Natasha Ruddock

Natasha Ruddock

Monday, 04 January 2016 17:06

Listen to our New Year message for 2016 from our founder Ian Cole.  What does the future hold for the world, the nation and for WPC?

Wednesday, 09 December 2015 12:36

World Prayer Centre believes there is an urgent call for God's people to stand in prayer for the United Kingdom. The nation has entered a new phase in our conflict with ISIS. We are particularly vulnerable to terrorist attacks and fear in the days leading up to Christmas and when there are large gatherings of people in the post-Christmas/News Year's Eve period. We feel this is part of a wider time of shaking for our nation and other nations.

We believe God is challenging His church. It is time for all God's people to pray – we are called to be alert, to protect, guard and bless our communities and nation.

Here is a prayer format you may wish to use in small groups and church meetings, or to help personal prayer. We want to pray for God's mercy for our communities and the United Kingdom, that we might turn our hearts to Jesus – the Prince of peace, Deliverer, source of hope and goodness and see many people discover a fresh revelation of Jesus across the nation this Christmas.

So let's unite in prayer.

We are asking people to pray on the 12 – 14 December in different prayer gatherings and church services.

Pray daily between now and Christmas – and beyond:

  • Lord have mercy and protect our nation
  • Lord, fill us with Your perfect love so that we can walk with You and not in fear.
  • Pour out your blessing on this nation so that thousands will have a revelation of Jesus in this Christmas period

Download our prayer guide to pray for the UK.  Please share this with your friends, your bible study/home group, your church and across your networks.

Joel 2:1 'Blow the trumpet in Zion; sound the alarm on my holy hill. Let all who live in the land tremble, for the day of the LORD is coming. It is close at hand'.

Wednesday, 18 November 2015 10:08

Most of us face news of the atrocities and inhumane things happening at the hands of ISIS on a daily basis due to our work/ministry; we are bombarded with prayer requests for the people suffering, who are being persecuted for their faith, taken as sex slaves and fleeing their countries. And because we are compelled to as Christians, by love for our brothers and sisters, we pray. We even heard how the family members of the 21 Egyptians who were slaughtered in Libya, ask us to pray for those who killed their loved ones. And as believers we are very aware of Jesus' command in Matthew 5:44 to pray for our enemies.

These words of Jesus became a real "challenge" to many of us when we heard about the attacks in Paris, France this week as we realize the threats are coming "closer to home". It is then when we ask: Should we pray for the defeat of ISIS, or their conversion? Our hearts and our minds tell us that we need justice, not mercy, condemnation not salvation!

Jesus says to love our enemies and to pray for those who persecute us (Matthew 5:44). BUT the Spirit of Jesus in the prophets and in the apostles also tells us that those who turn a blind eye to the killing of others are wrong. So how do we pray?

The main problem is that we sometimes forget that we are called to be a people of both justice and justification, and that these two are not contradictory.

It sounds awfully spiritual, to say that we should not pray for the defeat of our enemies on the field of battle. But that's only the case if these enemies are not actually doing anything. This terrorist group is raping, enslaving, beheading, crucifying our brothers and sisters in Christ, as well as other innocent people. To not pray for swift action against them is to not care about what Jesus said we should seek, what we should hunger and thirst for, for justice. As Christians, we ought to be, above all, people concerned with such justice.

At the same time, praying for the salvation of our enemies, even those committing the most horrific of crimes, is not a call to stop praying for justice against them.
We ought to pray for the gospel to go forward, and that there might be a new Saul of Tarsus turned away from murdering to gospel witness. At the same time, we ought to pray, with the martyrs in heaven, for justice against those who do such wickedness.

Therefore praying for the military defeat of our enemies, and that they might turn to Christ, are not contradictory prayers because salvation doesn't mean turning an eye away from justice.

The thief on the cross—a Middle Eastern terrorist by Rome's standards—in his act of faith did not believe that his salvation exempted him from justice. He confessed that his sentence was justice, and that he was receiving "the due reward for our deeds" (Luke 23:41) even as he cried out to Jesus (and was given) for merciful entrance into the Kingdom of Christ (Luke 23:42).

