Displaying items by tag: Praise

Thursday, 10 August 2023 22:26

Woman without pulse miracle

In an Instagram testimony a young lady testified before the congregation about a miracle she witnessed in a street outreach. One Friday night, she and her team were in the street to worship God, preach the Gospel and lead people to Christ. But after the outreach finished they noticed a commotion. Police were surrounding a lifeless lady on the street. One of their team members felt a conviction from the Holy Spirit that they needed to pray for resurrection. So, they went closer and began praying for the lady, who still had no pulse. She had been dead for ten minutes already, but they began to declare life for her. At first nothing happened, but they didn’t give up. They kept praying. A few minutes later, the lady’s eyes opened. It was a miracle. She began to breathe again.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 10 August 2023 22:21

USA: revival among Generation Z

Generation Z grew up with iPads and iPhones. They are connected to technology. American Survey Centre calls 1/3rd of this age group 'religious nones' (no religious affiliation). A summer camp leader says, ‘It’s essential we preach and teach the Bible, sharing the love of God to them when they're young - before the world has a chance to beat them up, chew them up and spit them out.’ This year, 3,000+ campers accepted Jesus as their personal saviour at Crossroads Summer Camp. The camp leader attributed this surge in salvations to the goodness of God compared to what the world has to offer. The Crossroads leader said,‘I think they've seen the materialism of our world. The ideologies that are being shoved down their throats. They're all empty. When they feel the presence of God, when they taste and see that the Lord is good, nothing else will satisfy them.’

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 04 August 2023 05:44

Hundreds pray for the UK in Trafalgar Square

On 29th July, Kingdom Impact Vision International (KIVI), the London Prayer and Worship Festival brought together hundreds of Christians from several denominations to intercede for revival in the UK, to worship and evangelise in Trafalgar Square. The event was preceded by evangelistic outreach in various surrounding areas. Gospel Singer Noel Robison led worship as well as performances from the Neema Choir from Uganda and the Spanish Community Choir. KIVI Ministries has organised similar events in towns across the UK, such as Margate, Walsall and Birmingham. They will also be joining Franklin Graham's evangelistic event in London on 26th August.

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 04 August 2023 05:43

24/7 Prayer in Taiwan

Rising tensions between China and Taiwan have reached a critical juncture. Taiwan faces almost daily Chinese military harassment. As concerns rise, Taiwan's Christians are taking to their knees. A prayer movement has united believers across Taiwan, inspiring 40,000+ revival prayer groups, including participants from China's underground churches. Each group has about 5 members, so the current total is about 200,000 participants. People meet 24/7 to pray for revival, unity, repentance, and protection over Taiwan, trusting that, through prayer, miracles happen, and a pathway to peace can be found. Rev. Peter Yang has pastored and planted churches in Taiwan since 1978 and he's never seen the kind of unity now on display. ‘Every day, every week, I join pastors from other churches, other denominations, and we pray for our cities, for our nation, for other countries. It's amazing, it's clearly God's doing. Unity will be the legacy of this movement.’

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 28 July 2023 10:19

God gave Jewish man vision of empty tomb

Richard Harvey attended the prestigious Winchester School. Although he was Jewish he regularly attended chapel services. Richard debated with his Christian friends, but Christ’s resurrection was a stumbling block - until, while discussing it, Richard saw an empty tomb. He was interested in what it meant to believe in Jesus and studied theology at university, but he was pulled in two directions: his Jewish friends wanted him to return to Judaism and Christians suggested he wasn’t a Jew now. When he studied church history he wondered, ‘Whatever happened to the first Jewish Christians? Why did they disappear? How can they reappear today?’ God called him to be an answer to his questions. He became an evangelist with Jews for Jesus and later for the Church’s Ministry among Jewish people (CMJ). Today he is involved with the British Messianic Jewish Alliance and lectures at All Nations Bible College, preparing missionaries for service overseas.

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 28 July 2023 10:17

100th pantry opens

The Local Pantry network is saving money for and improving the health of their communities. Pantries are small shops serving local neighbourhoods. Members pay a few pounds weekly and choose ten items worth many times more. They eat more fresh fruit and vegetables and are trying and enjoying new foods. Their finances have improved, and it helps them reduce food waste. Members also say their health has improved significantly. On 18 July the 100th pantry opened, in Kent. Churches host or support 47 of the 100, and the network has reached 90,000 people. Churches are ideal hosts, with physical space, local links, a well-known location, potential volunteers, and a desire to see positive change. Portsmouth’s Baptist Church closed its foodbank and opened a pantry instead. Inspired by its success, a Southsea Church of England did the same, as did two other local organisations, including an Elim Church community group.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 20 July 2023 18:44

Never stop praying for people

An event inspired by the Jesus Revolution film depicting  a time in the 60s and 70s when young people turned to Christ in droves was recreated on 2 July. Thousands of people lined the stony pathways leading to California’s Pirates Cove beach to be baptised. Then the queue slowed down as an older gentleman took longer to descend the stairs to publicly express his commitment to the Lord. It was a moment the 85-year-old atheist’s family thought would never happen. Yet his eternal decision was confirmed as he joined a massive baptism of 4,166 people, and may this older man’s story remind us to never stop praying for the lost.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 20 July 2023 18:42

Tabitha: ‘ Jesus is mighty to save’

Video footage of Tabitha Nazir Gill, a Christian nurse, being beaten up by colleagues went viral in 2021 after she was accused of breaking Pakistan’s penal code by insulting Mohammed, a crime which carries the death sentence. She went into hiding as police investigations continued. Later she said, ‘The mob wanted to kill me but I kept praying to Jesus and I opened my eyes and  felt I saw angels. From that moment I knew that I would be saved. I am thankful to Jesus Christ, my Lord and my God, for giving me my freedom. Jesus is mighty to save.’ She thanked God for those who had secured her safe passage out of Pakistan, including ‘the miracle’ of being granted an immigrant visa to a new country in the West, which cannot be disclosed for safety reasons.

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 14 July 2023 08:46

'Jesus Revolution' coming to Netflix

The Jesus Revolution film is coming to Netflix on 31 July, allowing thousands more the opportunity to hear the gospel. It was released in February, earning $52 million in theatres, remaining in the top ten for several weeks. In April it became number one best seller on Amazon Prime, Blu-ray and DVD charts. It tells the true story behind the Jesus Movement of the 1960s and 1970s, including how Pastor Smith welcomed hippies looking for truth at Calvary Chapel, starting one of the greatest spiritual awakenings in American history. Since February there has been a revival which mirrors the 1970s. Thousands are being touched by God, and this divine movement is changing their lives. ‘We’ve had people accepting Christ in the theatres’, said Pastor Greg Laurie, on whose life the film is based. People were praying out loud asking Jesus to come into their life. ‘We had pastors and Bibles on hand. I've never heard of anything quite like doing evangelism in movie theatres on this scale.’

Published in Praise Reports

The 2023 Next Level Prayer Conference, at Wembley Arena, opened its doors to over 10,000 worshippers. Recently Justin Welby has said there was an alarming drop in church congregations. Pastor Bolaji, leader of the Harvesters, who initiated the conference, said, ‘The popularity of the conference, which saw thousands of people coming together, proves there is still a vibrant community looking for a place to come together in spirit and worship. The essence of Harvesters is to provide unity and a beacon of hope and direction in turbulent times. While church attendance may be declining, we see this as an opportunity not a deterrent. It signifies a need for a different approach that resonates with today's world. Our expansion is driven by our belief that the gospel's transformative message, presented in a way that addresses contemporary challenges and speaks to people's lived experiences, is more relevant than ever.’

Published in Praise Reports