Natasha Ruddock

Natasha Ruddock

Wednesday, 13 December 2017 15:40

In October 2016 at our Trumpet call in the International Convention Centre Birmingham, we announced “Be prepared for the extraordinary.” Little did we know how extraordinary it would be.

Extraordinary shaking
Who expected Donald Trump in October 2016? He is the ultimate marmite President, passionately loved and loathed. Who expected Saudi Arabia to arrest hundreds of princes and senior officials and say they wanted to be more open to other religions? We knew Russia and China would be powerful but in the past twelve months China in particular has equalled the USA as a global super power. France has a new, energetic President. The Middle East struggles through more turmoil with the recent Muslim on Muslim terror attack at a Sinai mosque, ISIS being largely driven out of Iraq and Syria and the increased move to a Muslim dictatorship in Turkey.
The UK has had a traumatic 2017. Theresa May will look on 2017 as the year of her surprise election stumble, her conference croak and her inability to drive Brexit forward because she cannot take her party with her. It was a year when terrorism returned violently to our streets. Northern Ireland has suffered for almost a year of no elected government. Equally extraordinary has been the rise and rise of Jeremy Corbyn. He has enthused young people to become politically active yet remains a deeply divisive figure – especially in his own party!

Extraordinary unity
I stood in Parliament Square with the main church leaders standing shoulder to shoulder reading prayer declarations (written by WPC) to repent for our lack of unity and asking God to forgive us and bring healing. Thy Kingdom Come saw ten days of prayer bringing people together to ask God to bless their local community. There is much further to go but we see signs of an increased Kingdom focus with more joined up thinking.

Extraordinary moves of God
40,000 went to the first stadium meeting for many years as J.John preached the gospel. The Turning saw thousands come to Christ in Walsall, Worcester, Cornwall, Wales, Newcastle, Scotland and many other places. The Message Trust has expanded their reach to the Midlands and Wales with a plan to bring thousands of young people to Christ in 2018. We have reports of revival breaking out in Ilford and other places. Around the world we are seeing extraordinary New Testament signs, with many Buddhists monks coming to Jesus in Tibet; soldiers blown over by the Holy Spirit as they guarded a prayer event in the Philippines; 1.5 million people praying together for South Africa and 2 million in the Ukraine. In the States, West Virginia saw thousands come to Jesus.

WPC’s extraordinary year
This has been an extraordinary year for us. We started the year with our new Prayershift meetings, feeling God was calling us to see significant change. Our public meetings have been dynamic encounters with Jesus with an increased focus on prayer and mission and preparing for revival. We have enjoyed extraordinary favour from God with many growing partnerships and a shared desire to hear from Him in these fast changing times.

An Extraordinary springboard
2017 has been a fast-moving year of preparation and change. 2018 promises to be even more challenging as we expect an unprecedented move of God in our nation and elsewhere. In Europe, there is a target for 100 million to be saved over the next ten years. In the UK, we expect a huge rise in testimonies about God’s mercy, healing and restoration across the ages and ethnic divides. In particular, we are expecting a revival generation to be raised of 11 – 18 years olds on fire for Jesus.

2018 is all about Jesus. He is Lord. We expect His Church to fall more deeply in love with Him and for this nation to become more aware of who He is. This means a deeper walk for us all, but after an extraordinary year we will go where God sends us!

Tuesday, 12 December 2017 12:30

The lead up to Christmas Day is not only the busiest time in the retail sector but it is also for churches, Christians and organisations. Large numbers of people of all ages respond to invitations to attend plays, sing carols and attend services in care homes, churches and cathedrals and in pubs and community centres. For example, last year Anglican Cathedrals saw approx 131,000 people attending services on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day - the highest level since they were first recorded in 2000. This is our time as Christians to pray, care and share the good news in word and action!

As we travel around we could use the scriptures, the images and sounds to prompt us.


godwithus logo


This logo is being used widely by the Anglican church and many others to invite people to Christmas carol events and services. (Isaiah 7:14)

Let’s pray for all the people working through churches, councils and agencies offering night shelter and food for those without homes, caught in poverty, refugees and on the margins of our society – that through their love, service and sharing may many encounter Jesus.