Pray for 30 Days

May God give you HIS love for ISIS during these 30 days and that the body of Christ will pray through and into His heart. This Prayer Guide is a guide line for praying for ISIS.

30 days


Source:  Jericho Walls International, Russell Moore


Monday, 16 November 2015 16:49

The events of this weekend's Paris attacks have changed Europe forever. We have all watched with sadness and wept with the people of Paris, for those who have lost loved ones, and those traumatised by this brutal attack on the city and people they love.

Lord, have mercy on France and bring deep comfort to those who mourn. Draw close to those in hospital and bring healing.

France is a secular nation, where the Church is restricted, and it birthed much of the secular and humanist thought in Europe that set itself up against God. At the Bataclan concert hall on Friday night it was as the band Eagles of Death Metal were playing a song called 'Kiss the devil' that the gunshots started (see reports in The Sunday Times). In many ways France has given up on God. In Zephaniah, the Lord says "here comes upon you the day of the wrath of the Lord. Seek the Lord all you humble of the land, who do His commands; seek righteousness and humility" Zephaniah 2: 2-3. God has not given up on France. His cry is "turn to me", "I will comfort you" I will give you peace in your hearts".

We declare God's love for France. May your Church in France be equipped and enabled during this time of mourning, may many come to know you. May you bring hope.

Great wisdom is needed at this time. As France responded with bombing ISIS strongholds in Syria, will there be ramifications? On social media, people are already pointing the finger at refugees.

Lord, we ask for Your wisdom for world leaders and those in government and the security services searching for the right ways forward. For God to reveal intelligence to the French Police, Interpol and other security services to expose the works of the enemy and for His to light to shine.

President Hollande said 'this is a declaration of war'. We believe that war was declared by ISIS some time ago in the heavenly places – God wants to bless and Satan wants to bring evil, mayhem, murder and lawlessness. As the Archbishop of Canterbury said on Friday, "Lord, deliver us from evil".

We declare the Supremacy of Christ 'who disarmed the principalities and powers and made a public example of them, triumphing over them in Him' over France. (Colossians 2:15) Protect our brothers and sisters on the frontline of this spiritual battle in Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Jordan and Iran, and provide for their basic needs. Change the hearts of the ISIS leaders and persecutors.

This is not just a French problem. Europe was once the Gospel-sending centre of the world – now it is in desperate need of the Gospel again. The refugee crisis will become an even more complex and troubling issue. Jesus says "I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me" Matthew 25:35-36. We believe much of the spiritual warfare is because many Muslims are coming to Christ. Finally, pray:

  • Prepare us Lord for the times that lie ahead – humbly, with compassion and grace.
  • That the deep mercy of God and his grace will be revealed in every nation in Europe.
  • Bless the refugees across Europe – may they meet with Jesus, their only hope.
  • For the peoples of Europe 'let them say among the nations – the Lord reigns.' 1 Chronicles 16:31


Thursday, 12 November 2015 13:00

Read the recent copy of the World Prayer Centre's print newsletter The Heartbeat, which goes out once a quarter.  You can view it here.

We also send a regular email newsletter called The Pulse which keeps people regularly updated with prayer points, prayer events, initaitives and lots of new stuff!  Sign up to receive The Pulse.

Thursday, 12 November 2015 11:19

World Prayer Centre has ten prayer booklets to help people with prayer.  These simple study guides can help small groups learn together about a key prayer theme or issue, and then think through how they can pray in new and more effective ways. The approach is simple – read the booklet (takes 10-20 minutes) before your meetings, discuss the content and work on a new approach to prayer together. Here are some guidelines:

All of them are easy to read and study. There are some practical ones on strengthening prayer – Praying Scripture, The Call of the Watchman, a Guide to Blessing and Prayer Walking. Others are focused on key areas for prayer and you can decide which will resonate most with your small group. Choose from praying for - Children and young people, A Nation, People at work, Persecuted Church, Health Care Professionals, and Unsaved family and friends.

