Natasha Ruddock

Natasha Ruddock

Monday, 05 June 2017 13:35

“Pray without ceasing.” [1 Thess 5:17]

The second horrific attack during this election campaign should make it abundantly clear, if we didn’t know already, that there is a mighty battle going on in the spiritual realms for the future of the UK – what we see ‘on the ground’ is but a reflection of what is happening beyond our natural sight. As the political parties have been campaigning for our votes the cry ‘Thy Kingdom Come’ has been resounding throughout the land – and as that prayer is answered the ‘kingdoms’ that do not acknowledge Jesus as Lord are being dislodged – but they will not leave quietly!

There is a ‘shift in the atmosphere’ taking place over the UK, with many places reporting an openness to the Gospel that has not been experienced for a long time. It is early days, but as we press in with continued prayer and intercession, we will see change coming.

After the Manchester attack the terrorist threat level was raised from ‘severe’ to ‘critical’, then reduced again. As we saw on Saturday night – the ‘severe’ level means that the Police are still at a very high state of readiness to respond swiftly to any incident.

Church – we need to raise the prayer level from ‘severe’ to ‘critical’! Our prayers for the safety and security of our communities and the nation are crucial in the ongoing battle to defeat the enemy’s plans to disrupt, not only this election, but our whole way of life.

As never before in recent history, we need to ‘stand in the gap’ for our families, neighbourhoods, communities, towns and cities – for all of society, but especially for those who would form our new Westminster Parliament and Government, and for all those at Holyrood.

This is the new ‘Battle for Britain’ – the Church responded ‘As One’ during World War II – may we do so with even greater energy and fervour in these days!

Please pray for:
• for the safety, security and protection of every community, especially for places where large numbers gather for sport or social events, and for transport systems;
• our political leaders – that they would have God’s wisdom to know what to say and do in these days, and for the protection of all in public office, their staff and their families;
• the safety and protection of the Police and security services, and of any Army personnel involved, who are on the ‘front line’ and face the prospect of giving their lives to ensure our safety;
• that every single plan of the enemy would be uncovered and foiled before it can be implemented;
• the Church, that we would, like that mighty army, be mobilised to ‘rise up and pray’ as never before until victory is achieved;
• the Muslims in our towns and cities – that they would have dreams, visions and other divine encounters with Jesus, revealing to them just who He is and transforming their lives;
• that, while those planning evil need to be ‘rooted out’, there would be no violent backlash against Muslim communities in general, but instead that we would show them the Father’s love, His grace and his mercy – drawing them to Christ through our words and actions.


Source:  Pray for Scotland

Wednesday, 31 May 2017 16:06

These are important days for God’s plans and purposes for our nation. Pentecost 2017 will be a special celebration. Its roots are from the time the Holy Spirit fell on the disciples on the Jewish feast of Pentecost. In the Jewish calendar, it celebrates the word of God and the Ten Commandments so Pentecost is a celebration of the Word and Spirit. Seventy years on from Smith Wigglesworth’s prophecy about a great outpouring of the Word and Spirit we should approach this time with high expectation. God’s sovereign timing ensures this Pentecost comes at the end of ten days of prayer for Thy Kingdom Come and four days before we have a General Election.

We have said in previous issues of The Pulse that things are changing in the spiritual climate of our nation but there would be contention. We have been savagely attacked with children targeted by terrorists in Manchester and with an unprecedented cyber-attack. We are seeing a rise in broken families, child abuse, addictions and poverty. We are in a time of growing uncertainty. Brexit will cause more uncertainty, around jobs, governance, immigration and the complex impact on our health service, businesses, farming etc. Behind all this we have an economic system that is built on a fragile mound of debt with growing costs for pensions and care.

Terrorists create fear, grief and uncertainty. We live in a society with a fear of man; we frighten ourselves with a continuous diet of violent or distressing films, TV shows and books. We are frightened by other people’s unpredictability– have we upset someone as we drive, by email, by a mistake – and how will they react?

