Displaying items by tag: Praise

Thursday, 23 May 2024 22:29

‘Goodness of God’ tops worship list again

'Goodness of God' by Bethel Music has topped the Premier Praise Worship 100 List for the second consecutive year. The 2024 list, released on Pentecost Sunday, highlights contemporary worship anthems and classic hymns which resonate with Christians. 'I Speak Jesus' by Charity Gayle climbed to fourth place, while timeless hymns like 'Be Thou my vision' and 'Amazing grace (My chains are gone)' remain popular. Premier's director of content, Charmaine Noble-McLean, praised the spiritual heritage and enduring significance of these songs and hymns, emphasising their role in bringing comfort, hope, and glory to Jesus.

Published in Praise Reports

A pastor is praising God for a miraculous outcome after an F1 tornado tore off part of his church’s roof during a worship service. Around 100 people, including young babies, were present at Crossroads Ministries in Finleyville, Pennsylvania, when the tornado hit, but no one experienced significant injuries. The tornado caused the church steeple to fall and part of the roof to be lost. Rev Ken Barner, in a video message to his congregation, detailed the events, noting that his wife Rhonda was leading praise and worship at the time. ‘I witnessed what I would say is a miracle’, Barner said. He emphasised that God's presence was felt throughout the ordeal: ‘The God who stays stayed with us,' he said. Due to the damage, the church could not meet on Sunday but plans to reconvene at another location the following week. Rhonda described the frightening moment when the lights flickered, and she heard a loud noise, followed by shattering glass and breaking windows. Congregant Lynn Michigan called it the scariest experience of her life. The church community seeks prayers as it rebuilds and recovers from the damage.

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In 2009, the UK's atheist bus ad campaign aimed to diminish the relevance of God but inadvertently spurred more spiritual dialogue. This misstep highlighted a broader decline in atheism and a resurgence in Christian movements, particularly Spirit-led churches, which are flourishing globally amidst a growing disenchantment with secularism. Despite the decline in mainstream church attendance and an increase in religiously unaffiliated individuals, vibrant new church plants are thriving, driven by a deep desire for authentic spiritual experiences. This growth is notable in Pentecostal congregations across South America, Africa, Asia, and even the UK, as observed by historian Tom Holland. The intellectual landscape is also shifting, with former critics of Christianity, like Peter Boghossian, moving away from aggressive atheism. Instead, they are now addressing the rise of 'woke' ideologies within academia. As atheism struggles to provide a fulfilling narrative, Christianity is attracting both intellectuals and the general populace by offering robust moral and existential answers. This renewed interest in the Christian faith is evident in various public expressions and increasing church involvement, signalling a significant cultural and spiritual shift.

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During a church service in Pennsylvania, a man attempted to shoot Pastor Glenn Germany but his gun jammed, preventing any harm. The assailant, Bernard J. Polite, 26, approached Pastor Germany while he was preaching at Jesus’ Dwelling Place Church in North Braddock. The incident, captured during a Facebook Live broadcast, shows Deacon Clarence McCallister heroically tackling Polite, who later told authorities that "God told me to do it." Pastor Germany expressed gratitude for the divine intervention that spared his life and emphasized the incident's unifying effect on his congregation. Polite, who had no prior connection to the church, faces charges of aggravated assault and attempted homicide. Despite the attack, the community remains thankful as no one was physically harmed.

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Thursday, 02 May 2024 21:50

Thy Kingdom Come 2024

Thy Kingdom Come 2024 has ignited global excitement, engaging diverse communities worldwide in its ecumenical wave of prayer. The initiative's inclusive reach is demonstrated through activities from Australia to the Solomon Islands, embracing participants of various religious backgrounds. This year's Novena, translated into many languages including Portuguese, Hindi, and Korean, reflects the event’s international appeal. The ecumenical Prayer Journal, now available in Dutch and a special Scottish version with tartan, showcases voices from across Scotland. Globally, beacon events in countries like South Korea and Bangladesh are being planned, along with local activities across the UK, involving continuous prayer gatherings and prayer walks. A highlight for youth on Pentecost Sunday includes regional gatherings and contributions from notable figures like the archbishops of Canterbury and York. An accompanying app offers resources for children and young people, including videos and discussion plans, ensuring broad access to spiritual content.