You must read the booklet before the study. It is a guide with some ideas, scriptures and practical actions. As you read, make notes on the guide. Where you find something that resonates with you, or you like it, put a tick. Where you want to explore an issue put a question mark. Highlight or underline passages or lines that you want to remember for the future or refer to when you discuss the booklet. Pray before the meeting that God will speak and guide your group into a renewed focus on prayer.

Our prime focus at World Prayer Centre is on the Supremacy of Christ. Study, group time and prayer are only worthwhile when we are consciously and deliberately in His presence. Why not start the study by meditating and praising around key descriptions of Jesus.

He is the Good Shepherd – He will guide our ways as we study
He is Sovereign – we are in a place of obedience to Him
He is the Lord of Hosts – when we pray things happen in the heavenly places
He is the Prince of Shalom/peace – He wants strong whole relationships with himself and between us
He is the Redeemer – He is constantly working to bring people to Himself

Proclaim God's sovereignty over the subject you are studying – and praise Him!

Check on the level of knowledge and expertise in the room, e.g. if you are studying the children's guide, get names and ages of children/grandchildren, who has worked in a job with children, been a parent or helped in church work or other organisations.
Review the key messages in the book. This can either be done as a whole group or in smaller groups of 3 – 5 people.

  • Ask 3 or 4 people to say (one at a time uninterrupted) what they felt were the key messages in the booklet.
  • Ask others what additional things struck them as key messages.
  • Who do we know on the front line? Who is working in this particular area? How could we pray for them? How could they help us pray?
  • What is happening in our village, neighbourhood/town or city? What should we be concerned about? What might be key things to pray about?
  • Are there any testimonies from the group? Personal testimonies of God using them or stories of others from books, the internet, friends etc.
  • What were some of the issues the group marked for discussion? Pick 2 – 3 recurring issues and ask – what was the concern? What do others think? What is the way forward?

This should not be rushed at the end. It needs time because many in the group might not have thought practically about praying for a subject in an informed and determined way before. Each of the booklets will give some ideas for action. We encourage you to listen to what God might be saying to you as a group and then to think through some ways forward.

  • Listen to God quietly- some people might want to meditate on some of the scriptures in the guide booklets, others might want to just sit in the presence of God and ask God what is on His heart. God may give you a word, scripture or picture.
  • Pray together submitting yourselves to God and asking that you might each know His heart.
  • Discussion What happen next? What will we do in the next four weeks?
    • How can we pray for this issue in the future?
    • How can we keep ourselves informed? What more do we want to know or understand?
    • Who can we pray for? What situations or places should we pray for?
    • How do we keep praying for significant change? E.g. for the sovereignty of Christ, for harvest, for strongholds to be broken.
    • How do we make sure we are monitoring on-going issues? E.g. praying protection, releasing blessing, pray for wisdom for key people, etc.
    • How do we ensure God gets the glory? Keep watching for stories, answered prayer, testimonies that demonstrate that God is on the case!
  •  How do we sustain this?

Now put it into action!  Visit our store to check out what guides are available and order them for your small group.  

Pray in the Spirit at all times and on every occasion. Stay alert and be persistent in your prayers for all believers everywhere. Ephesians 6.18

Wednesday, 28 October 2015 10:00

We received this blessing from a contact who believes that it should be released as a blessing prayer of villages, towns and cities on 31 October, Halloween, as the power of blessing is something that darkness cannot stand.

So, why don't you release God's light and blessing on that day in your location:


Heavenly Father, we take upon ourselves the mantle of authority that Jesus delegates to us and in His Name we speak to every household in this town and surrounding area and say to you:

"We bless you in the Name of the Lord. We bless your marriages that they may be strong and whole. We bless the relationships between each marriage partner that they may be loving, forgiving, merciful and strong. We bless every inter-generational relationship within each household that there may be peace and love and understanding flowing between each one.

In Jesus' name we bless every network of wholesome and supportive friendship.

We bless your health that you may be strong and well. In Jesus' name we resist any sickness or disease which seeks to invade this town and to every person in the surrounding area we say, be well, be strong, be healthy. To any who are sick right now we say we bless you in Jesus' name with a speedy recovery.