In this uncertainty, as Moses proclaimed, we stand on a rock – and His works are perfect (Deuteronomy: 32.4), David goes further and says God is His rock and His fortress (Psalm 31:2 -3). Psalm 25 adds another dimension “Who is the man who fears the LORD? Him will he instruct in the way that he should choose. His soul shall abide in well-being, and his offspring shall inherit the land.

The friendship of the LORD is for those who fear Him, and He makes known to them His covenant.” Psalm 25 12 – 14. The fear of the Lord is mentioned in scripture 365 times – it is an important concept to grasp. It is a fear like that of a child who does not want to let go of Father’s hand, it is the fear of not being aligned with God’s will and purpose, of missing His blessing. It is a deep hunger for God. In these days of uncertainty we are not to have our eyes turned towards the mayhem in the world and the fear of men, we fear the Lord. He is all we need.

Pentecost reminds us of God’s abundance. It also celebrates Shavuot a day of rest when the Jewish people celebrated the bringing in of the grain harvest. Abundance comes from prayer. “God is able to bless you abundantly so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.” 2 Corinthians 9:8.

This an historical time for the United Kingdom. God has stirred up a deep desire for more. Across the country we see town after town and city after city where people are being stirred to pray and bring blessing. In May, we met a young Iranian man with the fire of Jesus in his life who has led five hundred people to Christ; we met a pastor who has covenanted with God that he will not have his lunch until he has led two people to Christ .....and he has not gone hungry! We came across the story of a group training in Reading taking Jesus onto the streets who offered to pray with a Nepalese man who cried and cried and eventually gave his life to Jesus. He then showed the suicide note he had in his pocket because he had come into town to throw himself off a building. This is the mercy of God, the love of God bursting out where anyone will be a channel for Him.

We have been taking Alastair and Marie Petrie around England in May on a Healing the Land tour. They travel globally looking at places where revival has come. They believe we have entered a time of shift, Alastair says all the precursors for a move of God are in place. We heal the land by praying for it to be cleansed of previous sin – idolatry, shed blood, immorality, and disunity. We clear the ground. Then we invite Jesus in, we ask him to touch our hearts deeply and fill us with His spirit. We build our own humility, and strengthen unity, we are transparent and open. Finally, we put all our good ideas and capabilities to one side and ask God to intervene. We depend on Jesus. Indeed this is underpinned and sustained by deep hunger for Him.

So this Pentecost is a special Pentecost to pray “Come Holy Spirit” – fill us to overflowing. Four days later we select a Government that will be overseeing a great move of God in our nation. So we pray for this new government to be open to God and for MPs who will speak up for His Kingdom at a time when so many Kingdom principles are under attack.

These next few days we must all be God chasers. Pray for a Government open to God, and for MPs hungry for Jesus. Pray for a Pentecost of abundance and the fire of the spirit to fall on our churches and towns. Lord stir us up; shift us from prayer apathy to prayer passion. Even so come Lord Jesus.

Wednesday, 31 May 2017 15:52

It is time! Thy Kingdom Come Birmingham

World Prayer Centre and Birmingham Cathedral are jointly hosting a Thy Kingdom Come prayer and praise event on Saturday 3 June. This replaces our Prayershift day for June. We have called the event – It is time!

What a great prayer Jesus gave us when He encouraged us to pray – “Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done.” It is a prayer for Jesus to intervene. It is a prayer for the wonderful things of heaven – freedom, worship, unity, intimacy with God, the supernatural to be seen wherever we are.

Don’t miss this powerful evening at Birmingham’s St Phillip’s Cathedral starting at 7.00pm and finishing at 9.30pm. More details on our website. It will be an evening of great praise, worship, and unity as churches and Christians stand together. It will be a time of inspiration as we build a deeper understanding of God’s heart for our city and nation. Together on the eve of Pentecost we are declaring and praying “Come Holy Spirit”. May the breath of God revive our relationship with Jesus, strengthen our confidence in Him and unite us to bring God’s kingdom here.

This is a special time for our nation. Support events near you and use our prayer materials if you want to follow the key themes of Thy Kingdom Come on your own or with friends.

