Large ‘Heavy Metal Festivals’ take place in Germany in the summer. These festivals are really Satan worship, even though many taking part are not actually aware of it. The spiritual consequences within Germany should not be…
German conservative MP, Martin Patzelt, has taken two Eritrean refugees into his home and is helping the young men find jobs locally. Mr Patzelt lives near Frankfurt in eastern Germany. The Eritreans have been staying with…
President Nicos Anastasiades expressed hope that there would be a solution to the Cypriot divide and the island’s name could be ‘United States of Cyprus’. In an interview with a Turkish newspaper he said that both…
The number of asylum seekers entering Finland this year has already surpassed the average for previous years. Officials in southwest Finland had processed over 600 asylum applications by the beginning of July, compared to 400 for…
The United States should ‘seriously consider’ providing Ukraine with lethal weapons and putting US air strike controllers near combat areas in Iraq, said General Mark Milley (who is nominated to be the next US Army chief…
If the expected timeline runs on schedule, Greece could be seeing the first instalment of the 86 billion euros of bailout money on 17 August. Bloomberg reports that an official ‘with knowledge’ said that negotiations between…