Displaying items by tag: holy spirit

A powerful testimony shared tells the story of Abdu Murray, who had a life-changing encounter with the Holy Spirit after visiting a church. Curious about Christianity, he decided to attend a church service with no intention of becoming a believer. As he left the service and began walking home, something extraordinary happened: he was suddenly forced to the ground by an unseen power. He described the experience as overwhelming, realising he was being confronted by the presence of God. In that moment the Holy Spirit spoke to him, revealing the truth of Jesus Christ. Abdu immediately repented, embraced Christianity, and has since become a committed follower of Jesus. His testimony serves as a reminder of God's relentless pursuit of the lost, even in the most unexpected circumstances. This remarkable encounter with the Holy Spirit not only transformed his life but has also inspired others in his community to seek God’s presence.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 25 April 2024 22:31

Asbury: ‘Outpouring really hasn’t stopped’

On 8 February 2023, what began as an ordinary chapel service at Asbury University evolved into a 16-day 'outpouring' led by students, attracting individuals from numerous universities worldwide. Dr Sarah Thomas Baldwin, a professor whose book on this outpouring will soon be published, has described the lasting influence of the revival. Despite the initial exhaustion following the event, the campus experienced a revival in spiritual engagement. Students returned with renewed energy for worship and prayer, significantly raising the spiritual temperature. She recounted the early days when students gathered spontaneously post-chapel, leading to joy, repentance, and deep spiritual connection. The outpouring not only captured media attention but also solidified a strong community among campus leaders. Today, the spiritual lessons from the event continue to inspire and draw individuals seeking depth and hope in challenging times, reinforcing their commitment to deepening their faith in Jesus.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 18 April 2024 22:27

Prepare for Pentecost - return to the cross

A recent online World Prayer Centre team prayer watch meeting turned into a significant altar moment about preparing for Pentecost and returning to the Cross. One of the team reminded us to focus again on the cross after Easter. Another teammate, Diana, said that at another online prayer meeting God prompted her to share ‘re-‘ words. She told us that God had shown her that ‘re’- means Ruach Elohim, or Holy Spirit. We realised that all re- words are life-giving. Then the words started to flow: Refresh, Renew, Rebuild, Restore, Reset, Realign, Relationship, Revival … to name a few! All this happened on the first day after the Jewish New Year, a time of new beginnings. So we urge you to return with us to the place of prayer. Remember the cross and all that Jesus did for us. We invite you to speak out the Easter to Pentecost declaration each day. We pray that God will reignite you with Ruach Elohim this Pentecost and that many will be revived to see a spiritual awakening.

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 20 October 2023 09:43

Arkansas: 'God is on the Move'

The Fellowship of Christian Athletes organised a Fields of Faith event at a high school football stadium in Hot Springs, Arkansas, which drew over 3,000 attendees, mainly students. This gathering, part of a global movement, featured a pre-rally with free food, games, live music, and student testimonies of faith. Micah May, FCA South Central Arkansas's multi-area director, noted a special presence of the Holy Spirit at the event, with hundreds of students praying and lives being transformed. He mentioned a sense of revival stirring in the world and expressed gratitude for being a part of it. Similar revival gatherings for high school and college students have been occurring throughout 2023, reflecting a growing spiritual awakening. May concluded by giving glory to God, emphasising His role in these transformative experiences.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 10 August 2023 22:26

Woman without pulse miracle

In an Instagram testimony a young lady testified before the congregation about a miracle she witnessed in a street outreach. One Friday night, she and her team were in the street to worship God, preach the Gospel and lead people to Christ. But after the outreach finished they noticed a commotion. Police were surrounding a lifeless lady on the street. One of their team members felt a conviction from the Holy Spirit that they needed to pray for resurrection. So, they went closer and began praying for the lady, who still had no pulse. She had been dead for ten minutes already, but they began to declare life for her. At first nothing happened, but they didn’t give up. They kept praying. A few minutes later, the lady’s eyes opened. It was a miracle. She began to breathe again.

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 05 August 2022 10:36

Holy Spirit moves in Brazil

Two years ago, World Missionary Press (WMP) sent 6.4 million Scripture booklets to ministry partners through a project called ‘Blessings for Brazil’. WMP freight coordinator Helen Williams says she is flooded with reports of the Holy Spirit changing hearts. ‘The feedback is overwhelming as our distributors describe new opportunities; one ministry is sending 500 boxes a time to distribution points for pastors. There are places being reached that have never been reached because of the lack of resources. Some use Scripture booklets in the inner city, others take them to remote jungle tribal villages. Optician teams use Scripture booklets for their eye test reading charts. Where literacy is marginal, teachers use the booklets to teach the language - their lesson plan is the Scripture booklet. Eight million more booklets will go out before the end of 2022.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 27 May 2021 23:24

Virtual Pentecost

‘But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.’ (Acts 1.8, ESV) Believers today have the same gift of the Holy Spirit that was given in Acts 2, and no matter how stony the ground might appear to be, we have the power to witness to others about ‘the mighty works of God’. This is a gift we have as individuals and as a body of believers, the Church. Pentecost is often described as the birthday of the Church. This year, via the internet, over 46,000 Christians united from different church traditions, different languages and races, standing together as God's people to celebrate Pentecost and asking for a fresh outpouring of His Spirit upon the church, our families, our communities and Nations. The event was saved on YouTube; click the ‘More’ button to view and engage with what God is doing today.

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Nichol Collins was a transgender drug dealer for twenty years, then became a Christian after a brutal attack. As a minister for the last few years, she has prayed with people on social media to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit. When the pandemic spread across the USA she started getting calls from people seeking spiritual help. ‘People were terrified and started saying, “Hey I heard that you pray with people to receive the Holy Spirit”, Collins explained. ‘I always clarify that I'm not giving it out. God is pouring out His Spirit in the last days on all flesh. I'm just a conduit to pray with people, kind of coach them through it. Explain it, make them more comfortable. This is a gift to anyone who asks according to Luke chapter 11:13.’ Recently, more than 120 people have been baptised.

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 21 February 2020 07:57

People broken before the Lord

Revival is happening in Tennessee. People from various denominations, by praying and fasting together, are seeking to ignite the fire of God to transform lives in a thousand churches across the state. ‘Awaken Tennessee’, a prayer and fasting initiative from 26 January to 23 February, is described by Pastor John Butler as ‘a concentrated prayer effort across the state for true revival in our churches that triggers an awakening in local communities, the state and the nation’. The initiative started last year when 400 churches in Nashville came together to pray for every single resident of their city. This was a huge success, so this year organisers invited churches across the state to participate. Award-winning singers / songwriters Terry and Barbi Franklin, using their prayer network, contacted churches to take part in the initiative. Pastors are reporting that their services are exploding with revival services as a result of the Holy Spirit showing up and taking over.

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Yassine, a Muslim boy, had recurring dreams of a bright light and a voice saying, ‘I am the way, the truth, and the life.’ He said, ‘This was not a normal dream to me because I had never heard this phrase before. I had no idea it was from the Bible.’ Several years later, when he was given a Bible and started to read it, he found the same words. So he looked for a church - a daring step in a country that is 99% Muslim. ‘I went to church and learned more about Jesus and Christianity. I soon truly knew that Jesus was the person in my dreams.’ To read his testimony of his walk towards mission work, click the ‘More’ button.

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