Let us keep this simple prayer on our lips as we walk, or travel by bus, car, train, bike etc. Let us say it for our family, friends, neighbourhood and workplace – Your Kingdom Come, loving Lord Jesus.

Tuesday, 23 May 2017 09:13

As many of us have woken today hoping the news from Manchester last night was just a horrible nightmare, we ask you to share and mobilise so that we can respond prayerfully and effectively.

First and foremost please remember Manchester in your prayers:
For those who are now fighting for their lives and for those who are caring for them.
For the families, friends and colleagues of the 22 who have died (we understand many of them are children).
For those shocked and traumatised.
For the Paramedics and those at the hospitals who have to respond to this emergency.
For the Chief Constable Ian Hopkins and GMP Police as they gather evidence and deal with the public.
For the staff of the Manchester Arena who will be traumatised and deeply affected.
For Andy Burnham and the officials of Manchester as they respond.
For COBRA and the government as they meet this morning.


That the Lord will expose all future evil agendas before they are actioned.
For those involved in terrorist activities to be caught ASAP.
For governments and security forces to liaise and share important security information.
God's love will draw all people to salvation.



A number of national Prayer Ministries have joined together to call the nations to prayer. 

We suggest you may like to pray every day, covering the issues that are locally, nationally and internationally relevant. Ask the Holy Spirit to guide you as to what to pray for and how to pray. Keep an eye on the news and respond in prayer.

We are looking to mobilise effective informed united prayer across our nations by praying for God’s wisdom, revelation, insight and protection for:
1. Government and World Leaders.
2. Police and Emergency Services
3. Armed forces
4. Intelligence Services
5. Media and communications
6. ISIS and others who may wish to cause danger.
7. Angelic protection.
8. An unprecedented move of God across our communities and nations.
9. Vulnerable areas - tunnels, stadiums, airports, the Euro tunnel, theatres, schools, colleges and shopping areas etc. Anywhere that large numbers of people gather.

1. To provide mercy and protection to reduce the danger to life and limb from attacks for our communities and nations.
2. To release a clear trumpet call to those in the valley of decision.
3. To reduce fear and hopelessness - The aim of terror is to bring fear, confusion, hatred – we stand against that in the name of Jesus because his perfect love casts out fear.
4. To bring any plots into the light before they are actioned.
5. To see the Church arise and stand united around Jesus love.


Download the UK prayer protection strategy


Source:  Coastlands & Gateways

Wednesday, 17 May 2017 15:52

Every election is important and we believe that this next government will be strategic in this season when we are praying and working towards a time of harvest. Across the United Kingdom we are seeing significant numbers of people coming to Christ, a growing unity between churches and organisations and people of other faiths are having visions of Jesus. But we live in nations where there is growing uncertainty, with significant rises in mental health issues, homelessness, addiction, poverty and broken families.

Every election is contested spiritually and this is no exception, Satan will be resolute in resisting God’s sovereign purpose. It is time to pray that our extraordinary, merciful Father will touch our nations. Paul reminds us that it is God’s plan to have the right people in authority to enable people to be saved (1Timothy 2:1-4).

• Let’s seek the Lord and His word afresh, asking the Holy Spirit to replace fear with His peace. Let us come and worship, lifting up the name of Jesus and humbly ask for His mercy and blessing on the election debate, coverage and our personal voting decision.
• Let’s ask for His wisdom to engage with the issues He places on our hearts, let’s expect Him to lead and guide us.

MAY 25: PROTECTION - Over the whole General Election campaign and from terrorist and cyber -attacks; Wisdom for police and security forces.

MAY 26: PRAYER – For many Christians to respond to the invitation to pray during Thy Kingdom to Come.

MAY 27: PURPOSES OF GOD – So that the Government of His choice is elected to allow the Kingdom of God to advance.

MAY 28: MEDIA – Insight for all working in the media to expose false news and manipulation.

MAY 29: CAMPAIGN – For the debate and discussion to give a clear focus on what is on God’s heart locally and nationally.

MAY 30: LEADERS OF THE POLITICAL PARTIES – For discernment in campaigning; for Theresa May in her leadership between parliaments.

