Displaying items by tag: adoption

Thursday, 11 July 2024 22:10

First A Sound of Freedom, now A Sound of Hope

One year after the impactful release of 'Sound of Freedom’, Angel Studios have launched 'Sound of Hope’, focusing on Donna Martin and her church in Texas. Motivated by her mother’s love and dedication, Donna and her husband persuaded their church to adopt 77 children from troubled backgrounds. The film, featuring moving performances by Nika King and Demetrius Grosse, delves into the profound trials and rewards of adoption. The movie’s central Christian message aims to encourage viewers to support foster care and consider adoption. Through her story, the film showcases the transformative power of love and faith in addressing the needs of vulnerable children, offering a message of hope and action to its audience. 'Sound of Hope' seeks to inspire individuals and communities to make a tangible difference in the lives of at-risk children.

Published in Praise Reports

Jackie Darby, a mother, wife, and author with a profound faith, was once a baby abandoned in a rat-infested garbage dump in Seoul, South Korea. Darby shares how she was discovered and saved by a missionary nurse and taken to a missionary-run orphanage. Her life took a turn for the better when she was adopted by American missionaries, inspired by an article about post-war babies. Darby's journey was filled with challenges, especially grappling with her past. Teaming up with fellow author Aixa de López, Darby co-authored "Whose Am I?", a book exploring adoption, redemption, and our true identity in Christ. This collaboration started when de López, inspired by Darby, embarked on her own foster care and adoption journey. Their bond strengthened as Darby supported de López and formed a special connection with her adopted daughter Darly, who found comfort and understanding in Darby's story. The book aims to facilitate conversations about adoption and identity, providing insights for all children, whether adopted, in foster care, or simply curious. They hope it serves as a tool for open, complex discussions about adoption's beauty and the concept of true spiritual adoption.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 23 May 2019 22:34

Former magistrate challenges government

In 2016 Richard Page was sacked as a magistrate and lost his position as a non-executive director at an NHS trust, after saying that it was best for adopted children to be placed in families headed by a mother and father. His barrister has now told an appeal tribunal that judges should not be removed because of political pressures.The case represents a watershed moment in this nation’s history. The tribunal is tasked with ruling on whether HM Courts and Tribunal Service (the symbol of justice and fairness in our nation) can dismiss someone for holding and expressing Christian beliefs - sincere beliefs demonstrable through social science, biology and psychology. Pray for Richard and his family as they cope with this long-drawn-out situation. See also

Published in British Isles