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Displaying items by tag: Scott Morrison

On 25 November prime minister Scott Morrison introduced a controversial Religious Discrimination Bill, which will allow faith-based organisations to prioritise hiring and enrolment of people from their faith. The bill, tabled just months before next year’s election, is seen as an attempt to woo votes from religious citizens, as Mr Morrison is a Pentecostal Christian. When introducing the bill to parliament, he said it would protect those who expressed their religious faith outside the workplace as long as it did not cause financial damage to their employer. ‘People should not be persecuted or vilified because their beliefs are different from someone else’s. Australians shouldn’t have to worry about offending an anonymous person on Twitter.’ The bill will be put to vote in the lower house next week, but is unlikely to pass into law before the elections.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 30 September 2021 21:51

Australia: is the PM attending COP26?

Australia is the most carbon-polluting nation in the world per capita, yet prime minister Scott Morrison may not attend the November landmark climate conference. He said he had not made any final decisions on attending, saying, ‘I have to focus on things here and with Covid. Australia will be opening up borders around that time. There will be a lot of issues to manage and I have to deal with those competing demands.’ Australia is expected to present its updated 2030 emissions cuts at the conference. It is one of the world's top exporters of coal and gas. Mr Morrison said he wants Australia to achieve net zero emissions ‘as soon as possible’, but he has not outlined any measures to do so and has not committed to net zero by 2050. A UN report ranked Australia last out of 170 member nations for its response to climate change.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 01 April 2021 21:37

EU sounds alarm for Great Barrier Reef

The EU’s environment commissioner, Virginijus Sinkevičius, said he was deeply concerned by the threats facing the Great Barrier Reef. ‘As long as we do not change our behaviours, things will not improve,’ he said. He hopes Australia will sign up to the 84-country Leaders’ Pledge for Nature - a document that calls for a ‘green and just’ recovery from the Covid-19 crisis and stronger political will to act against the ‘crises of biodiversity loss and ecosystem degradation and climate change’. The leaders’ pledge backs the objective of achieving net zero emissions by 2050. The Australian prime minister, Scott Morrison, has said this is his preference, but he has resisted making a formal commitment amid divisions within his government over climate policy. Coral reefs are threatened because of human activity - unsustainable ways of living, producing, and consuming.

Published in Europe

God has awakened His Bride in Australia. Even the pundits are calling Christian Prime Minister Scott Morrison's re-election a miracle. Mr. Morrison himself called it a "miracle" given the polls against him.

The Living God answered many prayers!

The Godly roots planted in that unique nation will still require constant prayer, fasting and repentance, but an awakening has happened that can now inspire Christians in other nations. The centuries old prophecy for that nation to be a light to others, as the Great Southland of the Holy Spirit, has been strengthened.

Warwick Marsh, leader of  Australia's National Day of Prayer - a dear friend of mine, standing each year for our National Day of Repentance - called for 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting nationwide for the 2019 federal elections. After the victory Warwick said:

'Scott Morrison is not the answer for Australia. Jesus is the answer. The fact that Scott Morrison is our continuing re-elected Prime Minister only means we have three years to see Revival and transformation come to our nation without overt persecution. God has given us a window of opportunity....we need to keep on praying for the salvation of souls and renewal in the church... it is very humbling indeed and a great privilege to be part of true Christ centric national Christian unified prayer and fasting that results in a miracle victory. Having said that, the victory has come through the grace of God and through the blood of Jesus. 'Not of works lest any man boast.' This victory is a victory for God and God alone....Your prayers are shifting this nation towards righteousness.'

And Hilary Moroney-Egerson, key intercessor/prayer warrior in Canberra's House of Prayer for All Nations, had this insight, including how repentance was stage one:

What a Glorious Victory - Look what God did! Let us Raise a Hallelujah!!!!

However my heart has been burdened today for the Get Up youth and many others standing against God's Truth & Righteousness, weeping that they will Repent before Almighty God and NOT Rage against Him - so that the spirit of death will not be able to take them out in suicide, drug overdoses, alcoholism.

Let us PRAY Today that just as the Charge at Beersheba was the beginning of the Victory, our prayers can continue, just as the strategic troops went to dismantle all the mines in the wells before they detonated. If they hadn't done this, all the troops and horses could well have died from lack of water -

Let us PRAY for a radical harvest of souls from this young generation - that they would hunger and thirst after Righteousness and Truth and seek after God and be found by Him Jer 29:11-13, to come to the revelation of HOPE in His Saving Grace alone, for them and our nation, and the preciousness of every human life......instead of struggling  feeling lost, angry, betrayed.

Let us Raise a Hallelujah and lift those of the losing side before the Throne of Grace the God's Victory will be fully won - Be Blessed by these words below and let's keep on Praying & Worshipping our God and Praying for the New Governent Leaders

The Canberra Declaration/Warwick Marsh/Margaret Court evening zoom call 21 days has gone through 3 clear phases ...

  1. Repentance, travail, and a cry for forgiveness for the sins of Australia
  1. A militant powerful declaration that the Lord Reigns over Australia and the election
  1. A celebration of the Lord and a change of prayer tone to declare of the Gospel of Jesus and revival/transformation

-- this is God's endgame; not the election which is a temporary situation; but the Gospel being made clear to the nation

-- Recognising our sin, the need for repentance, and His grace and forgiveness through Jesus and the cross

My feeling is that similar things happened in all the prayer groups/initiatives to one level or another.

The evening zoom group started in unity and become very much one (i.e. same heart).

There have been thousands praying across Australia in this season, in fact this election has brought the largest united prayer effort ever in this nation. 

The big deal now is how to continue this with a view to the ecclesia rising up to her fullness in Christ and seeing Australia come into a full awakening and national transformation!! 

As part of this we must better engage the under 35 NextGen in prayer and spiritual leadership.

'For the LORD will not abandon His people, now will He forsake His inheritance.  For judgment will again be righteous, and all the upright in heart will follow it.' Psalm 94: 14-15

Thanks to repentance, thanks to prayer and fasting, thanks to a call for nation-wide unity among Christians, God heard those cries and acted.

The southern Cross shines bright in Australia; His anchor still holds!

In Jesus' Holy Name,

Pastor Jeffrey Daly


National Day of Repentance

More at: http://www.repentday.com