Man born blind now serving as a pastor

Written by David Fletcher 29 Aug 2024
Man born blind now serving as a pastor

A remarkable story from God Reports shares the miraculous healing of Pastor John, who was born blind and later healed by Jesus. Raised in a devout Christian family, John’s parents never gave up on their prayers for his sight. At the age of eighteen, John experienced a divine encounter during a church service. As he was being prayed for, he suddenly felt warmth in his eyes and gradually began to see for the first time. This miraculous healing not only restored his vision but also strengthened his faith and commitment to Christ. He dedicated his life to serving others and sharing the Gospel. Today, he leads a congregation and uses his testimony to inspire and uplift those facing their own challenges. His journey from darkness to light is a testament to the power of faith and God’s miraculous work in our lives, showing that no situation is too hopeless for God to transform.

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