We bless your wealth that you may have plenty to replace poverty. We bless you to have enough to live and enough to give. We bless the work of your hands that whatever you turn your hand to which is wholesome may be profitable. We bless every wholesome enterprise that is conducted by you that it may prosper and be successful. We bless the shops and restaurants in every good that you do.

We bless the Residential Homes for the elderly, that they may be secure, safe and peaceful places where those who live there may be loved and cared for in a way that maintains their dignity.

We bless Pre-school, Schools, colleges and universities(name those within the town or those that you know the name of), that they may be secure, safe places for teachers and pupils alike. We bless the children's capacity to learn and develop relationships and we bless their simple trust in Jesus that their trust may grow and become enriched.

We speak to the Churches, (name as many that you know) and we say we bless you in the Name of the Lord that the Holy Spirit and the Word of God may flow out from you in power. We bless the hearts of all who live in and work in this town and surrounding area, that the overspill of the blessings of the presence of the Kingdom of God may fall upon you."

(After the pattern of the Blessing used at Ffald-y-Brenin Prayer Center, South Wales)

Download a PDF of the blessing


Wednesday, 28 October 2015 10:00

From a source in Croatia;

As you may learn from media, Croatia just has been hit by the major migrant's crisis, as well as many other European countries. The attached photo of the Croatian policeman holding the refugee child was taken the first day and illustrated the warm welcome of the nation to the people that are fleeing from war, or looking for better life in Europe. However, the situation that the politicians convinced us would be easy to manage, the very next day turned into the crisis with no solution on the horizon. In only 10 days, 73,500 immigrants ran over our country on their way to Germany. And as long as Germany would be willing and capable to keep on receiving them, it may probably work to some degree. But, once they reach their limit, it is very likely that hundred's of thousands will be trapped in Croatia. Their desperation could then easy turn into anger and destruction, so please pray for our future as it might become uncertain, perhaps even chaotic.

And though my country has experience with refugees from our war in 90-ties, this is very different. The whole situation is extremely complex. It has it's human trauma at the first place, but it also has a very strange side as the most of those people are traveling with the good amount of money which let us suspect that there might be some hidden agenda behind, perhaps even intentionally to destabilize Europe and bring to the high islamisation of the continent. The problem is yet on the way as the number of incoming people is permanently increasing, they are coming all the way from west Africa to central Asia. Some said that at this moment there are up to 50 millions, mostly Muslims, on their way to Europe.

Facing that situation make me feel bit like the prophet Habakkuk. If we were told only months ago that anything like this would happen, we wouldn't believe. And as the prophet was sad watching the moral corruption of Israel, I also feel sad watching the moral corruption of the "Christian" Europe. And as the Lord was sovereign in dealing with Israel then, I'm afraid that we might be facing similar judgment today as well. It may not be only bad, as it may strengthen the believers and give us the new mission opportunities, but in the social sense, our future might likely become rather dark.

So, please pray for us. I'll do my best to keep on informing you how the situation will be developing. Please pray also for our Hope for Croatia conference that begins tomorrow, especially as the attendance is already affected by the migrant's crisis. As soon as I return back home, I'll be happy to write you how the Lord was working in the hearts of the attendants as well as many other ministries I've been involved in this passing Summer.

Wednesday, 28 October 2015 10:00

We want to encourage you to register and book as an individual, a member of a local church, as an intercessor, as part of a network, group, leadership team or minister for the National Prayer Retreat.

This gathering is purely for those who are longing to see more prayer and manifestations of the Kingdom flood the British Isles. The Lord told us to open this to the nation and He will draw those He has nudged or spoken to there. Are You one of those?

The National Prayer Retreat will be at (NOTE CHANGE OF ADDRESS):

The Selsdon Park Hotel & Golf Club,
126 Addington Road, South Croydon,
CR2 8YA,

Bookings are already coming in from across the nation and I want to make sure your town, city or region is represented.

Starting with supper at 6.30pm Thursday 12th November and departing at 4pm Saturday 14th November 2015. Please book your place today.

