Displaying items by tag: Praise

Thursday, 15 February 2024 23:26

Film star turned pastor: 'Jesus saved my life'

Joshua Broome, a former Adult film star, went from the brink of suicide to finding salvation in Christianity. In 2013, at the peak of his film career, Broome, who had appeared in over 1,000 films and won major awards, was internally struggling with anxiety and depression. His turmoil stemmed from his fatherless upbringing and the emptiness he felt despite his success. On a decisive day, he entered a bank to cash what he thought would be his final pay cheque. Writing a provocative memo on the cheque, he expected condemnation from the teller. Instead, her concern for his well-being, recognising him by his real name, deeply impacted him. This encounter made him leave the Adult entertainment industry, reconnect with his mother, and start a new life. Now a devoted Christian, married with three children, Broome travels globally sharing his story.He has inspired many, showing that redemption and hope are possible despite a troubled past. He advocates immersing oneself in Scripture and Christian fellowship for true healing and encourages people to seek God's love and forgiveness.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 15 February 2024 23:24

Survey: effects of churchgoing on happiness

A recent Gallup poll reveals a notable decline in overall life satisfaction among Americans, with only 47% expressing high fulfilment, marking a near-record low. This dip, observed for only the third time in two decades, is attributed to concerns over national affairs and economic challenges. However, certain groups demonstrate higher satisfaction levels, notably regular churchgoers. About 56% of Americans attending weekly religious services report high personal life satisfaction, compared to 41% of those who seldom or never attend. The findings indicate a persistent correlation between church attendance, faith engagement, and enhanced life satisfaction. For instance, 92% of weekly church attendees are satisfied with their lives, with 67% being very satisfied. Additionally, churchgoers report relatively stable 'excellent' mental health over recent years. These encouraging yet challenging results highlight the significant role of church involvement and Christian faith in fostering happiness and well-being.

Published in Praise Reports

Usher Raymond IV, renowned for his two-decade-long music career, attributes his stability to his faith, especially as he gears up for his performance at Super Bowl 58. Usher, who began singing in his church choir at a young age, expressed gratitude for a family who instilled in him the importance of church and faith. His debut album marked the beginning of an illustrious career, earning him a spot among the best-selling music artists globally, with sales of 80 million records worldwide. Despite his success, Usher emphasises the importance of staying true to oneself, avoiding getting swept up in fame. His commitment to his faith is evident in his albums' liner notes, social media, and public acknowledgments of God. He often shares scriptures, like Psalm 46:10, to express his spirituality. He considers the Super Bowl halftime show an extraordinary honour and a significant milestone in his career. His journey, marked by both fame and personal challenges, continues to be guided by his steadfast faith.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 01 February 2024 20:51

Hollywood actress Danica McKellar shares her faith

Danica McKellar has shared her experience of reading the entire Bible in a year, expressing deep comfort and enjoyment. Despite difficult chapters like Job, she found solace in Scripture. McKellar highlighted themes of humility over ego, good versus evil, and God rewarding faithfulness. She used ‘The Bible Recap’ for her chronological journey through the Bible. Her experience led to a deeper understanding of life's approach based on humility, describing it as rewarding. McKellar, who openly embraces Christianity, finds discussing her faith natural and life-changing, aiming to share the beauty she found with others.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 01 February 2024 20:47

Israeli soldier rejected God then found Jesus

Tamir, an Israeli soldier and atheist, found solace in Jesus after a journey of self-discovery and spiritual questioning. Initially rejecting God, his search for meaning led him to explore various philosophies and arts, but he found no satisfaction. His military service, particularly in the despised military police, intensified his quest. Ironically, his duties led him to rediscover God through the Bible. Challenged by a Christian colleague, Tamir delved into the New Testament, reconciling it with the Old Testament, leading to his conversion to Christianity. He surrendered his life to Jesus as his Lord and Saviour and was born again. Today, Tamir teaches scriptures, both Old and New Testament, in Israel. He says, ‘God defeated me in the battle I challenged him to, but he made me the winner.'