MAY 31: UNITY OF PURPOSE – Even when we disagree on policies in families, churches, communities and between the UK nations.

JUNE 1: RELEASE OF YOUNG PEOPLE - To engage in the debate and to realise their vote counts.

JUNE 2: PROTECTION – For all involved in election campaigning, Lord have mercy on our UK nations.
JUNE 3: LOCAL AND NATIONAL ELECTION MEETINGS – For clarity to come out of any confusion and for truth to be heard.

JUNE 4: COME HOLY SPIRIT – Blow through Your church, blow through our nations – may Jesus be revealed.

JUNE 5: GUIDE AND GUARD - the steps to ‘Brexit’; bring healing and reconciliation across our nations and across Europe.

JUNE 6: CANDIDATES – For the MP’s elected whom God has chosen, equipped and anointed.

JUNE 7: DISCERNMENT- In voting for just and righteous parliament in Westminster.

JUNE 8: YOUR KINGDOM COME - In and through this General Election.

JUNE 9: WISDOM - As a new government is put in place.

JUNE 10: PEACE - On our streets, across all UK nations.

JUNE 11: BLESS EVERY CHURCH - May the love of Jesus be seen and heard today.

JUNE 12: HOLY SPIRIT COME - Awaken our land, may we see Your glory flow from here to the nations.



engaGE17 – CARE website and prayer points -
What kind of society? Evangelical Alliance –
Christians in Politics –

 Download a PDF of this guide



We declare in the season ahead a legacy of Godly government will be re- established in our Nation.

According to Your word in Psalm 145:4” One generation shall declare Your works to another”, we decree and declare a fresh awareness to Your young people of the Godly heritage within our political system, of the Biblical foundations under it and of the principles released through it.

We decree and declare young people in our Nation, towns, churches and families will have an understanding of the times and seasons, and of the power of choice. We speak maturity to them in their political awareness, engagement and voting.

In the Name of Jesus, we declare an increased rising up of those who will pioneer and stand for Godly principles and for the good of the people, and we speak favour and divine revelatory wisdom to those already positioned.

N B Find out the candidates for the coming election within your own constituency, pray for a clarity of their values and purpose to emerge, and that the person God has called for this Parliamentary term to become clear..

Source: Passion for the Nation

Wednesday, 17 May 2017 13:17

Jill Gower from Call2Prayer Norwich has written a 10 day blessing and declaration booklet for use during Thy Kingdom Come.

You can download a PDF or to order printed booklets email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. They are priced at £3 each, plus postage, with a discount for bulk orders.

Wednesday, 10 May 2017 12:26

ne of the calls we believe God has given us at World Prayer Centre is to act as Watchmen. We know that watchmen have to make sense of what they can see, but their role is to serve. In this role, we will give you strategic overviews from time to time. We’d love to get your feedback but we hope this will encourage and bless your prayer life and focus.

Malcolm Duncan spoke powerfully at our recent ‘As One’ National Prayer Conference. He made the powerful comment that people of prayer are the lungs in the Body of Christ. The Body needs the lungs to function. Malcolm and others have helped us identify five themes we believe are on God’s heart at this time. Download Malcolm's podcasts.

Be filled
God wants us to ensure our lamps are constantly full of oil. In WPC, we are continuously praying to be filled. “Breathe on us breath of God,” let us be equipped, refreshed, energised and led by Your Spirit. This is a time to pray for those close to us to be filled, and for our churches to be filled with His Spirit, His presence and His love. This is a time to see things changed, and renewed by the breath of God.

God’s extraordinary
Ian Cole, WPC founder, has a vision for God’s extraordinary. We believe God wants to equip us, in these times with extraordinary resilience, extraordinary intimacy with Jesus, extraordinary unity and extraordinary faith. As we pray continuously to be filled, we want to keep praying for God’s extraordinary. He is equipping us for a new extraordinary time. Let us keep praying big prayers, and wait on God for the faith to see significant change. Let our 2017 testimonies be about the extraordinary love, goodness and power of God. Read Ian's article on the extraordinary.