Christmas light


Jesus said ‘I am the light of the world’ (John 8:12). We will see many lights on homes, on Christmas trees, in villages, towns and cities.

Pray for the light of Christ to break in across every sector of our nations; for God’s mercy on our nation and spiritual awakening in every village, town and city and for a turning of every heart to Jesus.

Pray for light, wisdom and understanding to be given to the Prime Minister and the government working through all the complexities of Brexit so that the decisions made can respect every nation of the UK.




PEACE ON EARTH (Luke 2:14)
In our world and society where peace is hard to find, we continue to ask for God’s peace to fill hearts and minds and bring healing. We thank our Father for all those lives that have been saved through MI5 preventing nine terror attacks in this past year. Let us continue to stand on our watch and pray for all the security forces, MI5 and MI6 and our armed forces guarding our nation here and overseas – for evil plots to be exposed and for God’s perfect love to cast out fear.


carol singers

Sounds of carols and Christmas music. As you hear familiar lyrics over this Christmas season – why not ask the Holy Spirit to prompt you to sing/pray over our hurting world - for a nation, a people group, a national leader, an agency working on the front line of conflict, famine and war and refugees.


HOPE logo Colour transparent

Next year will see a whole year of mission across our nation. HOPE’s dream is a growing church showing Jesus’ love and telling the Jesus story, at the heart of every community. As 2018 marks the 100th anniversary of the ending of the First World War, there will be opportunities in the year to look back and look forward. One key date is 6th January when in 1917 King George V called a national day of prayer in order to ‘bring our cause to God’. Let’s bring our cause to God at the start of 2018 as we pray for His Kingdom to come and His will to be done on earth as it is in heaven.


Source: Jane Holloway, National Prayer Director, World Prayer Centre

Tuesday, 12 December 2017 11:52

“’For I know the plans I have for you’, declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.’ ”  [Jer 29:11]
“We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure.”  [Heb 6:19a]
As we look around at the state of the Church in Scotland, it would be easy to lose hope – numbers falling, church buildings closing, for the first time a majority - 51% - responding in the Scottish Government’s recent Households Survey that they have ‘no religion’.
However, that is not the whole story – there is a ‘stirring’ going on under the surface.  The Church has often been called the ‘sleeping giant’.  We may be experiencing a significant reduction in numbers but, as the story of Gideon’s army tells us, numbers are not everything when it comes to accomplishing the plans and purposes of God for a people and a nation!  The sleeping giant is starting to awake from its slumber!
Over past years there have been many local outreaches, summer missions etc., which, together with the excellent Alpha courses, have borne fruit with folk coming to Christ.   However it has been quite some time since anything on a major regional or even national scale has been seen in Scotland – possibly not since the Billy Graham crusades in 1955, 1961 and 1991. 
Key to these events were the number of churches/denominations working closely together and the amount of prayer before, during and after each crusade.  Since then, at national level, we have not experienced such a level of co-operation for a long time.  The nearest we have come to it was the letter co-ordinated by Pray for Scotland and signed by 16 national church leaders representing the whole Church spectrum in Scotland - a call to pray ‘Thy Kingdom Come’ - at the time of the Scottish Independence Referendum in 2014.
That was until October 2016, when churches in north-east Scotland, an area with a history of revival and community transformation, combined to host Will Graham, Billy’s grandson, for a ‘Celebration of Hope’ mission.  Centred on Peterhead, the meetings were ‘live-streamed’ to Fraserburgh, Banff and Elgin.  Several hundred commitments were recorded with around half being under 25, confirming that our young folk are ‘hungry for the truth’.
Celebration of Hope, Falkirk:  15-17 June 2018
Inspired by that event, around 20 leaders in Falkirk, along with others from nearby areas, have invited Will to hold a ‘Celebration’ in Falkirk Stadium, home of Falkirk Football Club with room for several thousand, from 15 -17 June 2018.   The target catchment area is the whole of central Scotland, from Edinburgh in the east to Glasgow in the west, from Perth and Stirling in the north to the Lothians in the south, along with parts of Fife and Lanarkshire – an area with well over half of Scotland’s 5 million population. 
For the first time in many years leaders from different church backgrounds and different areas are working together to bring the unchanging message of the Gospel to central Scotland in a major public event, collaborating to make this weekend a success, not just for the event itself, but for the renewing and strengthening of the Church and the transformation of communities!  As we turn the corner into 2018 the pace will pick up as we look forward to a weekend of various activities with something for all ages – and the harvest to come!
Every church in the 'central belt', and any others who wish to, can get involved – praying before and during the event, planning to be there and to serve and support in some way, thinking and praying about who to invite, preparing for the weeks that follow – how to look after and disciple the new converts.  