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Jesse shared her testimony of connecting with her neighbours through prayer amidst cultural challenges. Coming from a Sikh background, she has had to navigate her Christian faith amidst family tensions and generational differences. In 2020, during lockdown, one neighbour struggled as her daughter received end-of-life care abroad. Jesse offered support and prayer, which comforted her neighbour and led her to engage with a church community online. Another neighbour faced the potential loss of her husband. Through Jesse’s offer to pray, she found hope and belief in that difficult time. These acts of compassion opened opportunities for deeper conversations. Her conversion story began at the age of 11. She had a picture of Jesus. She was sitting on His knee and he wrote her name in his book. She said, 'Later, in my early 20s, I had another picture where I was stuck in a very deep well and he reached down and offered me his hand, but I had to choose whether I would. I'm glad I accepted his help - that was a turning point in my life.’

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 25 April 2024 22:31

Asbury: ‘Outpouring really hasn’t stopped’

On 8 February 2023, what began as an ordinary chapel service at Asbury University evolved into a 16-day 'outpouring' led by students, attracting individuals from numerous universities worldwide. Dr Sarah Thomas Baldwin, a professor whose book on this outpouring will soon be published, has described the lasting influence of the revival. Despite the initial exhaustion following the event, the campus experienced a revival in spiritual engagement. Students returned with renewed energy for worship and prayer, significantly raising the spiritual temperature. She recounted the early days when students gathered spontaneously post-chapel, leading to joy, repentance, and deep spiritual connection. The outpouring not only captured media attention but also solidified a strong community among campus leaders. Today, the spiritual lessons from the event continue to inspire and draw individuals seeking depth and hope in challenging times, reinforcing their commitment to deepening their faith in Jesus.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 25 April 2024 22:29

Duane Chapman’s testimony

Duane Chapman, better known as Dog the Bounty Hunter, has extensively experienced the dark side of humanity through his career. He firmly believes in spiritual warfare and the redemptive power of Christ, which he discusses in his latest book co-written with his wife Francie, 'Nine Lives and Counting’. The book explores Chapman’s transformation from a troubled past involving crime and incarceration in the 1970s to a life driven by faith and outreach. His career has evolved from capturing fugitives to guiding them towards spiritual redemption, often sharing impactful conversations about faith. His Christian faith journey, intensified by personal losses, including the deaths of his daughter and his wife Beth, has led him to a renewed mission of spreading hope and engaging in ministry work. Now remarried and leading the Light Up the Darkness ministry, Chapman points to the transformative power of Jesus and the possibility of overcoming great struggles through divine help.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 18 April 2024 22:27

Prepare for Pentecost - return to the cross

A recent online World Prayer Centre team prayer watch meeting turned into a significant altar moment about preparing for Pentecost and returning to the Cross. One of the team reminded us to focus again on the cross after Easter. Another teammate, Diana, said that at another online prayer meeting God prompted her to share ‘re-‘ words. She told us that God had shown her that ‘re’- means Ruach Elohim, or Holy Spirit. We realised that all re- words are life-giving. Then the words started to flow: Refresh, Renew, Rebuild, Restore, Reset, Realign, Relationship, Revival … to name a few! All this happened on the first day after the Jewish New Year, a time of new beginnings. So we urge you to return with us to the place of prayer. Remember the cross and all that Jesus did for us. We invite you to speak out the Easter to Pentecost declaration each day. We pray that God will reignite you with Ruach Elohim this Pentecost and that many will be revived to see a spiritual awakening.

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Actor Gary Sinise reflected recently on the power of prayer and his faith journey following the death of his son, McCaleb, from cancer. Sinise, known for his roles in  'Forrest Gump' and 'CSI: NY’,' shares how his family's faith sustained them during their son's illness and eventual passing. Despite their grief, they found solace in prayer and their belief in God. Sinise has called his son a man of great faith, who had a profound impact on those around him, and has emphasised the importance of community and support during times of hardship. His faith has deepened through the experience, and he continues to find strength in prayer and his relationship with God. His story serves as a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the power of faith in overcoming life's challenges.

Published in Praise Reports