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Displaying items by tag: prophecy

Thursday, 24 February 2022 21:16

A miraculous healing

June Perez slipped and fell hard on his right shoulder. After months of excruciating pain he was found to have a torn rotator cuff, and a nurse advised surgery,. June stubbornly refused even though the throbbing would not go away. ‘I’ve never suffered such agonising pain before in my life, like something or someone pulling continuously on a muscle and stretching without relief’, he said. Then while he was watching Christian TV the host announced prophetically that someone had a torn rotator cuff and that God was going to heal it. ‘As soon as she said, “God is healing you”, I felt heat hit my shoulder, I couldn’t help but cry, tears were coming out of my eyes. I didn’t feel the pain any more.’ Suddenly he could raise his arm, comb his hair, pull on T-shirts. He was instantly, miraculously healed by Jesus.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 12 August 2021 22:15

Prayer for leaders

The following is based on declarations by Suzanne Ferrett, a UK-based prophetic leader: ‘Lord, we thank You that mercy triumphs over judgment. We stand in Your grace and speak Your blessing over our nation. We pray, in the Name of Jesus, for the words and thoughts of our leaders across this land to establish Your plans and will for the UK. We pray that in these significant days, the UK will be led at all times by the men and women of Your choosing. May every seat of authority be filled by the person appointed by You for tasks in commerce, industry, politics, police, NHS and all social services. We pray that they will carry, impart, and implement God-given vision. We pray for Your voice to be heard and acted upon in every influential gateway of society.’

Published in British Isles
Friday, 24 August 2018 10:37

Canada: Ears to Hear

All across the vast land, intercessors unite under the umbrella of ‘Ears to Hear’ as they pray for Canada via conference calls, skype and emails. We can join them as they intercede for the summer to bring an unprecedented spiritual harvest. Pray that the nation will grow deeply hungry for God, and that the Church will use every opportunity to share the Good News of Jesus boldly. Keep lifting up all the summer camps and outreaches. The Lord has been speaking to Canada’s Prophetic Council through a vision of a church bell being rung in these days. The vision represents what He desires to do with the prophetic. May the gift of prophecy ring out in new and freshly restored ways. Pray that it is clear, pure and centred on Jesus. Across Canada, the Lord has been strongly emphasising that it’s time for reconciliation. Pray that even long-estranged relationships will be restored. Pray for grace, humility and forgiveness to grow in the Body of Christ. Believe for miraculous reconciliations.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 24 May 2018 23:55

Trumpet Call - Birmingham - 9 June

We need to see change in the United Kingdom. It is time to turn to Jesus. It is time for His Kingdom to come, and His will to be done here. You are invited to join thousands of Christians praying, worshipping and declaring for God’s Kingdom to come in our families, churches and communities, praying for an unprecedented turning to God in our nation. This is the eleventh Trumpet Call that the World Prayer Centre has held in Birmingham. Speakers include R T Kendall, Malcolm Duncan and Yinka Oyekan.

Published in British Isles