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Displaying items by tag: Easter

This year’s Easter celebrations in the Middle East were subdued. In Gaza City, Christians who have found refuge in the Holy Family Church brought palm branches to the Palm Sunday service. One of their priests said the congregation has been ‘enduring relentless Calvary for months’. SAT-7 broadcast Easter services live from the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Bethlehem. The church’s pastor said, ‘In Palestine our Good Friday has lasted way too long, but Easter reminds us that the final word belongs to God… Our belief in the God of the Resurrection means that ultimately goodness, righteousness, and justice will prevail’. There were few foreign pilgrims in Jerusalem and most West Bank Christians were denied access under tightened security rules. SAT-7’s Turkish channel broadcast a service from a church in Istanbul which had been attacked by two gunmen during a Sunday service on 28 January; one man was killed in the incident. SAT-7 wanted to show solidarity with the congregation after such a traumatic event. SAT-7’s Easter programming is especially important for those in countries where people cannot celebrate openly because of persecution and restrictions on religious freedom.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 01 April 2021 22:14

Churches and cathedrals reopen for Easter

Many churches and cathedrals which have remained closed throughout the recent lockdown are reopening in time for in-person worship during Holy Week and Easter - but online services and events remain at the heart of festivities. The stay-at-home rule has been replaced. Now up to two households of unlimited numbers, or up to six households of six people, can meet outdoors. The rector of Bath Abbey said, ‘We look forward eagerly to celebrating the life-renewing hope of Easter. It will be a great joy to celebrate Christ’s victory over death, as a church family back in the abbey once again - especially as we were unable to meet at Easter last year.’

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 20 March 2020 00:13

Ten years and counting - the Real Easter Egg

David Marshall, of the Meaningful Chocolate Company, launched the Real Easter Egg ten years ago after discovering that not a single Easter egg mentioned the Christian faith. This startling revelation was the springboard for this egg, which, a decade on, still cuts a lonely figure in the sea of chocolate eggs on supermarket shelves that make no reference whatsoever to the Christian origins of the festival. But the fact that it is still on the shelves isn't something David takes for granted: after all, when the egg was first launched, supermarkets were reluctant to stock it. There is little reference to Jesus or the religious aspect of Easter elsewhere, but David’s company continues to provide faith-based Easter eggs that come with a children's book telling the story of Easter.

Published in Praise Reports

UK Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt has said he is 'appalled' at the ongoing persecution of Christians.

One of the countries clamping down is China. Churches continue to be closed, and Christians have been arrested because of their faith.

That is because the country is officially an atheist state, with freedom of religion guaranteed in the constitution. Sky's Tom Cheshire explains.

Watch the SKYNEWS video on Youtube:


Pray for our persecuted brothers and sisters in China.

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Thursday, 25 April 2019 23:19

Easter service at music festival

The reporter from the LA Times was not sure what to make of Kanye West’s Easter morning church service at the Coachella Valley music festival. describing it as ‘a new-age Baptist church revival’. The service began shortly after 9.30 am. West arrived dressed in violet-magenta hues - with his hair dyed to match. What unfolded was a nearly two-hour celebration of gospel music, which has played a major influence on his creative achievements. He was supported by hundreds of singers, dancers, and a full orchestra. His part in the service was minimised, with no sermonising or rapping. He allowed the choir and band to be the main focus as he was caught up in the worshipful atmosphere of the moment. West transformed a secular festival at Coachella into a black church experience.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 25 April 2019 22:14

Sri Lanka: high alert after Easter bombings

Easter bombings in three churches and seven hotels have killed 253, with the death toll expected to rise further because 500 are seriously injured. Over sixty suspects have been arrested so far. Domestic and international authorities are probing deeper into the bombings, with a nationwide alert for nine vehicles involved, possibly holding explosives. The situation remains tense. Security has been increased, with naval and air force officers patrolling the streets. Roadblocks have been set up throughout Colombo, and suspicious vehicles and individuals are being searched. All Catholic churches in Sri Lanka must stay closed until security improves. A picture is emerging of nine well-educated, home-grown suicide bombers, including a woman, who carried out the attacks. IS claimed responsibility, but authorities blamed local extremists NTJ, whose leader is known for incendiary speeches online. Sri Lanka's security ‘weaknesses’ led to the failure to prevent the bombings. Ask God to protect potential targets - tourist spots, markets, hotels, government offices, churches, and shopping malls.

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 19 April 2019 16:20

Easter celebrated around the world

Easter traditions vary in different parts of the world. For instance in Germany, Easter is called Ostern and Good Friday, Easter Saturday and Easter Sunday are all public holidays. In the USA Easter is about eggs, bunnies and new clothes; it has ceased to be a religious celebration. French Easter starts with a sombre note on Good Friday - mourning Christ’s crucifixion. Church bells are not rung for three days, then on Easter morning children rush outside to watch the bells ‘fly back from Rome’. A Greek Easter, their main religious festival, is full of Orthodox fervour. Russia’s merger of Eastern Orthodox Christianity and Western Christianity means the date of the festival is different for each group. Whether in high-spirited Romanian celebrations or in traditional Polish style, we all celebrate: ‘Christ is risen, Hallelujah!'

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 19 April 2019 16:16

The black hole and the cross

J John writes, ‘As I thought about black holes in this run-up to Easter, I found myself contrasting the idea of the black hole with the cross. There are comparisons - the black hole looks inward while the cross points out, takes in while the cross gives out, brings destruction while the cross brings life. Those opposing images could be principles that govern our lives. Do we take in or do we give out? Is our priority our own well-being or that of others? Do we focus on the fulfilment of our own desires or the concerns of those about us? Each of us must choose what principle we live under; to decide whether the geometry of our lives is the shape of the cross or the monstrous and ever hungry circle of the black hole. These two opposing principles are important when it comes to Christian involvement in society. We can choose to look inwards or outwards. Jesus constantly encouraged his followers to be salt and light.’

Published in British Isles
Friday, 30 March 2018 00:44

A three-year-old examines Easter

Supermarket shelves have for weeks been full of Easter Eggs, Easter bunnies and hot cross buns, to remind us that ‘Easter is coming’. A three-year-old’s comments on Facebook remind us of how far the commercial marketing of Easter has removed us from our Christian tradition. You can watch her conversation with her daddy by clicking the ‘More’ button. A few of her comments were, ‘I don’t understand what Easter’s all about. Why do you give me chocolate at Easter, when you say it is bad for me? We learn about Easter at nursery school. Are Easter bunny and Jesus best pals? Is the Easter bunny in the Bible? Does Jesus carry a basket of eggs all the time? Does Jesus like chocolate?’

Published in British Isles
Friday, 16 March 2018 10:11

Intercessor Focus: praying for Easter

Easter is a great opportunity for evangelism. Pray for the body of Christ across our nations to recognise every opportunity to talk to the people they meet regularly about Easter’s actual meaning. Pray for each church denomination to be anointed by God to go where He sends them. Pray for a fresh Holy Spirit enabling so that God’s people do all that He has called them to do, and for the Church to use all its resources to impact with power the lives of those who do not yet realise the price Jesus paid for them. May each Easter service be an occasion of supernatural discovery of biblical truths. Pray also for church-based courses and initiatives like Alpha to explode onto the social scene, building influential life-changing bridges in communities not yet touched by Holy Spirit-led evangelism. May the Church see prayer and mission powerfully united, achieving amazing results.

Published in British Isles
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