The Conference is FREE but each person is required to cover their accommodation and feeding costs,

There are various ways to attend:

1.Full Conference
Please book bedrooms by quoting 'FOUR121115'. The cost is (Double Occupancy @ £140.00 per person) (Single Person Occupancy @ £170.00 per person) for the whole conference.
To Book Please Click Here

2. Day Rate (With no accomodation)
To book as a day visitor We are now pleased to be able to offer a Day Rate, (with No overnight accomodation included) for those who wish to attend the Prayer Conference 2015, but are either unable to stay overnight, or would prefer to travel in on a daily basis.

Friday 13th November 2015 9.30am - 9.00pm £37.00 per person including VAT (to include Lunch, Dinner & Teas/Coffee)
Saturday 14th November 2015. 9.30am - 4.00pm £23.00 per person including VAT (to include Lunch & Teas/Coffee)

Friday & Saturday 13th & 14th November 2015 £60.00 per person including VAT (to include Lunch & Teas/Coffee)
To book please click here

3. Two Day Rate (With one nights accomodation)
To book as a day visitor We are now pleased to be able to offer a Day Rate, (with overnight accomodation included)
The cost is (Double Person Occupancy @ £84.00 per person)
(Single Person Occupancy @ £99.00 per person)
The cost includes Lunch, Dinner and Overnight Accomodation on Friday, Breakfast and Lunch on Saturday, unlimited tea, coffee, biscuits and access to Wi-Fi

To book please Click Here

We are particularly interested in young people joining us so consider sponsoring a promising younger person to represent your church or network or group. The coming Move of God is going to combine the younger and older generations running together! Start mentoring, raising disciples and protégés as well as Sons and Daughters in the Lord. This is a Word from the Lord.....Malachi 4:6


Jonathan Oloyede
Convener of the National Day of Prayer & Worship

Wednesday, 28 October 2015 10:00

Acts of Prayer
Praying for the M1 Corridor
Saturday 14th November 2015 – dawn 'til dusk

Over the summer of 2015 I had a growing sense that God was asking me to encourage prayer for the M1 Corridor in the UK. Having spent months pondering this and praying about it I now have a clearer idea as to why and how this should be done.

Why pray for the M1 Corridor?
The M1 was the first motorway to be built in the UK. It connects the north of England (Leeds) to the South (London). On a map it clearly runs through the heart of England. For these reasons I believe the M1 Corridor is a symbol of the heart of these isle and God wants to touch that heart with the reality of His kingdom.

What to pray for the M1 Corridor?

  • For God's Kingdom to come and God's will be done in the lives of all who live in the communities (large and small) near the M1 Including: Leeds, Sheffield, Chesterfield, Nottingham, Derby, Loughborough, Leicester, Rugby, Northampton, Milton Keynes, Luton and London.
  • For all who work on and use the M1 including the emergency services.
  • That God would heal the heart of the UK.
  • For an outpouring of the Holy Spirit across the geographical area of the M1 Corridor where many may come to faith in Jesus Christ.

How to pray for the M1 Corridor?
There are many different ways of responding to this call to pray including:

  • Praying in a church building or home near the motorway.
  • Standing over or beside the motorway (on a bridge).
  • Driving on the motorway, perhaps for just a few junctions and back.
  • At one of the many service stations on the motorway.
  • Praying in numerous locations in one of the communities that straddle the M1.

A prayer for the M1 Corridor
Heavenly Father, Lord God Almighty, as the M1 Corridor runs through the heart of England, we ask you to renew the heart of these lsles.
Touch the lives of all who live by, travel or work on the M1. May many come to faith in Jesus Christ and know the life, love, light and liberty of His saving grace.
We pray especially for all who live in poverty, the homeless, the exploited, orphans, the bereaved, those bound by addictive lifestyles, all who are poorly, the dying and this generation of children and young people. Bless them all with your protective healing peace. Amen.

 M1 map

Contact: Rev Tim Sumpter – This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
If you organise a prayer event, please let me know; thank you and blessings!!