60 years ago Billy's crusades had a profound effect on Scotland.  Times may have changed, but Scotland's need for the Gospel has not - if anything, the need is far greater today!  It's not about the method, it's about the message.  Can we hope, can we believe, that once again this can make a difference to our communities, to the nation?
Please pray:   

  • That awareness amongst many churches, leading to a desire to be part of this initiative, will spread rapidly.
  • For the leadership team being formed, for their protection and that of their families, for strong relationships and for unity. 
  • That the right people will be raised up to serve in every area. 
  • That every aspect of the detailed planning for each activity will be covered. 
  • For a release of the finances required. 

To register your interest and receive more information as it becomes available, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. in the first instance and we will connect you.  

Tuesday, 21 November 2017 15:40

HOPE is inviting Christians to make a journey this Christmas; a journey that will lead people to Jesus.

HOPE has published a glossy, give-away, evangelistic magazine called Christmas HOPE. The magazine is designed to attract attention. It features interviews with celebrities who are Christians, a feature on churches who give away Christmas hampers to residents who can’t afford the festive meal, a focus on the Response Pastors involved in some of the heart-breaking stories which left the UK reeling as tragedies unfolded in Manchester and Grenfell Tower, plus a children’s cartoon story linked to Bible Society’s Bethlehem Journey resources, a Christmas quiz, and a competition, plus prizes worth more than £2,300.

The Journey to Bethlehem is also the theme of a souvenir carols booklet which churches can use for community carol events, door-to-door carol singing, Karaoke carols in pubs and full-scale carol services in churches and cathedrals.

In the three weeks since Christmas HOPE first became available, more than 690 churches have ordered more than 300,000 copies to give away to homes in their areas. Orders are coming in at 20,000 a day with a second print run in taking copies available to half a million.

Local churches in HOPE’s extensive network across the spectrum of Christian denominations are being invited to:

  • Deliver Christmas HOPE door-to-door with an invitation to your Christmas services
  • Give Christmas HOPE to clients at your local Foodbank with an invitation to a festive meal
  • Invite Street Pastors and other community chaplains to give away copies
  • Give copies to local schools to give to families

In one village, church members will deliver copies to 3,000 local homes together with the church magazine with details of Christmas events at the church and an invitation to an Alpha course in the New Year. In another area Christmas hampers are being delivered to homes for needy families, together with a copy of Christmas HOPE. In a third area 2,100 homes will be visited over three nights. Each home will be given a goodie bag with chocolates, a Christmas invitation and the Christmas HOPE magazine. The church will also give away copies of the magazine at their Christmas Spectacular and to all those who those who attend the church’s community groups: a luncheon club, an English Language School, a toddlers’ group, and a Foodbank.

‘Many people are searching for meaning in life. They want more than the commercialism that a secular Christmas offers. The magazine Christmas HOPE gives Christians an amazing opening to talk about Jesus, and to invite friends and family to discover the hope he gives,’ says Roy Crowne, HOPE’s executive director

Work has already started on a follow-up magazine for Easter 2018. Churches will be invited to re-visit the homes reached at Christmas and to extend their deliveries to new areas. Regular updates from HOPE encourage churches to make sure that each person in the congregation is equipped to tell their story and to make Jesus known to their friends, family and work colleagues. As well as being ready with something to say, they are encouraged to give the magazine away to every home in their neighbourhood and to be intentional in inviting the people they meet to local church events, services and courses like Alpha and Christianity Explored.

To keep in touch with plans, sign up for regular updates from HOPE at


Tuesday, 21 November 2017 15:23

One of the great joys and responsibilities we have at the World Prayer Centre is to pray for a different nation each day. As with everyone involved in any way with the nations, be it political, social and missional or through prayer, the needs, challenges, emergencies, traumas and opportunities are at times overwhelming.

