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Displaying items by tag: prayer and declaration

Thursday, 24 November 2022 21:34

Salvation season

From Passion for the Nation: ‘“Lift up your eyes and look at the fields; they are already white for harvest” (John 4:35). We thank You, Father God, for every promise given to us for revival and awakening, and for those who have already come to know You. We thank You, Lord, for anointing us to preach good tidings to the poor, heal the brokenhearted, proclaim liberty to the captives, and open the prison to those who are bound (Isaiah 61:1). We pray for a new season of evangelism, and for your people to see what You see. Raise up those who will speak to individuals and the crowds, and strategic evangelistic programmes. In this Christmas season, we pray God’s word will be spoken with boldness and clarity, sensitivity and wisdom, and the message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ will be heard. We speak the revelation of Jesus into the lives of individuals, families, communities and cultures.’

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 12 September 2019 23:31

Intercessor Focus: prorogation of Parliament

On 11 September Scotland’s highest civil court ruled that the advice given to the Queen by Boris Johnson was misleading and unlawful, believing that the reason for suspending parliament was to prevent or impede Parliament with regard to Brexit and allow the executive to pursue a policy of a no-deal Brexit without further scrutiny. Confusion and disarray is dominating the Brexit debate. Pray for God to turn the current chaos around and bring the politics of the UK back onto the paths of peace and purpose that He has prepared for the nation to move forward on. Pray for alienated politicians to unite, agree and act upon law-abiding truths, and for any flawed beliefs to vanish from agendas. Ask God to heal the painful wounds inflicted when political parties and relationships have been ripped apart, and pray for His wisdom, counsel and direction for everyone concerned.

Published in British Isles

As we come into agreement with God’s word to ‘trust in the Lord with all of your heart and lean not on your own understanding’, we decree and declare that every connection concerning government, trade, justice, security, and communication not set according to Heaven’s perfect plan will shift in the Name of Jesus, that the United Kingdom will be positioned and related for His destiny in the days ahead (Proverbs 3:5). As Jesus said, ‘Launch out into the deep and let down your nets for the catch’, we declare that networks and relationships across God’s people in this nation that have not carried life will be replaced and renewed, that the capacity to bring in the fullness of revival and Kingdom transformation that He is opening before us will be established. We declare that those Kingdom nets will be extended into other lands, preparing the way in which other nations will be blessed with His salvation, His love and His power, in Jesus’ name.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 21 June 2019 11:53

Leader and supporters

From Passion for the Nation: ‘As the process of choosing a new prime minister continues, we can pray that every significant seat of power in our capital city will be filled by those appointed by God, establishing heaven’s purposes and shifting this nation towards its God-given destiny. Pray that the new Prime Minister will be supported by ministers, advisors, and civil service personnel who carry Kingdom purposes and plans; and we declare God’s wisdom will both guide them and protect them from every strategy of the enemy. Pray according to Proverbs 22:29 (TPT): ‘If you are uniquely gifted in your work, you will rise and be promoted’. We decree and declare that select committees, sub-committees, ministerial and civil service posts will be filled by those skilled, gifted, wise and on whom God’s favour rests. We speak strength, honour and encouragement to them in the Name of Jesus.’ For the full declaration click the ‘More’ button.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 25 April 2019 23:16

Passion for the Nation on local elections

‘Thank You, Father, for those who have served this nation in many capacities across the years; but now this is a new day. Lord, You positioned leaders of ten, leaders of hundreds and leaders of thousands, and You prepared and anointed leaders before their time of service, So, in the Name of Jesus, we call forth across this nation, the leaders You have appointed for this season. We declare they will be positioned and connected for Your voice to be heard, recognised, and active within every place of influence and gateway of society. We declare that those chosen and appointed by you for the next season will stand strong and secure with new levels of revelation and understanding. We declare they will listen, speak and act according to the words and strategies of the Spirit of God, causing them to grow in favour with God and man.’ For the full declaration, click the ‘More’ button.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 28 September 2018 00:53

Transformation: children

The following is part of a Prayer for the Nation publication. ‘We thank You Lord, for those who have served faithfully within our Sunday Schools, children’s churches and organisations over the years. Now we declare this is a new day, and we declare this is the time for a new move of Your Spirit amongst the children of our land. In the Name of Jesus, we call forth those carrying fresh revelation and creative ideas, able to teach Your children with relevance, life and depth. We thank You for the new wineskins You are releasing regarding children’s ministry, and we speak shift and change into any curriculum, plan, or methodology which is of the old season. We decree the children’s ministries of this land will take hold of the challenge and opportunity of the day. We declare, Lord, Your people will be willing volunteers in this day of Your power.’

Published in British Isles