Displaying items by tag: healing

Thursday, 29 August 2024 23:01

Man born blind now serving as a pastor

A remarkable story from God Reports shares the miraculous healing of Pastor John, who was born blind and later healed by Jesus. Raised in a devout Christian family, John’s parents never gave up on their prayers for his sight. At the age of eighteen, John experienced a divine encounter during a church service. As he was being prayed for, he suddenly felt warmth in his eyes and gradually began to see for the first time. This miraculous healing not only restored his vision but also strengthened his faith and commitment to Christ. He dedicated his life to serving others and sharing the Gospel. Today, he leads a congregation and uses his testimony to inspire and uplift those facing their own challenges. His journey from darkness to light is a testament to the power of faith and God’s miraculous work in our lives, showing that no situation is too hopeless for God to transform.

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 07 June 2024 09:40

Hopeless addict given second chance at life

Josh's journey from addiction to redemption is a testament to the power of Christian faith and forgiveness. Deeply addicted to heroin and meth, he resorted to drug trafficking and crime to sustain his habit, leading to a downward spiral that left him homeless and estranged from his family. In a moment of despair, handcuffed in a patrol car, he prayed for forgiveness and a chance to reconcile with his loved ones. Miraculously, his withdrawal symptoms were manageable, and he received support from his wife and community. Now clean, Josh credits God for his second chance and strives to rebuild his life.

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 20 October 2023 09:46

Mexico: people hear Gospel for first time

Two indigenous families in rural Mexico, previously unaware of God's existence, were profoundly impacted by audio recordings of the Gospel of Mark in their tribal language. This led them to embrace Christianity and attend church services. They said that listening to the audios helped them understand Jesus' purpose on Earth, inspiring them to accept God into their hearts. Some members had been suffering from an incurable disease but attributed their complete healing to their newfound faith. Despite a history of tribal beliefs, one family member thanked God for His Word in their language and the worker who shared the recordings. This success reinforces the importance of continuing translation efforts to bring the message of redemption and salvation to people in their native languages. Pray that everyone can access and be transformed by God's Word in the language of their hearts. Various projects, including translating the Book of Jonah, have contributed to this mission, promoting literacy and understanding in indigenous communities.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 10 August 2023 22:26

Woman without pulse miracle

In an Instagram testimony a young lady testified before the congregation about a miracle she witnessed in a street outreach. One Friday night, she and her team were in the street to worship God, preach the Gospel and lead people to Christ. But after the outreach finished they noticed a commotion. Police were surrounding a lifeless lady on the street. One of their team members felt a conviction from the Holy Spirit that they needed to pray for resurrection. So, they went closer and began praying for the lady, who still had no pulse. She had been dead for ten minutes already, but they began to declare life for her. At first nothing happened, but they didn’t give up. They kept praying. A few minutes later, the lady’s eyes opened. It was a miracle. She began to breathe again.

Published in Praise Reports

Lancashire NHS Trust is extending trials of an algorithm that creates music playlists to reduce suffering. They are offering it to staff who worked in critical care during Covid to ease anxiety and stress. It will also be offered to recovering critical care patients and outpatients with chronic pain, hoping to reduce opiate prescriptions. The technology is a musical ‘drip’, playing songs to patients and monitoring their heart rates as they listen. A 90-year-old might be prescribed big band music, while a 50-year old gets Paul McCartney. An algorithm allows the software, linked to a streaming service like Spotify, to change forthcoming tracks if the prescription doesn’t appear to be working. Its artificial intelligence assesses the tempo, timbre, key, time signatures, the amount of syncopation and the lowest notes. All these factors affect the heart rate and blood pressure response to the music. A trial of Alzheimer’s patients showed promising results.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 18 February 2021 20:46

Gulf War syndrome not caused by uranium

An illness suffered by soldiers who took part in the 1991 Gulf War was not caused by inhaling depleted uranium, according to a scientific study. Instead, researchers believe Gulf War syndrome may be due to soldiers being exposed to the nerve agent Sarin. The Royal British Legion said a lack of understanding of the condition has had a ‘serious impact’ on veterans. Around 250,000 Gulf War veterans could be living with the syndrome, which can cause symptoms such as insomnia and memory problems. Former soldier Kerry Fuller was a fit 26- year-old who loved outdoor activities before the war. He suffered a stroke at 40 and now says he is so ill, it is hard just to get out of bed. ‘My whole world and way of being changed just like that’, he said, ‘and there's no going back. The damage is done and my ailments are only getting worse. I think myself and the thousands of other veterans would just like an acknowledgment, and being able to access the correct treatment.’

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 25 June 2020 22:47

Nepalese man freed from demonic attacks

Deshu writes, ‘I was born and raised in a Hindu family, all totally involved in idol worship. I suffered greatly from demonic attacks. I tried all kinds of medical treatments and made lots of sacrifices to our idols, but none of it helped. My neighbours who are followers of Jesus began to share with me and encourage me. I visited when a group gathered in their home to worship Jesus. They were all wonderful people and they prayed for my healing. The Lord answered their prayers and I was miraculously delivered from the demonic attacks. He became so real to me. I have placed my faith in Christ alone and have been baptised. I am so thankful to the Lord for His healing power and salvation. Please pray for me as I desire to see others find eternal freedom in Jesus.’

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 06 February 2020 22:51

God healed her heart before surgery

17 years ago Lisa had surgery for defective activity in her heart. But recently her condition returned and she needed surgery once again. Two good specialists saw that she had grown bad electrical pathways. Before going on a mission trip she asked for prayer and Paula Davis prayed for her. Paula, who had no knowledge of Lisa’s heart condition, started praying about the mission trip, then shifted her focus abruptly. ‘Do you have a problem with the electrical part of your heart?’ she asked. ‘I do, as a matter of fact’, Paula said, ‘I saw Jesus rewiring your whole heart’. When Lisa returned from mission she went for surgery. Afterwards, the surgeon in charge of the procedure said her heart was one of the healthiest he had ever seen and declared, ‘I didn’t have to do anything!’ Lisa asked, ‘Did Jesus heal me?’ ‘Yes’, he replied.

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 01 November 2019 00:35

Engulfed in fireball, prayer aids recovery

Fred’s body was engulfed in a flame in a tragic accident. He rolled on the ground, but there was extensive damage to his arms and legs. He was airlifted to a burn centre in a critical condition. Julie, his wife, prayed. ‘I knew God was there: I just prayed the whole time that he’d be okay.’ Doctors were amazed that Fred’s lungs and airways were undamaged by the fireball. After only two days in ICU, his circulation was remarkably better - but then infection set in and his condition deteriorated. Julie redoubled her prayers, requesting intercession from family and church. They also prayed with him before his surgery. Doctors said he might be unable to work for six months. But God heard their prayers! Ten days after his last skin graft, Fred was released from hospital, and returned to work a month later.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 26 September 2019 23:13

Worship killed cancer

Evelyn had an MRI scan and was told that she had an inoperable, benign tumour on her brain. While she went through five rounds of radiation, her husband was dying and she needed to take care of him. ‘God, where are You through all of this?’ she cried. She recruited a prayer group to support her. After six months, the tumour had grown and engulfed the optic nerve. She might go blind. Instead of flagging in faith, Evelyn experienced a surge of faith. She believed God wanted her to stop asking for healing and start praising Him for healing. Evelyn requested her prayer group and family members to do likewise. They reluctantly followed orders. Nine months after her initial diagnosis, the doctor said the tumour was dead. The tumour dissolved, and her husband lived long enough to know that she was well, so she is grateful for that.

Published in Praise Reports
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