How do we pray, how do we give, how do we support, how do we encourage our global neighbours as well as our local neighbours? In all the pressures of daily life, how do we care for our global Christian family, our local Christian family, and our immediate family?

Christ Jesus, the Son of God, our Saviour, had everything in perfect balance. He knew His mission was for the world His Father loved, for the nation in which He lived and for twelve men He was disciplining. He ministered, prayed and worked with great love, compassion and truth with all He met wherever He met them.

As you read this article, your world is changing around you. As I write this article, suddenly Zimbabwe is in the headlines. Yesterday it was an earthquake in Iran/Iraq. Last week the leaders of Saudi Arabia were announcing great changes in the nation. Who knows by the time you read this, what else will be happening, what else God will be shaking, what other dramatic news will be hitting the headlines. And that is the point of this article. You have this magazine because you are a watchman or God may be calling you to be a watchman.

The Scriptures teach us to ‘watch and pray’. So not only are we looking, listening, observing all that is happening in the world, but also watching to see all that God is doing in His world.

We know that generally the media only reports on the failings of nations, governments, those in positions of responsibility and individuals. As Christians we note those things, we do not condemn but we pray. At the same time we recognise that as we are seated in heavenly places in Christ, we not only see what the media see but we see how the Kingdom of God is growing around the world. Day after day, sometimes in the midst of great persecution and need, thousands of men and women, boys and girls are becoming followers of Jesus. Of His Kingdom there is no end.

Thousands of young people and children are involved in prayer and mission in their nations. Churches are being planted at an unprecedented scale. Many across the Middle East are physically seeing Jesus and becoming Evangelists and Pastors. Many prayer houses are springing up, 24/7 prayer places, prayer in public places that changes the spiritual climate in a community or nation enabling the good news of Jesus and His saving work to be experienced.

Please don’t fall into the trap that there is so much going on we don’t know where to start. As you hear the news today, watch and pray. Let’s encourage one another to stay alert as we go through the day. Let us look for the stories of where God is at work and rejoice and let us understand that as we stand on God and the promises of His word, our prayers prayed in the name of Jesus change situations, remove obstacles, bring down walls in families, communities and nations.

For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the Glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea.

Ian Cole is the founder and visionary of the World Prayer Centre in Birmingham.


Wednesday, 15 November 2017 09:32


As people whose lives have been transformed by Jesus, we all have a story to share...

But sometimes we can struggle to find the words to talk about what Jesus has done.

That’s why, at Great Commission, we want to not only inspire a passion for sharing Jesus, but also empower you to have the confidence to talk about Him.

Our online hub connects you to a wide range of stories, tools, resources and initiatives, inspiring and equipping us to be talking about Jesus and praying for those who don’t yet know Him.

Have a look at how you and your church could use our Watch, Read, Pray and Act sections...

Visit the Great Commission website


Winners of Premier Digital Awards 2017 - Best New or redeisgned website

Thursday, 09 November 2017 09:39

This came from a request by chaplains who wanted a prisoner-friendly version of the original trypraying booklet. Written in collaboration with prisoners, it is based around the idea of ‘how to pray’ and uses prisoner testimonies, Bible stories, bold imagery and simple wording to introduce the Christian faith and the good news of Jesus. As well as being an engaging read for prisoners, it’s a useful tool for volunteers and workers, that opens up conversation in a natural way.

prisons booklet photo

This version is geared towards male prisoners with a women’s version currently in production.

Churches are being invited to sponsor a minimum of 20 copies for their local or regional prison. The booklet is £1.00 per copy and can be ordered online at: or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call the office on 0131 202 6449


Wednesday, 08 November 2017 11:54

The Leprosy Mission, (TLM) an international Christian development organisation, diagnoses, treats and offers specialist care, including reconstructive surgery, to people affected by leprosy. Its aim is to help transform and empower the lives of people affected by leprosy.

Leprosy is a disease of poverty and as well as providing healthcare, TLM offers rehabilitation, education, vocational training, small business loans, housing and fresh water supplies and sanitation to tens of thousands of people each year. TLM provides a springboard to restored health, self-sufficiency and renewed hope. Its services are provided regardless of religion or ethnicity, promoting equality and social justice.

