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Displaying items by tag: miracle

A dramatic rescue unfolded on a New Jersey shore, where John, a father, and his three young children nearly drowned after being swept out to sea by a strong rip current. John managed to keep his children afloat but struggled against the powerful waves, eventually being dragged under. A group of onlookers, including John DiAngelo, sprang into action. DiAngelo, a retired firefighter and experienced lifeguard, heard the children’s screams and rushed to their aid. Once they were safe, he returned to rescue their father, who had been submerged for several minutes. He performed CPR until John regained consciousness. DiAngelo credits divine intervention for the timing and successful outcome of the rescue, calling it a 'literal miracle’. The family was taken to hospital and is expected to recover fully. DiAngelo's actions and faith serve as a powerful reminder of the importance of readiness and the belief in a higher power guiding our actions.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 14 September 2023 22:43

A miracle that has changed lives

Pastor Christopher Green stayed in a Dallas hotel as he was preaching there the next morning. As he came out of his room he saw a housekeeper and asked her what she would like God to do for her, as he was headed to church and would pray for whatever she needed. Without hesitation, she showed him a massive growth on her neck saying, ‘They’re not sure if it’s cancer. They’re doing a biopsy on it. Can you ask God to heal this growth?’ He said, ‘I felt the urge to pray for her immediately. I put my hand under her chin and said, “Such as I have, give her thee. In the name of Jesus, be whole right now.”’ As he said those words the growth shrivelled up under his hand. She opened her eyes, and said, ‘It’s gone, it’s gone! It’s gone!’ That moment changed Pastor Chris’ life, too. He realised that indeed, there is power in the name of Jesus!

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 10 August 2023 22:26

Woman without pulse miracle

In an Instagram testimony a young lady testified before the congregation about a miracle she witnessed in a street outreach. One Friday night, she and her team were in the street to worship God, preach the Gospel and lead people to Christ. But after the outreach finished they noticed a commotion. Police were surrounding a lifeless lady on the street. One of their team members felt a conviction from the Holy Spirit that they needed to pray for resurrection. So, they went closer and began praying for the lady, who still had no pulse. She had been dead for ten minutes already, but they began to declare life for her. At first nothing happened, but they didn’t give up. They kept praying. A few minutes later, the lady’s eyes opened. It was a miracle. She began to breathe again.

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 21 April 2023 10:16

God restores life

David consumed a lot of cocaine. When he was In hospital after his third overdose, doctors told him his kidneys had failed, he had Hepatitis C, and would need dialysis for the rest of his life. With hopelessness and despair, he mourned his lost life. ’The night before dialysis was to begin, David cried out, ‘God, I don’t even know if you’re real, but if you are, please help me.’ The next day doctors came to his room. ‘We can’t explain it, but you’ve had a complete recovery,’ one told him. ‘You’re being discharged today.’ David wept profoundly. ‘It was mind-blowing,’ he recalls. ‘I don’t know how long I was on the floor asking God to forgive all the things I had done. God is in the restoration business.’

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 21 April 2023 10:13

From death to life

A family is rejoicing because Sammy Berko is alive after suffering cardiac arrest before miraculously coming back to life two hours later. He reached the top of the wall at a rock climbing gym, and then went limp. He was lowered and then lifesaving measures were unsuccessfully implemented. ‘They looked at us and said, “I’m so sorry, but he’s gone”’, Sammy’s mum Jennifer said. She and her husband were left in the room to say goodbye to Sammy and Jennifer started speaking to Sammy and to God. ‘As I started praying, my husband said, he’s moving.' The 16-year-old came back to life.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 24 February 2022 21:16

A miraculous healing

June Perez slipped and fell hard on his right shoulder. After months of excruciating pain he was found to have a torn rotator cuff, and a nurse advised surgery,. June stubbornly refused even though the throbbing would not go away. ‘I’ve never suffered such agonising pain before in my life, like something or someone pulling continuously on a muscle and stretching without relief’, he said. Then while he was watching Christian TV the host announced prophetically that someone had a torn rotator cuff and that God was going to heal it. ‘As soon as she said, “God is healing you”, I felt heat hit my shoulder, I couldn’t help but cry, tears were coming out of my eyes. I didn’t feel the pain any more.’ Suddenly he could raise his arm, comb his hair, pull on T-shirts. He was instantly, miraculously healed by Jesus.

Published in Praise Reports

God has awakened His Bride in Australia. Even the pundits are calling Christian Prime Minister Scott Morrison's re-election a miracle. Mr. Morrison himself called it a "miracle" given the polls against him.

The Living God answered many prayers!

The Godly roots planted in that unique nation will still require constant prayer, fasting and repentance, but an awakening has happened that can now inspire Christians in other nations. The centuries old prophecy for that nation to be a light to others, as the Great Southland of the Holy Spirit, has been strengthened.

Warwick Marsh, leader of  Australia's National Day of Prayer - a dear friend of mine, standing each year for our National Day of Repentance - called for 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting nationwide for the 2019 federal elections. After the victory Warwick said:

'Scott Morrison is not the answer for Australia. Jesus is the answer. The fact that Scott Morrison is our continuing re-elected Prime Minister only means we have three years to see Revival and transformation come to our nation without overt persecution. God has given us a window of opportunity....we need to keep on praying for the salvation of souls and renewal in the church... it is very humbling indeed and a great privilege to be part of true Christ centric national Christian unified prayer and fasting that results in a miracle victory. Having said that, the victory has come through the grace of God and through the blood of Jesus. 'Not of works lest any man boast.' This victory is a victory for God and God alone....Your prayers are shifting this nation towards righteousness.'

