Natasha Ruddock

Natasha Ruddock

Monday, 11 April 2016 14:05

In the first 5 days since a national crowd funding campaign was launched last Sunday (3rd April) to build a prayer landmark in the UK, £10,000 has already been pledged towards the £45,000 target.

The Wall is the vision of vision of Richard Gamble, who 12 years ago carried a cross through Leicestershire.

Richard Gamble is the former Leicester Football Chaplain and International Director of Sports Chaplaincy UK but believes his next task is to build a prayer wall for the nation.

Mr Gamble and a growing team is seeking to construct a Christian symbol, equivalent to the Angel of the North, and a 40 day Kickstarter campaign is attempting to fundraise the initial funds to make this happen.

If the Kickstarter is successful, The Wall will be made up of a million bricks - each brick will represent an answered prayer.

Mr Gamble wants the landmark will be built next to a motorway, so that thousands of people will be able to drive past each day and believe that Jesus is alive and that prayers will be ans


Speaking about the first £10,000 pledged towards the Kickstarter campaign, Richard Gamble, Director of The Wall said:

"Last Sunday when the Kickstarter was launched, it was described to me like the Nation had opened its wallet to get behind this huge step of faith that has been taken. Initially money came in but in the middle of the week, it slowed right down.

However, I'm excited to see the initial £10,000 pledged and hope this
is the start of a huge sense of growth to see this project come about.

What has inspired me the most in the last 5 days is the number of people from across the world who have heard about this project and given.

I believe this is going to be big and I'd love anyone who share my heart to join the journey!"

To find out more about the work of The Wall Kickstarter, please visit the website:


Monday, 11 April 2016 11:31

Across the UK the MI5 threat level has continued to be SEVERE. Let us thank God for the continued protection of our nations to date and for those who are working so hard to keep us safe.


A number of national Prayer Ministries have joined together to call the nations to prayer. 

We suggest you may like to pray every day, covering the issues that are locally, nationally and internationally relevant. Ask the Holy Spirit to guide you as to what to pray for and how to pray. Keep an eye on the news and respond in prayer.

We are looking to mobilise effective informed united prayer across our nations by praying for God's wisdom, revelation, insight and protection for:

  1. Government and World Leaders.
  2. Emergency Services
  3. Armed forces
  4. Intelligence Services
  5. Media and communications
  6. ISIS and others who may wish to cause danger.
  7. Angelic protection.
  8. An unprecedented move of God across our communities and nations.
  9. Vulnerable areas - tunnels, stadiums, airports, the Euro tunnel, theatres, schools, colleges and shopping areas etc.


  1. To provide mercy and protection to reduce the danger to life and limb from attacks for our communities and nations.
  2. To release a clear trumpet call to those in the valley of decision.
  3. To reduce fear and hopelessness - The aim of terror is to bring fear, confusion, hatred – we stand against that in the name of Jesus because his perfect love casts out fear.
  4. To bring any plots into the light before they are actioned.
  5. To see the Church arise and stand united around Jesus love.

Remain vigilant in prayer especially during the celebrations for Queen Elizabeth's 90th birthday celebrations and other large events.

Source:  Coastlands & Gateways


Monday, 11 April 2016 10:55

The Leprosy Mission (TLM) is an international Christian development organisation that diagnoses, treats and offers specialist care, including reconstructive surgery, to leprosy patients. Its aim is to transform and empower the lives of people affected by leprosy.

Leprosy is a disease of poverty and as well as providing healthcare, TLM offers rehabilitation, education, vocational training, small business loans, housing and fresh water supplies and sanitation to tens of thousands of people each year. TLM provides a springboard to restored health, self-sufficiency and renewed hope. Its services are provided regardless of religion or ethnicity, promoting equality and social justice.

Widely believed to be the world's oldest disease, leprosy is also one of the world's most stigmatised. A specialist approach is required to educate, encourage and empower people to stand up for their human rights. Age-old stigma surrounding leprosy sees entire families robbed of their job opportunities, education, marriage prospects and their dreams shattered.

Fears and misunderstandings surrounding leprosy, such as the disease being a curse for some alleged misdeed, are widespread. In turn they fuel a vicious circle that begins with those affected hiding the first suspect skin patches in order to avoid being shunned by their families and becoming a social outcast.

Three million disabled
Leprosy is a mildly-infectious disease caused by a bacillus called Mycobacterium leprae – a relative of the TB bacillus. It occurs where there is dirty water, bad nutrition and poor standards of living, meaning people's immune systems are not strong and they are unable to fight the disease.

World Health Organisation figures reveal there are around a quarter of a million new cases of leprosy diagnosed globally each year. Globally, there are more than three million people living with irreversible disabilities, including blindness, as a result of the late treatment of leprosy.

The Leprosy Mission England & Wales concentrates its efforts on 11 countries. It works closely with staff in these Asian and African nations to provide and evaluate a range of different projects that help transform the lives of leprosy-affected people. As a global charity, The Leprosy Mission works in around 30 leprosy-endemic countries.