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 25 January 2024 20:31

Street preachers' charter is planned

The Christian Institute is creating a charter aimed at fostering understanding between police and street preachers regarding freedom of speech. In recent years, arrests of street preachers have become more common, often on grounds of hate crimes or causing public disorder. The charter's purpose is to clarify the rights and restrictions of street preachers while evangelising. It will also emphasise the importance of adhering to Biblical teachings and sensibility, encouraging preachers to document their activities in case of complaints. The goal is to have this charter endorsed by the police as a common understanding between those sharing the Gospel on the street and law enforcement. The move comes after a recent case in which Police Scotland wrongfully arrested a street preacher, resulting in substantial damages being awarded to him. The Christian Institute defends such preachers, highlighting the need to challenge the notion that simply claiming offence equates to a legal violation. It aims to support street preachers who adhere to the law, and encourages freedom of expression within the bounds of legality.

Published in Praise Reports

Jonathan Roumie, known for his portrayal of Jesus in 'The Chosen’, views his role as a divine mission, much like the characters in 'The Blues Brothers’. Speaking to CBN News, the New York City-born actor and devout Catholic expressed how he finds it humbling that his portrayal is a top Google image result for Jesus. The 49-year-old actor sees his work as a blend of ministry and entertainment, acknowledging God's guidance in his career. With over 500 million streams, 'The Chosen' has made his face recognisable as Jesus, a responsibility he embraces with humility and a sense of duty. As the fourth season of the series delves into the persecution of Jesus' disciples, Roumie emphasises the importance of being present, both in his portrayal and personal life. He aims to maintain this presence in interactions with fans, acknowledging the fine line between himself and the character he plays. Roumie's mission is to portray Jesus as a real figure of salvation and hope, a role he finds both humbling and profound in its impact.

Published in Praise Reports

Angus Cameron, a Christian street preacher in Glasgow, Scotland, has won a substantial settlement after being wrongfully arrested for alleged 'homophobic language' in January 2022.  Police Scotland agreed to pay over £5,500 and £9,400 in legal fees, following a legal challenge by the Christian Institute, which represented Cameron. The incident began when Cameron was stopped by police, searched, handcuffed, and accused of a 'breach of the peace with homophobic aggravation’, a claim he firmly denied. Despite being released after an hour, a 'non-crime hate incident report' was filed against him, later leading to legal action for wrongful arrest, discrimination, and human rights breach. The Christian Institute revealed that the arrest lacked just cause, emphasising Cameron's peaceful preaching without targeting individuals or using offensive language. As a result, Police Scotland settled the case out-of-court, paying damages and legal costs, and removed the report from their records. This case highlights ongoing concerns about the rights of evangelical Christians to express religious views in Glasgow, referencing a similar case in 2022 involving Franklin Graham.

Published in Praise Reports

Wrestling legend Hulk Hogan, known for his recent baptism and embracing Christianity, heroically rescued a 17-year-old girl from a car accident in Tampa. Hogan, with a friend, witnessed the crash and immediately helped the teenager trapped in the flipped vehicle. His wife Sky recounted on Facebook how they punctured the car's airbag to free the girl. Hogan confirmed the girl was unharmed but shaken, describing the rescue as 'an absolute miracle.' He also shared on Twitter how he resourcefully used an Indian Rocks Christian ballpoint pen to puncture the airbag, thanking God for the positive outcome.

Published in Praise Reports

A Kentucky high school student named Sophy Jones decided to address mental health issues and suicide concerns in her school by starting a TikTok-inspired prayer wall. She initiated this project to spread God's message and provide encouragement to her fellow students who were struggling. The prayer wall, adorned with Bible verses on sticky notes, has made a significant impact, offering comfort and support. Jones began this initiative last year, with the help of a friend, Evelyn Philpot, and they both belong to First Priority, a student-led Christian organisation at their school. Todd Lawson, the organisation's director, expressed pride in the girls' efforts, emphasising the importance of prayer and God's love in their lives. For Jones, prayer is a source of love and comfort, reminding her of God's significance in her life. The project has been embraced by the students, offering a sense of importance and support to those who need it most.

Published in Praise Reports