Germany: Pegida

Written by Linda Digby 29 Jul 2016
Germany: Pegida

Germany's anti-Islamic, anti-immigrant Pegida movement wants to found a political party. The new group would be called the Popular Party for Freedom and Direct Democracy (FDDV), according to its head Lutz Bachmann. Bachmann was fined recently for inciting racial hatred. The move to form a party comes with authorities considering a ban for the original association which spawned Pegida over fears of growing extremism. Bachmann insists that the new party would not seek to overshadow the Alternative for Germany (AfD), a Eurosceptic party railing against Islam and Germany's openness to refugees. He said that relations between the two far-right movements were good and ‘only together’ could they serve their mutual cause. Meanwhile police are clamping down on nationwide racial hate speeches.

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