Germany: Train stabbing - warning of lone attacks

Written by Linda Digby 21 Jul 2016
Germany: Train stabbing - warning of lone attacks

Interior Minister Thomas de Maiziere warned Germans to be prepared for further attacks carried out by small groups and radicalised ‘lone wolves’. Five people were wounded by a 17-year-old on a train in Bavaria on Monday. He arrived in Germany in 2015 as an unaccompanied migrant. Questions have now been raised about whether he was really from Afghanistan. A Pakistani document was found in his room. It is common for Afghan refugees to be given asylum in Germany rather than migrants from Pakistan so, many migrants pretend to come from Afghanistan. He was shot dead holding an axe and a knife. In a video he said he was a soldier of IS. It is believed he had been ‘incited’ by IS propaganda but there was no evidence that he was following the group's orders. The government was doing all it could to prevent such attacks, the minister said, but there could be no guarantee.

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