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Displaying items by tag: Australia

Australia, which currently has one of the biggest international student markets in the world, is to introduce a cap on new enrolments, limiting them to 270,000 in 2025, as part of efforts to reduce overall migration to pre-pandemic levels. Each educational institution will face specific restrictions, with vocational and training providers seeing the largest cuts. The move has sparked outrage among tertiary education providers, who argue it could damage the sector and economy. Education minister Jason Clare defended the policy, citing the need to improve the quality of education and address issues of unethical practices among some providers. The cap aims to alleviate pressures on housing and infrastructure, with additional reforms including tougher English-language requirements and incentives for universities to build student housing.

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When Luca was born in Perth two years ago, his parents were devastated by his diagnosis of cystic fibrosis. Australia's strict immigration policies then compounded their distress by denying their permanent residency, deeming Luca a potential financial burden due to his medical condition. Australia, which prides itself as a ‘migration nation’, routinely rejects visas if medical costs exceed A$86,000 (£45,000) over ten years. Despite having lived in Australia for eight years and filling crucial job roles, Luca’s parents face the possibility of deportation – an example of the policy’s harshness. The government has defended the law, but it is surprising that its own immigration act is treated as exempt from its disability discrimination act. The immigration minister has mentioned the possibility of ministerial intervention for affected children, yet the process is often gruelling. Campaigners argue this policy is discriminatory and outdated, and are pushing for reform.

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A visit to New Zealand and Australia by China's PM Li Qiang, starting on 13 June, will be marked by regional security concerns overshadowing trade ties. China is Australia's largest trading partner, particularly for iron ore, while New Zealand's significant trade involves milk and agriculture. NZ prime minister Christopher Luxon views the visit as an opportunity for business deals, but acknowledges the need to address differences, especially since his country has taken a tougher stance on China in recent months due to security concerns. In Australia, Li will visit Adelaide, engaging in ‘panda diplomacy‘ and meeting wine exporters to ease political tensions which had previously led to a suspension in their exports. A recent poll shows significant public mistrust in Australia towards China, with many viewing Beijing as a security threat. Despite these concerns, prime minister Anthony Albanese believes Li's visit shows that ties had stabilised, even as the two nations compete for influence in the Pacific and defence force encounters are tense.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 18 April 2024 21:33

Australia: two stabbings in Sydney

Sydney is reeling after two knife attacks within three days. At Bondi Junction, Joel Cauchi, who had a history of mental illness, killed six people and injured others. At a church in Wakeley, a teenager injured a bishop and several others, but there were no fatalities. Despite both incidents causing fear, they have been treated differently by authorities. The Wakeley stabbing was declared a terror incident, while the Bondi Junction attack was not. This has caused puzzlement: the local Islamic Council ‘found it bewildering’, and said, ‘The signal this sends to the Australian community is that terrorism is solely reserved for Muslims.’ The investigation into the Bondi Junction attack continues, focusing on the perpetrator's motives and actions. One of the men who confronted Cauchi has been promised a renewal of his temporary visa: see

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 22 February 2024 20:47

Australia: bishop charged with rape

Bishop Christopher Saunders has been charged with rape and a string of sex offences - some against children. The 74-year-old was arrested on 21 February, after parallel investigations ordered by police and the Pope. Mr Saunders, who denies the allegations, was refused bail. He is one of the most senior Catholics to face charges of this nature. The offences he is alleged to have committed include two counts of rape, 14 of unlawful and indecent assault, and three of child abuse. For years, he has faced allegations of sexual abuse made by several Aboriginal men from communities in his parish. When the accusations were first aired in 2020, the initial police investigation was closed without charge. However after a historic inquiry was ordered by the Pope - and its 200-page report subsequently leaked to the media last year - police began a new investigation.

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In Melbourne, early on 26 January (Australia Day), a century-old statue of Captain James Cook was cut down and a Queen Victoria monument vandalised with red paint. Australia Day commemorates the anniversary of Britain's first fleet landing in 1788, marking the start of the colonial era. The Cook statue, which commemorates his 1768-1771 voyage charting Australia's east coast, has a history of being targeted on or around Australia Day. The vandals left the message 'The colony will fall' on its base. Victoria premier Jacinta Allan condemned the vandalism, stating it had no place in the community, and efforts would be made to repair and reinstate the statue and clean the Queen Victoria memorial. While polls indicate that approximately 60% of people support celebrating Australia Day, many view it as inappropriate due to its association with the displacement of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander lands and cultures. Protests against 'Invasion Day' have grown, and some people boycott the holiday.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 04 January 2024 21:10

Denmark: the first Australian to become a Queen

Queen Margrethe II of Denmark's surprise abdication in favour of her son Crown Prince Frederik has marked a historic moment globally, but it has also made Princess Mary the first-ever Australian to become a Queen Consort. Born in Hobart to immigrant parents, Mary Donaldson's upbringing was in a middle-class suburban home. She excelled in leadership from high school onwards, becoming a popular and amiable student. After earning a degree in law and commerce, she pursued a successful career in advertising and luxury real estate. Her life took a dramatic turn when she met Frederik during the 2000 Olympic Games in Sydney. Their chance encounter led to a long-distance relationship, and in 2002, Mary relocated to Denmark, learning Danish and working at Microsoft. They married in 2004, in a ceremony watched by over a million Australians, and Mary was affectionately known as ‘the girl who charmed a nation’.

Published in Europe
Thursday, 30 November 2023 21:22

Australia: apology to thalidomide victims

Prime minister Anthony Albanese has issued a national apology to survivors of the thalidomide scandal and their families, marking the government's first acknowledgment of its role in the tragedy. Thalidomide, initially a sedative but widely used as a morning sickness drug in the 1950s, led to severe birth defects in at least 10,000 babies globally. A report in 2019 revealed that 20% of cases could have been prevented with earlier action. Survivors have long sought acknowledgment and compensation, pointing to the examples set by Canada (in 1991) and the UK (in 2010). 140 survivors have registered for a financial support programme which gives a one-off payment of £260,000 each, with subsequent annual payments of between £2,600 and £30,000. Mr Albanese has now reopened the application process for those who might have missed it previously.

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On 14 October, Australia will vote in a historic referendum that cuts to the core of how it sees itself as a nation. If successful, the proposal - known as the Voice - will recognise aboriginal people in the constitution, while creating a body for them to advise governments on the issues affecting their communities. Advocates say it Is a ‘modest yet profound’ change that will allow Indigenous Australians to take a rightful place in their own country - which has often dragged its heels confronting its past. But those campaigning against it describe it as a ‘radical’ proposal that will ‘permanently divide’ the country by giving First Nations people greater rights than other Australians - a claim legal experts reject. Australia is unusual among settler nations to have never made a treaty with its indigenous peoples. It first voted on whether to acknowledge them in the preamble of the constitution back in 1999. The reform - which was one of two amendments tied to the referendum over whether to become a republic - failed.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 28 September 2023 21:55

Australia: World Prayer Assembly

Churches and prayer and mission ministries across Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific Islands are planning to come together in Perth from 3 to 6 October, in unprecedented unity that has not been seen for decades, with the vision ‘A New Wave of Glory to cover the earth, as the waters cover the sea’ (Habakkuk 2:14). We are invited to attend, to pray, to watch online, and / or to give. For those who are unable to travel there will be livestreams of the plenary sessions. More information, including how to donate to this vision, from the website.

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