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Displaying items by tag: visa process

When Luca was born in Perth two years ago, his parents were devastated by his diagnosis of cystic fibrosis. Australia's strict immigration policies then compounded their distress by denying their permanent residency, deeming Luca a potential financial burden due to his medical condition. Australia, which prides itself as a ‘migration nation’, routinely rejects visas if medical costs exceed A$86,000 (£45,000) over ten years. Despite having lived in Australia for eight years and filling crucial job roles, Luca’s parents face the possibility of deportation – an example of the policy’s harshness. The government has defended the law, but it is surprising that its own immigration act is treated as exempt from its disability discrimination act. The immigration minister has mentioned the possibility of ministerial intervention for affected children, yet the process is often gruelling. Campaigners argue this policy is discriminatory and outdated, and are pushing for reform.

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