Danja village in Niger has around 7,500 inhabitants, with around 60 per cent affected by leprosy. It sprang up as a settlement close to Danja Hospital, where people who came for treatment settled because they did not want to go back to their home villages due to stigma and the distance from the hospital.

Nine leprosy-affected communities in the southern region of Maradi are encouraged to access leprosy treatment through awareness raising activities about leprosy symptoms and treatment. People affected by leprosy also receive surgery, mobility aids and help with disability prevention. Government health staff from across the region are trained to detect and treat leprosy. A range of socio-economic development activities near the hospital are also supported. Housing and water supplies are provided, and children are given support to attend school. Literacy classes are organised, especially for women, and young people are helped to access vocational training.

Danja Secondary School gets destroyed by the rains each year and must be rebuilt. Some children prefer to walk the 15km into Maradi each day to go to the secondary school, where there are about 400 students. The school is getting better at retaining girl students but early marriage and dropping out of school is still an issue. However, the local primary school has 800 children so there is a high drop-out rate.

Please pray for TLM’s work in Niger:

  • Pray for people affected by leprosy in Niger who are often ostracised from their families (and even their children) once diagnosed with leprosy. Any outward signs of leprosy can cause fear and a spouse to reject husband/wife, forcing them to leave children, and devastating lives. Give thanks that TLM is helping people affected by leprosy to piece their shattered lives back together through surgery, training and education and pray that more will come forward for help.
  • Give thanks for the opportunities that The Leprosy Mission can give to people affected by leprosy. Opportunities for medical care, school education and training for employment. Give thanks that these opportunities are life-changing, like the adult literacy classes which enable people to read and write, giving them better chances of employment so they can help support their families. Pray that more people will be encouraged to come forward early for diagnosis and treatment, knowing that they can also benefit from the same care, education and training.
  • Pray that more reliable, clean water supplies will be provided to Danja hospital and nearby communities in Niger, so that hope is restored and risk to health is reduced because people do not need to walk such long distances to unclean wells.
  • Pray for Danja Leprosy Referral Hospital in Niger, which faces financial, staffing and resources challenges. Ask God to meet these needs to ensure the smooth running of the centre and the best possible service for people affected by leprosy.
  • Pray for Issa, a former leprosy patient, who is now the chairperson of the International Association for Integration, Dignity and Economic Advancement (IDEA). Give thanks for the encouragement he gives to other members of IDEA, through his own testimony, as they share their experiences, touching other people and bringing about a better understanding of leprosy.

Thank you so much for praying for people affected by leprosy and TLM's work with the many people who are still marginalised, disabled and shunned just because they have leprosy.
Your prayers really do make a difference.


Source: The Leprosy Mission


Thursday, 26 October 2017 11:45

I believe that the revival people have been prophesying for the UK has begun.

Through the ministry of Jerame Nelson, a revival has been going on in San Diego, USA since January 2016. In June, the Lord told Jerame to go to England, so he phoned Rakesh & Preethy Kurian, the pastors of Capstone Church, Ilford to ask if he could host meetings for the following week. The meetings began June 27th, and the Glory of God came to Capstone. The meetings have been held Wednesday to Saturday ever since, and thousands have watched the meetings on Livestream and Facebook.

Why did God choose to visit Capstone, a largely Asian church in out of the way Ilford? There are of course many reasons why God visits a church, but in my opinion Capstone has two pastors who are honouring and who are passionate for revival. It has a wonderful worship team who brings one into the Presence of God and a congregation who are full of love, passion and hunger for more of God. Rakesh and Preethy Kurian were born again in a revival in India and God called them to the UK in 2005. Since then they have had just one thing on their minds – Revival.

Worship is a very important part of the meetings. The weighty Presence of God results in many people being ‘slain in the Spirit’ and other manifestations of God’s love are many people laughing in the Spirit and people being healed. There have been a number of testimonies of changed lives and increased giftings as a result of attending the meetings and through watching on social media.

I asked Preethy what they felt God had been doing these last 16 weeks and what they believe God has in store for the immediate future. This was her reply:

“The London Awakening has been an outpouring of God’s glory and manifested weighty presence. People from all over the country and even abroad have been visiting Capstone Church since the end of June. We have people viewing on social media from around the world. It’s been amazing! People are encountering God, getting set free, healed, and committing their lives to the Lord. We see people getting refreshed, supernaturally ignited and taking the fire back to their homes and churches. We are truly humbled and honoured by what God is doing.

