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Displaying items by tag: prorogation of Parliament

Thursday, 26 September 2019 23:11

Parliamentary conflict

After the Supreme Court had decided that the proroguing of Parliament was illegal, MPs returned to the Commons on 25 September for an evening of inflamed rhetoric with debate resorting to a session of offensive, dangerous language. The BBC reported, ‘We are seeing the raw conflict that had to play out, the fight Theresa May delayed but couldn't make disappear. Politics moves so fast, it's impossible to tell if the cries of horror in SW1 will fade to nothing, or how far they have reached beyond Westminster's bubble. The situation is ever-shifting and could transform within days. It is almost impossible to imagine this group of politicians being able to agree on much.’ Let us pray according to Proverbs 15 for gentle answers to turn away wrath, for God to adorn MP’s tongues with wisdom, and knowledge and for the eyes of the Lord to reach every corner of parliament, prompting calm considerations and restraint. May the Houses of Parliament produce great treasures of domestic debate, spoken by wise lips and spreading knowledge.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 26 September 2019 23:09

Christians comment on Supreme Court's ruling

Christian evangelist David Robertson tweeted, ‘Having read the judgement, it seems to me that the court was right - although the motives of those who brought the case were more to do with stopping Brexit than asserting the sovereignty of the House of Commons - which of course they want to give away.’ Christian blogger Archbishop Cranmer said, ‘If the prorogation was “void and of no effect”, then the Queen's Order was “void and of no effect”, and so the Crown has become subject to the judgments of the Supreme Court. Her Majesty's constitutional powers to advise and warn her Prime Minister, or even “in extremis” to refuse his or her advice, are now subject to the judgments of the Supreme Court. If the Queen wills it, the Supreme Court can un-will it. This is a seismic constitutional shift in the United Kingdom, if not an inglorious revolution.’ Sir Gary Streeter MP, chair of Christians in Parliament, said it was time for a general election.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 12 September 2019 23:31

Intercessor Focus: prorogation of Parliament

On 11 September Scotland’s highest civil court ruled that the advice given to the Queen by Boris Johnson was misleading and unlawful, believing that the reason for suspending parliament was to prevent or impede Parliament with regard to Brexit and allow the executive to pursue a policy of a no-deal Brexit without further scrutiny. Confusion and disarray is dominating the Brexit debate. Pray for God to turn the current chaos around and bring the politics of the UK back onto the paths of peace and purpose that He has prepared for the nation to move forward on. Pray for alienated politicians to unite, agree and act upon law-abiding truths, and for any flawed beliefs to vanish from agendas. Ask God to heal the painful wounds inflicted when political parties and relationships have been ripped apart, and pray for His wisdom, counsel and direction for everyone concerned.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 30 August 2019 11:26

Praying for Parliament

The Queen will suspend Parliament in September and open a new parliamentary session on 14 October, when Boris Johnson will set out his agenda. This prorogation leaves less time for MPs to pass any new Brexit laws; the Speaker, John Bercow, called the move an outrage. There are many conflicting opinions about this move. We can pray and declare that the voices carrying godly wisdom will be heard above every other voice. May the public recognise in the melee of opinions what is true and just, discerning when a decision made on behalf of the nation is upright, wise and based on facts (see Proverbs 8:7-9). Father, may the United Kingdom be a crown of splendour in Your hand, no longer isolated from Your purposes, but united with Your Kingdom plans directing all You have called, gifted and prepared for such a time as this.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 30 August 2019 09:53

EU leaders and UK prorogation

Angela Merkel and Emmanuel Macron sounded semi-enthusiastic last week when Boris Johnson spoke about getting an agreement, even if they were sceptical that there is a different deal to be agreed. This week, they are resisting commenting on the UK suspension of Parliament. It would be difficult for them to get involved. One senior EU official said they do not want to give the impression there is a nicer withdrawal agreement in a drawer somewhere to be pulled out if the UK government's opponents could be vanquished. A French MEP, a close ally of Macron, said, ‘We could see Brexit coming without agreement. Now it’s a Brexit without debate that looms.’ In Brussels, EU officials have vowed not to allow Mr Johnson's latest manoeuvre to cause the bloc to be blamed for a no-deal Brexit. See also

Published in Europe