Word and Spirit
The Word and Spirit are God’s great gift to His church and to the world, but they have been neglected. We have now moved into a time when they have been powerfully combined. Our experience in WPC is that the Spirit of God is revealing more and more from the Word. The Word is alive and active. This in turn is triggering powerful, authoritative prayer. So our encouragement to you is – expect more and keep your Bible by your side!

Call the midwives
At our conference in March, Brian Mills brought a simple word “Call the midwives”. We believe God is doing something new and very special in the nation; these will be God’s new babies! For us the “call the midwives” word links to our long wait since 1992 for what we call our Isaac – a World Prayer Centre building which can equip and empower people of prayer. We believe God was promising us that the wait is over and the promise will be fulfilled in the coming years. Many others have long term dreams and visions and it seems God was saying “now is the time” to them as well.

R.T. Kendall also carries an Isaac burden, also dating back to 1992. He believes God is going to release the greatest revival the world has ever seen – and it is God’s Isaac. He describes it in his remarkable book, “Prepare your heart for the Midnight Cry”. He looks at the story of the wise and foolish virgins – both had the Word and Spirit, the lamp and the oil – but only half of them had kept the lamp filled. We have always believed that the WPC building and the great revival would be aligned. 2017 is a highly significant year – heavens strategies are being unveiled.

Be alert
alertWe believe God’s word to people of prayer is - “Be alert”. We are being instructed to be on constant look out and engage in spiritual warfare. We need to know the enemies tactics – sickness, unbelief, tiredness, lost confidence, broken relationships and fear. We stand with faith and perseverance and take ground from the enemy. We believe that our God is able, that Jesus’ commitment to us is total and the cross is the place of victory. As God’s army we stand together on the alert – not alone.

Knowing the Times
Part of our role is to understand these fast changing times. On the one hand we can see chaos, uncertainty, tension, intimidation and fear. On the other hand we see Jesus, the Rock, the Everlasting One, the Redeemer and Restorer whose depth of love can change everything. So our decision in these times is to look to Jesus. We believe it is harvest time. God is mobilising people of prayer first to prepare the ground but He is also declaring “Awake” to His whole church. The bridegroom is coming, let us hold the lamp, the Word of God close and let us ensure it is constantly filled with the oil of God’s Spirit. Here we are Lord, use us.
The election is in that context. God is calling a Parliament that will enable the great revival; He is preparing the nation for change. In His great mercy we have ten days of prayerwith Thy Kingdom Come and the great expectation of Pentecost leading up to the election.

Standing shoulder to shoulder
God is calling an army of ordinary people into His extraordinary. Unity is high on God’s agenda, and we are called to stand shoulder to shoulder, ready for God’s call. 2017 is a year of God’s extraordinary and we want to encourage you to stand with us and

  • Be on the alert – so much will be happening in the place where God has put us. We are watchers on our local walls. Alongside that pray for our nation as we approach the election of this important parliament it will be a time of real spiritual contention. We also believe God has made us spiritually interdependent across the United Kingdom. Pray for the flames of God’s Spirit to blow across each of our nations.
  • Pray with expectation and authority – we are stepping up!
  • Join us to pray – our monthly Saturday Prayershift gatherings are events where we expect to see God move powerfully. Our monthly Monday meetings – WATCH + PRAY are to stand in the gap for our nation and the nations. We believe the most powerful prayer engine can often be a local small group. Use our 3 Things prayer videos, sign up to receive prayer issues identified in the Pulse and Prayer Alert. Make your requests known to the Lord.
  • Send us your stories and testimonies – part of our standing together is to bring God glory! Contact us on social media or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Enjoy God’s presence – “Then I will go to the altar of God, to God my exceeding joy, and I will praise you with the lyre, Oh God, my God.”(Ps: 43.4). Let us ensure we always have oil in our lamps!


Steve Botham, Director of World Prayer Centre

Thursday, 04 May 2017 12:09

It is easy to be a little underwhelmed by this General Election. It is our third big vote and national debate in three years with even more political activity if you live in Northern Ireland or Scotland. We had Brenda from Bristol going nationwide with her complaint - “Oh no not another one." Early days have seen repetitive slogans, and it seems people are finding it hard to engage.