And Hilary Moroney-Egerson, key intercessor/prayer warrior in Canberra's House of Prayer for All Nations, had this insight, including how repentance was stage one:

What a Glorious Victory - Look what God did! Let us Raise a Hallelujah!!!!

However my heart has been burdened today for the Get Up youth and many others standing against God's Truth & Righteousness, weeping that they will Repent before Almighty God and NOT Rage against Him - so that the spirit of death will not be able to take them out in suicide, drug overdoses, alcoholism.

Let us PRAY Today that just as the Charge at Beersheba was the beginning of the Victory, our prayers can continue, just as the strategic troops went to dismantle all the mines in the wells before they detonated. If they hadn't done this, all the troops and horses could well have died from lack of water -

Let us PRAY for a radical harvest of souls from this young generation - that they would hunger and thirst after Righteousness and Truth and seek after God and be found by Him Jer 29:11-13, to come to the revelation of HOPE in His Saving Grace alone, for them and our nation, and the preciousness of every human life......instead of struggling  feeling lost, angry, betrayed.

Let us Raise a Hallelujah and lift those of the losing side before the Throne of Grace the God's Victory will be fully won - Be Blessed by these words below and let's keep on Praying & Worshipping our God and Praying for the New Governent Leaders

The Canberra Declaration/Warwick Marsh/Margaret Court evening zoom call 21 days has gone through 3 clear phases ...

  1. Repentance, travail, and a cry for forgiveness for the sins of Australia
  1. A militant powerful declaration that the Lord Reigns over Australia and the election
  1. A celebration of the Lord and a change of prayer tone to declare of the Gospel of Jesus and revival/transformation

-- this is God's endgame; not the election which is a temporary situation; but the Gospel being made clear to the nation

-- Recognising our sin, the need for repentance, and His grace and forgiveness through Jesus and the cross

My feeling is that similar things happened in all the prayer groups/initiatives to one level or another.

The evening zoom group started in unity and become very much one (i.e. same heart).

There have been thousands praying across Australia in this season, in fact this election has brought the largest united prayer effort ever in this nation. 

The big deal now is how to continue this with a view to the ecclesia rising up to her fullness in Christ and seeing Australia come into a full awakening and national transformation!! 

As part of this we must better engage the under 35 NextGen in prayer and spiritual leadership.

'For the LORD will not abandon His people, now will He forsake His inheritance.  For judgment will again be righteous, and all the upright in heart will follow it.' Psalm 94: 14-15

Thanks to repentance, thanks to prayer and fasting, thanks to a call for nation-wide unity among Christians, God heard those cries and acted.

The southern Cross shines bright in Australia; His anchor still holds!

In Jesus' Holy Name,

Pastor Jeffrey Daly


National Day of Repentance

More at: http://www.repentday.com

Friday, 29 March 2019 00:03

God rescues 72 from firing squad

In Nigeria, Boko Haram captured 76 Muslim-background Christians. Four men were told at gunpoint to renounce Christ and revert to Islam. When they refused, they were shot in front of their families. Later the men’s wives were ordered to renounce Christ, or their children would be executed the next day. In the morning the children ran in, saying Jesus told them in the night that ‘all would be well’. Then Jesus appeared to them all and told them He would protect them. When the mothers again refused to renounce Christianity their children were lined up against a wall. As the soldiers took aim they suddenly grabbed their heads, screaming ‘Snakes!’ Some ran away, others dropped dead. A captive grabbed a gun and was about to fire at the fleeing militants but a child put her hand on his arm and said, ‘You don’t need to do that. Can’t you see the men in white fighting for us?’

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 22 March 2019 10:11

Forty children miraculously shielded

A miracle story is emerging after a tornado struck Paducah, Kentucky, devastating a church building where forty preschool children and ten church staff were going about their day. The miracle? No one was killed or injured even though the roof was ripped off. As the storm raged around them, they sang songs like ‘Jesus loves me’ and ‘He's got the whole world in his hands’. The church suffered massive damage, but the only room not affected was the one where they were sheltering. By God's grace, they were kept safe. Later, members of the community showed up in droves to help the church begin its recovery efforts.

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 15 March 2019 10:44

Nepal: God heals miraculously

Pastor Biju stopped to pray with 18-year-old deaf mute Tilak, who belongs to an unreached, unengaged people group. As he stretched out his arm to pray for him, he saw confusion in the boy’s eyes. Tilak had no way of communicating with others, and no context for what was about to happen. Pastor Biju gave Tilak a reassuring smile before he closed his eyes and focused his attention heavenward. He prayed for deliverance and healing, and as he did, he felt Tilak jerk away. The bewildered look on his face showed that something amazing had happened. Tilak was instantaneously, miraculously healed! Tears streamed down his face as he heard through his ears for the first time. He rushed to his mother, who heaved sobs of joy and relief. Her boy was healed, and it was all because of Jesus! The entire family became Christians that day.

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