France warns against ‘repression’ in wake of Turkey coup

Written by Linda Digby 21 Jul 2016
France warns against ‘repression’ in wake of Turkey coup

France's foreign minister, Jean-Marc Ayrault, warned Turkish President Erdogan against using the country's failed coup as ‘carte blanche ’. ‘We want the rule of law to work properly in Turkey,’ adding that Turkey's government should not use repressive measures. His remarks came as Turkish authorities continued a crackdown in the wake of the coup, arresting thousands of people accused of involvement in the putsch or of supporting the plotters. Ayrault’s remarks echoed those made by President François Hollande, who said he expected a period of repression in Turkey after Friday's turmoil. ‘Now we shall see what the situation is in Turkey, if its president has completely regained control, which I think is the case. France hopes that Turkish democracy will emerge reinforced by this test and that fundamental liberties will be fully respected.’ said Hollande.

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