Displaying items by tag: Praise

Friday, 14 July 2023 08:42

God moving in Norway

Over several years, ten to fifteen believers gathered to pray once a month in a village prayer house in Norway. In February, a singing evangelist was invited to lead some meetings. He immediately sensed unity and a divine presence. Before long, hundreds were attending, necessitating a move to a larger venue; now over a thousand meet in a sports arena. Whole families are renewed in Christ. People aged 14 to 70 are giving their lives to Him. People are saved, healed and baptised in the Holy Spirit. Is this Scandinavia's equivalent of the Asbury University revival? Or is God doing something completely new?

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 07 July 2023 10:25

Landmark ruling ignites prayer

Lorie Smith, who runs a design agency, took Colorado state to court so that she could refuse working on anything promoting gay marriage without being prosecuted. She won her case against an act that includes sexual orientation and gender identity as protected classes. We can praise God for the First Amendment that gives everyone the freedom to think and speak as they wish without coercion. The Supreme Court ruling was disappointing for LGBTQ people - but for those who’ve left the LGBTQ lifestyle to follow Jesus, it was marked by a night of worship and prayer hosted by a Spirit-filled church in Georgia. The service was livestreamed across the nation as people humbly cried out to God for the salvation and transformation of 100,000 men and women out of LGBTQ lifestyles and into Christ’s purposes for their lives.

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 07 July 2023 10:23

Three family members ordained together

In a historic event, three members of the same family were ordained during the same service at Exeter Cathedral. Mother Julie Wheeler, son Charles Wheeler, and daughter-in-law Miriam Brandon-Wheeler are now deacons. Charles took part in the Church of England’s Ministry Experience scheme before joining a monastic community, where he met his wife. He said, ‘To be preparing with Miriam and to have the opportunity to serve the people of Tiverton together as part of the same church community is particularly special. I am glad too that I prepared with my mother, who has encouraged me as I have encouraged her.’

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 29 June 2023 22:26

Iran: ‘Great Awakening' exploding

Over many years we have prayed for Iranians to receive Christ as their saviour. Christianity is illegal: yet despite facing torture, imprisonment, and execution, millions are forsaking Islam and converting to Christianity despite the regime targeting believers, spreading false information, and encouraging a negative opinion about Christianity. The Family Research Council, suggests that new Christians' witness to others is mostly shared in quiet conversations, encouraged by low-profile online Bible studies, and affirmed by visions, dreams, and miraculously answered prayers. Recent Christian converts are enthusiastically communicating about their changed lives with friends and loved ones. Their discreet, persistent witness accounts for an extraordinary number of new Iranian believers meeting in small house churches. Those involved with house churches are convinced that there are several million Christian believers there in a mass exodus from Islam. The churches of Muslim Background Believers lack clergy and church buildings. It consists of self-starting disciples and small house churches.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 29 June 2023 22:22

Kosovo: Christian ministry

In 1994, Georges started training and encouraging three young believers, who went on to plant and lead a small church among Albanian Muslims. Since then, their work has steadily grown and flourished. Now that tiny church has multiplied and planted dozens of ministries which have spread across Kosovo. Georges returns regularly to provide training to about 100 indigenous church leaders. To read his story, click the ‘More’ button.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 29 June 2023 22:19

Adam Peaty shares newfound faith

Britain’s superstar breaststroke swimmer Adam Peaty has revealed that a newfound faith in God helped him overcome alcohol misuse. He has started going to church every Sunday and said, ‘It’s about being a better person. Not only a better athlete and fulfilling my gift, but also being a better dad for George. There are so many other reasons. It gets quite deep. But it’s great to be a part of.’ After surgery for a foot injury and then struggling with his mental health, he reached out to the Olympic chaplain Ashley Null.

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 23 June 2023 10:43

Birmingham: giant prayer wall

Christians of all denominations gathered on the outskirts of Birmingham to bless the land on which a giant prayer monument will be built. The construction of the 169-feet tall Eternal Wall of Answered Prayer will begin soon and when completed will be the largest Christian monument in the world. It will be in the form of an endless loop, containing the text of the prayers of millions of people around the world which have been answered. About 300 people attended the consecration of the land. The monument’s founder, Richard Gamble, said, ‘The blessing of the land ensures that it is built on a sacred foundation of prayer and gratitude. This iconic monument, dedicated to the power of prayer, showcases an endless global database of stories that Jesus answered, making hope visible to future generations.’

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 23 June 2023 10:41

USA: drive-thru prayer

Intimacy with God Church in Houston believes a personal relationship with God will positively affect generations and return entire families to God’s original design. Recently they decided to spread God’s love in a creative way. They put up posters saying ‘Drive-thru Prayer’ and stood in the street and waited. Many came: more and more were blessed by the love they offered. After praying they made sure to share Christ and handed out tracts and Bibles. Many who experienced their outreach praised the church for a job well done: comments included ‘This is awesome’ and ‘This should be international’.

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 09 June 2023 10:28

Seeds of prayer bearing fruit

Several of Jesus' parables liken the preaching of the Gospel to the scattering of seeds, which sprout and bear fruit in due time. Our May online gatherings showed how the word of God has been scattered throughout our countryside and that shoots are sprouting up in all sorts of places. Believers are building relationships and communities centred around the good news of Jesus Christ. People of all ages are asking questions, seeking a deeper and truer meaning to life. Christians have been prepared over time, often unbeknown to them, for the people and places to which the Lord has sent them. These may be a pub, a lunch for older residents, an after-school club, a quiet garden, a bible reading group or a new church thriving in a barn through the hospitality of a farmer.

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 09 June 2023 10:26

Take back the rainbow

The rainbow is a symbol for the LGBT community. A former transgender is on a mission to take it back to a Christian symbol. Nichol Collins was a lesbian and drug dealer called Esco in clubs and streets and was known for partying and violence. But now she is a Christian who stands up for God and her faith. ‘I was attacked from behind by a man with a hammer, and glory to God, I miraculously suffered no injury. I tell people God literally used that to knock some sense into me. It took me seven months to come out of men's clothes. I didn't jump into dresses right away, I was bald, I felt ugly, but as I submitted myself to God, he began to beautify me with salvation.’ Collins now uses inspirational rainbows and Bible quotes designs in her Christian clothing line called Globeshakers as a reminder of God's word.

Published in Praise Reports