian spoke with John Robb and Brian Mills from International Prayer Council at one of the breakout sessions on unity.

One of the sessions on the final evening at the church was praying for all the nations represented individually, praying out all together with bullet prayers. People from each of the nations represented were asked to stand, those close laid hands on them and the rest prayed together – Korean style – it was a real roar of prayer for each nation. Many of the young people said they had never experienced anything like this before – especially the Brits.

The highlight for most people was the visit on the Friday to the DMZ at the border of North and South Korea. We were collected from the Methodist Church on the Friday morning and drove in many coaches for about an hour to the DMZ. We had time to walk around the area where there were coffee shops/restaurants and other amenities as well as information and photographs of the area before the north and south were divided. Much of the journey to get to the DMZ was along the estuary where there were double high fences with barbed wire across the top and century posts at regular intervals looking out for defectors from the north.

We had an amazing miracle on the Friday; the forecast was severe thunder storms and lightening with heavy rain all day. When we woke, in our room on the 17th floor of the hotel, the rain was lashing at the window and severe thunder and lightning; an urgent email was sent out by John Robb to pray-ers across the world to pray that this would stop. God answered prayer! Where the worship event took place was in an uncovered grassed area like a huge amphitheatre with the stage at the front. The prayer and worship commenced at 3 p.m. and continued until 9 p.m. and it was dry for the whole time apart from a short shower when the worship band started singing the song, “Let it rain.”!! The evening concluded with all the lights turned off and all the leadership coming to the front of the stage (us included!) and one candle was lit, this one candle lit another one and so on when all the leadership had lighted candles we then went and continued to light everybody’s candle in the amphitheatre; praying that the light of Jesus would shine brightly into North Korea; a very moving and powerful moment.

The young people did extremely well in leading each day; there was real unity and honour of each other from the different nations. It was special to be able to affirm and encourage them; once or twice Ian wandered over to them when they were a little hesitant as to what to do next and offered a suggestion; they were very grateful for his fatherly input. We also had lots of fun with them in the VIP lounge, so much laughter and we’d never had so many selfies with people in our lives; everywhere we went, “can we have a selfie with you.” What it is to be popular! Much of the gatherings were live streamed and we know of many people around the world who tuned in.

Ian & Pauline Cole

Thursday, 01 September 2016 16:34

Europe is reeling. Germany has suffered terrorist attacks and a growing political crisis over refugees. France has fresh presidential elections in 2017 and has been buffeted by a series of horrendous terrorist attacks and a growing unease across different ethnic groups. Belgium has also been caught up in terrorism. Greece continues to struggle against the huge problems of austerity whilst again having to support hundreds of thousands of migrants. Spain is in a period of great political instability with one scenario suggesting that a fresh general election will need to be run on Christmas day! Italy has suffered a major earthquake, is struggling financially and is processing and supporting thousands of migrants leaving Africa via Libya. Ukraine has lost nearly 10,000 citizens, killed since February 2014 and seen 2 million people displaced. On top of all of this is Brexit. We are yet to see the full impact on Europe’s economy and politics and even on the sustainability of the EU. These are challenging and difficult times with the likelihood that things will get worse.

This is an important time to pray for Europe and there are three spiritual dimensions to add in.

  • 2017 sees the 500th anniversary of the reformation – this was a great and wonderful period which started as a renewal of the Catholic church but led to a rediscovery of biblical truth and a fresh revelation of God’s mercy and salvation. God fundamentally changed many nations in a short period of time. Millions came to Jesus. Pray for the revealing and re-digging of the wells of salvation across Europe.
  • The UK has a specific call to bless Europe - the dynamics around this have changed with Brexit – Lord, we pray You will prepare a way for the gospel to go from the UK into Europe, and You will call and prepare British people to be bringers of mercy and hope to Europe.
  • We believe 2017 is a key year – it is time for the gospel, it is time for a strong move of God globally. Lord have mercy on Europe, forgive our sins, touch the young generations and create a new movement of people who will ambassadors for the kingdom of heaven.

God is a God of mercy – Paul writes to the Romans - I will have mercy on whom I have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I have compassion.” Paul continues -salvation “does not, therefore, depend on human desire or effort, but on God’s mercy.” (Romans 9. 15,16). God’s heart is that people cry out for His mercy, and come to Him to change and fill their lives. Sadly this often comes though trials, challenges, and shaking. Europe is very vulnerable, please pray protection but also pray for God’s will to be done that the nations of Europe will come to Jesus. In uncertainty He is the rock, in darkness He is the light, in brokenness He is the healer. 

Tuesday, 16 August 2016 11:25

HAJJ PRAYER 2016 is a call for Christians to pray for millions of Muslims as they go to Mecca, Saudi Arabia to perform The Hajj Pilgrimage which takes place from 9 – 11 (14)* September 2016.

It is estimated that a total of 2,000,000 people went on The Hajj in 2015. Even more are expected this year.

The main purpose for Muslims doing The Hajj is to seek forgiveness of their sins through this pilgrimage. We know that it is only through Christ that sins are forgiven and therefore we call you to pray with us that Muslims would come to know the Lord Jesus and true forgiveness of their sins, especially nowadays with terrorism on the rise around the world.

Download a 3 day prayer guide

* Because of the millions now going on this Hajj, some will complete the Hajj in three days, others will take longer.

Source:  Praying Through the Arabian Peninsula