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Displaying items by tag: local elections

Polling stations have opened in England for local elections, with the Conservative Party facing potential heavy losses that might impact Rishi Sunak's leadership. These elections, spanning over 2,600 seats across 107 councils, serve as a significant gauge of the Tories' popularity (or otherwise). Labour leader Keir Starmer, calling them ‘a chance for change after fourteen years of decline’, has highlighted policies which prioritise working people and restore integrity in politics. Previously contested in 2021, these council seats saw the Conservatives at their strongest post-UK Covid vaccine rollout. Current predictions suggest they might lose around 500 seats. There are also contests for ten mayoralties and 37 police and crime commissioner roles, and a parliamentary by-election in Blackpool South following a Tory MP's resignation due to a scandal. Labour hopes to make significant gains, particularly in tightly contested mayoral races in the West Midlands and Tees Valley. The outcome of these elections could trigger a leadership challenge for Sunak if the results are as bad as predicted.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 25 April 2019 23:16

Passion for the Nation on local elections

‘Thank You, Father, for those who have served this nation in many capacities across the years; but now this is a new day. Lord, You positioned leaders of ten, leaders of hundreds and leaders of thousands, and You prepared and anointed leaders before their time of service, So, in the Name of Jesus, we call forth across this nation, the leaders You have appointed for this season. We declare they will be positioned and connected for Your voice to be heard, recognised, and active within every place of influence and gateway of society. We declare that those chosen and appointed by you for the next season will stand strong and secure with new levels of revelation and understanding. We declare they will listen, speak and act according to the words and strategies of the Spirit of God, causing them to grow in favour with God and man.’ For the full declaration, click the ‘More’ button.

Published in British Isles