But we believe this is a key step in God’s plans for our nations. We are expecting a great move of God. Therefore, this next government will enable a time of harvest. The election comes four days after Pentecost - that great celebration of God’s spirit breaking out of the upper room and into the streets of Jerusalem. Paul makes the link in those well-known verses from I Timothy 2 - "I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people— for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Saviour, who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.” God’s plan is that we have the right people in authority to enable people to be saved.

We need to pray - for God’s sovereign will and purpose. God is placing an opportunity in our hands to bless our nations. Please encourage your friends and your church to pray. Just as the political parties stir up people to canvas and promote their issues we should be stirring people to pray. We include some prayer pointers below and will release more themes and links to resources and key websites in these coming weeks. Every election is contested spiritually and this is no exception, Satan will be resolute in resisting God’s sovereign purpose. God calls us to partner with him to bless where we live locally and bless our nations.

Lord may we have a debate and discussion in our nations and through the media that reflects what is on Your heart.

Pray for:

  • All those elected in the local and Mayoral elections today (4th May) that they will be granted wisdom and clear direction for the way ahead.
  • Every political party as they select General Election candidates before the deadline of 11 May. Praying for candidates of good character.
  • Christians standing for election, to know your peace, and walk close with you in this busy and demanding time.
  • God’s mercy and protection on our nations. Keep us safe from terrorist attack and from the fear terrorists bring. Bless our police and intelligence services, give them divine understanding.
  • Unity within the Body of Christ. Help us to disagree with respect, Your heart is for unity - let Your church be filled with your grace and compassion.

In His mercy God has called us to pray - “Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven” in homes, communities, workplaces, churches and cathedrals across our nations before this election. It is God’s heart for our nations - your will be done. Amen

Thursday, 04 May 2017 12:02

It is our joy and privilege as Trustees, team and supporters of World Prayer Centre to be involved in planning and taking part in the Archbishop's call to the Church in the nation and the nations to pray 'Thy Kingdom Come' 10 days prior to Pentecost.

As we have shared, planned and prayed into this call, we increasingly realise the weightiness of praying this prayer and felt it right to share our thoughts with you simply because if we pray for ‘His Kingdom’ to come then other kingdoms have to make way for it. As in the natural a country cannot have two kings, so in the spiritual.

As Christians, through the life, death, resurrection and ascension of Christ Jesus, we have been taken from the kingdom of darkness into the Kingdom of Light, God's Kingdom. As we pray on the 25th May and for the ten days that follow, 'Thy Kingdom Come' then we are inviting the Kingdom of heaven into our lives, our families and friends, our church, the health service, the Government, our education system, our media and arts and the business community.

To pray 'Thy Kingdom Come' is asking God our Father by His Spirit, to come into every area of society so that the light of Christ in us - His body - will dispel the kingdom of darkness and all the evil it represents from every area of our society.

As we pray 'Thy Kingdom come' we are praying for righteousness, truth, love, hope, wisdom, justice and peace to come, all of which the kingdom of darkness despises and hates. At a time when we are constantly bombarded with the evil outworkings of that kingdom, what a privilege to demonstrate through our united praying, our words and actions, that light has overcome the darkness and always will.

We are in a battlefield, we are not fighting people, we are fighting powers and rulers of this kingdom of darkness. Our confidence is that the cross has won the field. We stand in unity with you, praying to see His Kingdom come, His will being done across our nation and the nations.

Ian Cole, Founder of WPC

Wednesday, 03 May 2017 11:28

Over the past 25 years, millions of Christians have joined together across denominations & cultures to pray in over 23 languages for Muslim people during Ramadan using the 30 Days of Prayer guide.

Would you like to join us?

30 Days of Prayer aims to:

• help Christians gain a better understanding about Muslim people, their faith and their various, diverse cultures;
• see an increase in efforts to respond with love and compassion to the needs of Muslims around the world;
• see a greater interest in Jesus among Muslim peoples.

For more info & to order guides visit