Please would you pray for The Leprosy Mission's work? If you would like a copy of the annual prayer diary, ASK, please contact us.

Pray for The Leprosy Mission England and Wales's CREATE (CSOs (Civil Society Organisations) for Resource mobilisation, Advocacy, Training & Employment) project in four states in India (Chhattisgarh, Uttar Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu) which aims to challenge and address stigma and discrimination where people live by raising awareness of needs in local communities. Pray that the results of this will mean that neighbours will not reject and ill-treat those with/affected by leprosy. Pray also that mainstream employers will open up employment opportunities to people affected by leprosy, thus challenging discrimination. Give thanks for the project and pray that the leprosy-affected will be enabled to train for work and get jobs that will enable them to set up their own sustainable micro-businesses.


Leprosy25 April 2016 is the anniversary of the devastating earthquakes in Nepal.

You can help to 'Rebuild Nepal' and transform lives for leprosy-affected people.

Hold a World Leprosy Day January – 25 April 2016 

Picture: Narasannapeta Colony in Andhra Pradesh, helped by TLMEW's work in conjunction with Brighter Future.

Monday, 11 April 2016 10:30

The internet has become an essential part of everyday life, with live streaming used for video calls, sporting events and news updates. Yet there is a sickening and fast-growing issue where individuals, often from the West, use live streaming to pay to watch and participate in the live sexual abuse of children in developing countries, often involving children who are have been trafficked or coerced into performing these acts.

IJM's offices in the Philippines have been involved in cases of cybersex trafficking in 2011, and have already rescued children as young as 2 years old from this type of oppression. The Philippines is ranked as the top country producing and distributing videos of child abuse. This crime is escalating, and the links to the UK cannot be ignored.

On the 26th April 2016, International Justice Mission is joining with Christians in Government for a day of prayer and fasting. Join with us in the Chapel at Central Hall Westminster at 6-7.30pm to pray that governments, international law enforcement and internet providers would work closely together to bring an end to this crime.

If you cannot attend the event in London please pray where you are, whether alone or in a group, so that across the UK and the world we are united in prayer against this issue. Please join with us in praying that this exploitation would be brought out of the shadows and into the light. Pray that God would change the hearts and minds of both those who pay to watch this abuse and those who perform or arrange the abuse.

Read more:


ijmInternational Justice Mission is a global organisation that protects the poor from violence throughout the developing world. IJM partners with local authorities to rescue victims of violence, bring criminals to justice, restore survivors, and strengthen justice systems. Inspired by God's call to love all people and to seek justice, IJM's team of Christian lawyers, social workers, investigators and other professionals protect the poor from violence without regard to race, religion or any other factor.


Wednesday, 06 April 2016 11:39

Do you want to find out more about Jesus?

There are some excellent websites that you can visit to find out more.  Here are a few:






Tuesday, 05 April 2016 16:25

In the run-up to Thy Kingdom Come, the week of prayer called for by the Archbishops of Canterbury and York, an encouraging number of churches are considering hosting 24-7 prayer rooms, many for the first time. Some prayer rooms will be held across a rural benefice or deanery, others in larger churches or with sisters and brothers from other denominations and streams. There'll even be a dedicated prayer room at the heart of Lambeth Palace, the home of the Archbishop of Canterbury.

A round the clock prayer room for a week or weekend can sound a daunting prospect, but one Vicar shares the story of when his rural deanery hosted one for the first time, "I was a bit hesitant doing it as an individual church as it's a lot of hours, but we divided it up and it was amazing. It released all sorts of things in our church and it felt like a spiritual blockage was removed. I shouldn't be surprised that 24-7 prayer had such an effect, but how it changed our church did surprise me. This year we are doing it as a Deanery and with ecumenical friends. We'll be using the 24-7 prayer facility [online] which allows people to book slots easily."

To watch the full video go to

The Thy Kingdom Come contains links to all you need to setup a room, with full details here: The Archbishops are delighted to be partnering with 24-7 prayer to offer their online booking and registration resource, without charge, here: (requires free registration then click on 'register prayer room').

If you are planning on hosting a prayer room please do register on the website so we can all be encouraged. You can also register your e-mail address to receive information from the Archbishops about Thy Kingdom Come here:

Monday, 04 April 2016 17:26

In March 2016, the World Prayer Centre hosted the WATCHING 2016 national prayer conference at The Hayes conference centre in Swanwick, Derbyshire. Over 240 people gathered for powerful time of seeking God, prayer, being equipped and released with fresh vision and prayer strategy.

Rev Malcolm Duncan of Goldhill Baptist church was our guest speaker for the third year. It was a time of envisioning, watching and hearing what the Lord is saying in these times. We also hosted four workshops as part of the conference, which were to equip people in prayer, evangelism and the prophetic.

