Images of a small boy washed up on a Turkish shore flashed around the globe as a tragic representation of the current Mediterranean migrant crisis in which Greece is at the epicentre, with over 230,000 migrants…
72% of respondents taking part in an online poll by MaltaToday agree that Malta’s police force needs a radical shakeup. The 1,586 respondents outnumbered the 550 respondents who stated they trusted the police but agreed the…
‘The refugee issue concerns everyone and there is a need of cooperation and common efforts to tackle it.’ said the Macedonian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Nikola Poposki, when speaking at the annual ambassadors’ conference in Skopje.…
Intercessors and people of prayer from across Europe and beyond are planning to gather together in Timisoara, Romania, from 31 August to 4 September to sound the trumpet and to pray for the continent of Europe.…
Russia's federal forestry agency said, ‘More than 5,000 Russian emergency workers are battling to put out wildfires raging across forests in Siberia. Over 1,250 square kilometres of woodland are ablaze in at least six eastern regions.…
We've all seen the news of desperate migrants trying to cross the channel. But few people know about the conditions people are living in. This is a humanitarian crisis on our doorstep and western governments are…