I believe God is looking to invade our time and space to reveal Himself to us. Every move of God results in a revelation of God. I believe God is looking for a place that will host His presence, a house for His abode, where His children can come in and encounter Him, get filled with His glory and purpose and carry the glory of God into their spheres. What we are doing here is simply hosting His presence. His presence indicates that He is looking to move in this nation and He is looking for fire catchers and carriers. He is looking for a new wine skin to host His new wine.”

In my opinion we have a ‘fire’ burning in London; where the Presence of God is being hosted. The Presence of God is what this ‘revival’ is all about. The more time we spend with God, the more we will be carriers of His Presence and, as we go out into the world, people will be impacted by what we carry. It is important that as many people as possible visit the ‘fire’ and take away what God is offering there.

A pastor recently came from Preston and took the ‘fire back to his church, which caught ‘fire’ and they been having two extra meetings a week ever since. Another example is the leader of the UK Four Square group of churches who has been several times to Capstone church and he is now taking the ‘fire’ wherever he goes and he has started ‘revival’ meetings in his church. This proves the ‘fire’ is transferable and contagious.

This is tangible evidence that time in a Holy Spirit charged atmosphere can result in transference and release of new levels of anointing. Transformed lives will transform communities, which will transform cities, which will transform nations.

Come and catch the revival fires.


Michael Marcel’s heart is to see revival come to our nations. He is the author of ‘Prepare for Revival’. Find out more info


Thursday, 26 October 2017 11:40

What a time to be alive! Everything around us seems to be going from bad to worse. I just heard that in one area close to where I live 75% of the people are classified as "deprived and living in poverty". And this is in modern Britain!

What has gone wrong and what can bring about change?

Wherever we look – in every walk of life, in every sphere, in multiple communities - standards are being ignored, morality is being turned on its head, truth is flying out the window, violence is increasing, and things increasingly look desperate. People are asking "is there a way out of this mess?"

I am not a prophet of doom. I am aware that God always has an answer. Historically, in times of desperation and decline, God has stepped into situations to bring about radical change and to herald a coming harvest. He does this despite our sinfulness – because He wants to be merciful.

Think of the prophet Jonah sent to Nineveh (in modern-day Iraq) – described as a "very wicked city". Jonah didn't want to go because of what it was like there, but God wanted to show mercy. He doesn't do this however, without His people. He chooses to use, and to bless us in the process.

The book of Romans is addressed to those who are "loved by God and called to be His holy people" (1:7)

What a wonderful description of us, of me, of you! So we can ask ourselves – is this true? Am I loved by God – truly loved by God – a God of fullness, of righteousness and holiness? Am I one of His holy people? Am I holy? If not, what can I do to change that? Holiness is the character of God – "Be holy, for I am holy", says the Lord (1 Peter 1:15-16).

But the rest of that first chapter is about the depravity of mankind. It reads like a description of our modern times. Three times Paul writes "God gave them over" – to whatever was the issue – sexual immorality and idolatry, shameful lusts (as in same-sex relationships), and to depraved minds – when everything got out of control. Read verses 28-32 to see what I mean.

I believe God has reached the stage of giving us over to our wayward sins. So, what is the answer?

I need to be put right first of all; to get rid of everything that offends God and ask Him to give me a thorough overhaul – a full service – a new engine or heart, one that pursues Him and His holiness.

Secondly, society around me and individuals and families within society, whether the community I live in or the one I work in, need to discover God is for real. The Gospel is the answer. God's love is the answer. And prayer is the key. When we begin to pray for our neighbours, our colleagues, and our family with both faith and passion and do it from a place of unity, as in prayer triplets – things will begin to change.

God is looking for an unprecedented harvest – and you and I are the key. We are the workers, the labourers in His Harvest. It is time to turn back to God, to pray in desperation for things to change, and to be willing for God to use us as His instruments of change. These are the ingredients for what I am calling "a new Pentecost".

Pray for an Acts 2 encounter for your community!


Brian Mills is passionate about prayer and is an Executive Member of the International Prayer Council and a partner of Interprayer International Partnership. He is the author of the book God is Still Speaking.