Malcolm Duncan brought a significant prophetic word to the Church in these Islands at our conference. It builds on important words spoken by Smith Wigglesworth (1947) and Jean Darnell (1967) of God's call on Great Britain. We feel that it is right to release this Word to the wider Church.

Get Malcolm's Word

Please study this word, pray into it and to bring it into Father's presence. Feel free to share it prayerfully with others. Ask the question, "Lord, what are you calling me to do? Show me your heart for my town/neighbourhood/workplace/ community". We are being called to get ready – and come before God in repentance, dependence and authenticity.

Join us in praying, "Come Holy Spirit, in power, grace, and holiness – I open myself to you. Use me, prepare your church and change this nation. Amen"

The World Prayer Centre team

Thursday, 24 March 2016 14:01

In this week's video Pete Greig from 24-7 Prayer talks about the preacher DL Moody who prayed for 100 of his friends to know Jesus. Ninety-six of them came to faith before he died, the last four became Christians at his funeral. It's an encouragement for us all to pray for those we love who don't yet know Jesus. Using the leather prayer strap Pete ties 5 knots, and encourages all to do the same as a reminder for us to pray for those 5 people God has put on our heart over the week of Thy Kingdom Come, 8-15 May 2015.

Watch the video on YouTube.

Thursday, 24 March 2016 09:38

The first 100,000 print run of a new book to commemorate the Queen’s 90th birthday - The Servant Queen - has already been sold and another 100,000 being printed. Scripture Union are producing a schools edition a copy of which will be sent to every junior school.

‘The Queen’s birthday books I ordered have been delivered today…  They are absolutely wonderful and more than once moved me to tears – not an easy task usually.  I am sure they will be highly valued by everyone who receives one, and they contain a wonderful, very simple, memorable message. Brilliant!’

You can preview the book in the video above and download the video hereClick here to order copies of The Servant Queen.

Do pray with us that God will use each of us in this season to follow the Queen’s example, talking naturally about Jesus. May God use us to bring in an amazing harvest

The first 100,000 print run of The Servant Queen has already been sold and another 100,000 being printed. Scripture Union are producing a schools edition a copy of which will be sent to every junior school.

‘The Queen’s birthday books I ordered have been delivered today…  They are absolutely wonderful and more than once moved me to tears – not an easy task usually.  I am sure they will be highly valued by everyone who receives one, and they contain a wonderful, very simple, memorable message. Brilliant!’

You can preview the book in the video above and download the video here. Click here to order copies of The Servant Queen.

Do pray with us that God will use each of us in this season to follow the Queen’s example, talking naturally about Jesus. May God use us to bring in an amazing harvest

Wednesday, 23 March 2016 13:41

Our prayer conference at Swanwick was a memorable time. It was a time of calling and preparation not just for the people there but for many across His church. We are in a time of change with great political and economic uncertainty but we are standing on the plans and purposes of Jesus.

  • God is looking for a people who will be obedient – who really make Jesus the head of all we do, who fully depend on Him.
  • God is looking for a broken people who can be authentic and compassionate in a broken world. He wants us to be changed by knowing Him more deeply as our Father, He delights in us, walks with us, and equips us. God's heart is deeply moved by the brokenness He finds in many of His people and we felt His loving arms around us. He is opening our eyes to a broken and traumatised world, of abused children, disintegrated families, vulnerable young people, and victims of injustice whether they be in India or our neighbourhood.
  • He is calling for watchers – people who will respond to the accelerating need to watch and pray.
  • He is declaring a time of change and fruitfulness – for WPC as we enter the third year of our journey through 2 Kings 19 and Isaiah 37, and for His church as He awakens us to prayer and evangelism.
  • Malcolm Duncan blessed us deeply in so many ways and his teaching was deep and broad, looking at our call to serve the Lord and defend His name, serve the globe and serve His church in the UK. God spoke deeply to Malcolm and he brought a very specific word from the Lord for the last day – we will send out the transcript shortly but essentially the message is – it is time to prepare our hearts and raise our expectations for a move of God in our nation.


It is time for more prayer, for informed prayer, for focused prayer, for faith filled prayer -

  • For the gospel to be preached across the whole church this Easter, for Jesus to be revealed in marches of witness, church services, family gatherings etc. pray for joy to fill His church as we celebrate Easter together. We pray for a powerful move of God this Easter.
  • For the broken – let us see our neighbourhood and workplace with Your eyes, let us pray for your love where there is brokenness
  • In the light of the Brussels bombs, we pray for Your comfort. Have mercy on Belgium, have mercy on Brussels, open people's eyes to Your love.
  • Protect our nation – we stand on the walls of the United Kingdom and ask – Lord have mercy, give wisdom and insight to our security forces and authority to us as we pray.
  • Bring peace this Easter at the marking of the 100th anniversary of the Easter Rising - in Dublin and across the Republic; and in Belfast and across Northern Ireland.  

Steve Botham