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Displaying items by tag: passion for the nation

Thursday, 20 July 2023 18:32

Passion for the Nation: advisors

The following is for our economy, elections, and transformation. Proverbs 11:14 says that where there is no wise, intelligent, guidance, the people go off-course like a ship without a helm. But with wise and godly counsellors there is victory. We pray wise and Godly counsel for all those making policy decisions at this time, whether in Parliament, the Bank of England, the Health Service or any sphere of influence in our land; for those deciding whether to stand down in the next general election, and also those of God’s people considering standing for the first time; and over the London mayoral elections in 2024. We decree and declare that success is found by those who welcome Godly counsel. Lord God, we ask that across this nation, from the corridors of power to families struggling with issues of finance, children or marriage, the cry for Godly wisdom and advice will arise; and as that cry rises Godly advisors, carrying revelatory wisdom will be positioned in every section of society.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 16 February 2023 23:37

Pray for church growth

‘History is made by the people of God, and as we move into this new season may they walk in divine dominion, ruling over their emotions, thoughts and words, so that in every circumstance they will flourish, under every pressure; they will be courageous, and in every victory they will honour God. We can pray for Him to birth a people who will move, not by might nor by power but by His Spirit - irrespective of age, irrespective of colour, irrespective of ethnicity. As they reconnect with the covenant call given to Abraham, ‘all the peoples of the earth will be blessed through them.’ Pray for the gospel of Jesus to be spoken with clarity, and that the demonstration of Kingdom power which is revealed will turn many to Jesus. May more people experience the power of God’s transforming love that releases God-given purposes for their lives.’

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 24 November 2022 21:34

Salvation season

From Passion for the Nation: ‘“Lift up your eyes and look at the fields; they are already white for harvest” (John 4:35). We thank You, Father God, for every promise given to us for revival and awakening, and for those who have already come to know You. We thank You, Lord, for anointing us to preach good tidings to the poor, heal the brokenhearted, proclaim liberty to the captives, and open the prison to those who are bound (Isaiah 61:1). We pray for a new season of evangelism, and for your people to see what You see. Raise up those who will speak to individuals and the crowds, and strategic evangelistic programmes. In this Christmas season, we pray God’s word will be spoken with boldness and clarity, sensitivity and wisdom, and the message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ will be heard. We speak the revelation of Jesus into the lives of individuals, families, communities and cultures.’

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 29 September 2022 22:28

Prayer for the economy

We pray for peace to cover this nation. We speak hope instead of despair, prosperity instead of lack in finance and the economy; stability to markets, and wisdom to all those making decisions and directives. We agree with James 2:13 (‘Mercy triumphs over judgement’), and repent where our nation as well as our own actions have brought Your judgement upon us. We repent where debt is an accepted norm of society; we repent where we withheld when You asked us to give; we repent where there has been mismanagement, greed and corruption within the very structures of our society, and we ask forgiveness for every place where we as a nation have not stewarded well the resources You gave us. We ask for Your revelatory wisdom to those working at the Treasury and Bank of England. We ask that You connect what needs to be connected and disconnect what needs to be disconnected, so that this nation will be blessed in the year ahead.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 09 September 2022 10:18

Pray for the Government

Lord, we thank You for every miracle You have worked in our nation in past seasons: for the turnarounds, the revivals and the personal miracles of provision and healing which have transformed lives, families, and communities. In the name of Jesus we declare what we have seen in the past is only a shadow of what we will see in the days ahead. We pray for Liz Truss; may she step into Kingdom purpose, moving the very structures of the nation towards righteousness and Godliness. We pray for justice, truth, mercy and moral law to be established, and for every government action to cause the UK to be aligned to God’s values and objectives within our land. May she carry and impart God’s vision to the men and women in her Cabinet, and may every MP walk in wisdom and integrity according to Your plans. May our Christian MPs boldly step into their identity and purpose.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 06 January 2022 21:15

Prayer for 2022

The following is based on declarations by Suzanne Ferrett: ‘Pray for hope, vision and courage as God has been changing us in the hidden place to bring change in the visible place. Pray for Christians to move forward, walking and speaking in obedience to God’s spirit. May the gospel go forward in the supermarkets and on the streets, in families and in workplaces; as many speak, salvations and healings will take place. In the Name of Jesus, we pray over the Government and over every bill, potential bill, amendment, treaty, or law made in 2022; may they align with God’s Kingdom purposes. May God’s Spirit brood over the United Kingdom so that longstanding prejudices are removed, wounds are healed, and superiority is replaced with humility. May every culture work together, overcoming divides, so that giftings and callings are honoured, welcomed and utilised.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 13 May 2021 21:04

Passion for the nation’s health

Pray for God’s Spirit to be moving over the UK, so that His people will rise above the issues of the day, putting their eyes not upon the things of the world, but filling their hearts and minds with the realities of the Kingdom of Heaven. Pray that His Kingdom dwells within us, that life itself comes from Him, that through the death and resurrection of Jesus, we are connected to the very root and branch which brings forth life. May God’s people live moment by moment according to the heartbeat of God. As vaccines, variants, waiting lists, and the future are discussed, pray for God’s people to trust in the Living God, recognising His power to heal, deliver and to save, so that as we step into the fullness of His Spirit available to us, healings within communities and churches will increase.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 06 November 2020 00:23

Pray for spiritual growth in lockdown

Based on a post by Passion for the Nation: ‘Ecclesiastes speaks of a time and season for everything under heaven. We can pray that during the four lockdown weeks, God’s people will take hold of the opportunity to allow Him to heal any hurts we hold in our hearts, cleanse us of wrong attitudes and motivations, and restore our first love for Him. In the days ahead may the power of the Gospel and the message of the Kingdom be released in greater measure throughout our land. Pray for God’s people to stand in the full assurance that His love, His word and His covenant with us will never fail; and for a fresh urgency to use the gifts God has given us with boldness and great courage in Jesus' name. “For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a future and a hope.” (Jeremiah 29:11)’

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 22 October 2020 22:38

Prayer for government and monarchy

The following is based on a prayer by Passion for the Nation. ‘Father, we ask for a fresh alignment of the words and thoughts of our leaders, local and national, with Your will, that in these days, ancient divisions from nation to nation, or region to region, will decrease, and necessary changes will take place. Please release healing into the North / South divide. We ask forgiveness for the words that have been spoken from offence, fear or anger, and we ask for a spirit of reconciliation, that longstanding wounds caused by political decisions or inequalities of lifestyle will not be exacerbated by current issues. Now Lord, we thank You for the life of our Queen, Elizabeth II, and her heart for You and her people and for the wisdom, righteousness and integrity reflected in her life. In this pandemic season we ask for your protection, strength and health for her and Prince Philip and for other members of the royal family.’

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 13 August 2020 21:00

Transformation prayers

King Alfred the Great wrote, ‘There is only one way to build my kingdom, and that is on the sure and certain foundation of faith in Jesus Christ crucified.’ We thank God for the heritage of faith that lies within the foundations of this nation. We can pray for new movements of His people to be born, movements filled with those who have encountered Jesus, been impacted by His radical love, and are running with deep-seated obedience to His Spirit. May all who are activated by the Spirit of God, to lead or to follow, step beyond fear and doubt and take hold of all that He has put within their grasp. We can pray for all God’s people, old and young, to be equipped and empowered for the season ahead. May His presence rest on them in great measure. (These prayers are based on Transforming Declarations by Suzanne Ferrett of Passion for the Nation)

Published in British Isles
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