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Displaying items by tag: Jesus

Thursday, 21 March 2024 22:00

Jesus’ three promises on Palm Sunday

In a world of chaos and declining faith in institutions, Jesus' Palm Sunday message offers a distinct form of peace, contrasting with society's inclination towards temporary fixes like drugs and materialism. Amidst personal trials and imminent crucifixion, he highlighted three crucial aspects of peace. 1) Peace with God: through his death and resurrection, Jesus created a way to reconcile humanity with God, fulfilling his primary mission of establishing peace between mankind and the divine, as Paul articulates in Romans. 2) The peace of God: Jesus advised his followers to focus on noble and truthful thoughts, cultivating a mental discipline rooted in faith. This mindset fosters God’s peace, allowing believers to experience tranquillity despite life’s challenges. 3) The peace of the future: the Bible foretells a future era of remarkable peace following Jesus’ return, where harmony will prevail as prophesied in Isaiah. The ‘peace that surpasses human understanding’ provides comfort and hope in tumultuous times.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 14 December 2023 22:27

Peace is a Person: Jesus - by Peter Henderson

‘Read Philippians 4:4-9. We live in an age of frenetic energy, overstimulation and scattered senses. Politics, war, social media and all the loud voices tend to drown out our few, precious moments of quiet reflection. Peace is elusive. We often live with a sustained internal anxiety compounded by the external hostilities and conflicts that seem continually camping on our doorstep. But peace is not the absence of anxiety or chaos; it is the transformative power of God’s grace in the midst of the storm. Recently it dawned on me that the little phrase in Philippians 4:5, “the Lord is near,” isn’t a superfluous insertion, but actually the key to understanding the whole of what follows. The peace of God can guard you because the God of peace is near. Peace is a Person: Jesus, our Prince of Peace. The presence of Jesus in our midst permits us to name the anxieties that plague our souls and present them into his capable hands. He equips us with thanksgiving to see beyond the dire circumstances that cause our grief and to trust in the goodness of God despite the chaos we see in the world. He empowers us with a gentle spirit; the ability to live peaceably with others in a world of strife. Pray for peace in the world where there has been warfare and bloodshed. Pray for peace internally where anxiety and fear have been in control.’

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 25 June 2020 22:47

Nepalese man freed from demonic attacks

Deshu writes, ‘I was born and raised in a Hindu family, all totally involved in idol worship. I suffered greatly from demonic attacks. I tried all kinds of medical treatments and made lots of sacrifices to our idols, but none of it helped. My neighbours who are followers of Jesus began to share with me and encourage me. I visited when a group gathered in their home to worship Jesus. They were all wonderful people and they prayed for my healing. The Lord answered their prayers and I was miraculously delivered from the demonic attacks. He became so real to me. I have placed my faith in Christ alone and have been baptised. I am so thankful to the Lord for His healing power and salvation. Please pray for me as I desire to see others find eternal freedom in Jesus.’

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 31 March 2017 11:34

The power of dreams

Ex-Muslim Nabeel Qureshi has asked for prayers as he undergoes chemotherapy for cancer and struggles to eat. In his post he also said he saw Jesus in a dream. ‘It's something that I have never seen before. A lot of people who leave Islam and become Christians do so because they have seen Jesus in a dream or a vision. I received dreams and visions when I was seeking God, and I saw things that led me to the Gospel. Later, I was thrilled to see Jesus in a dream. I had been praying for it. I had been asking for guidance and I think I got some.’ To read his story and find out about his unusual prophetic act, click the ‘More’ button.

Published in Praise Reports
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Friday, 13 January 2017 07:28

Continued revival in the Middle East

For some time now, Iran has had the infamous reputation of being one of the most dangerous countries to be a Christian. However, Christianity is taking root in an ongoing revival for Jesus. Hundreds of Iranians as well as Afghans were baptised in November. It is thought that twenty years ago there were 2,000-5,000 Christian believers in Iran: that number has grown more than tenfold since then. At least 300,000-400,000 former Muslims now live new lives in Christ. TBN Nejat TV, a broadcasting ministry, has also seen astounding harvests. Since its launch in 2006, as many as five million Iranian Muslims have begun a new life in Christ as a result of the network. TBN reports that it has helped to establish and disciple over 90 underground churches in Iran, Afghanistan, Kurdistan and other Farsi-speaking areas.

Published in Praise Reports
Saturday, 07 January 2017 03:12

Epiphany: Jesus for all

This is week 1 of the Friday Focus 2017 initiative that provides the opportunity for us to pray where we are, and unite across our nations, supporting all ongoing mission and preparing the way for future mission. HOPE’s aim (along with the World Prayer Centre) is to see the entire church mobilised during 2018 to make Jesus known. John 3:16: 'For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.' Because of Jesus we can have the free gift of eternal life with him. Give thanks for Jesus’ death and resurrection. Pray that churches will work together using both words and actions to make Jesus known. Consider how churches in your area can work together to plan a rhythm of mission through 2018, especially at Easter, Harvest and Christmas. (Written by Roy Crowne, HOPE’s Executive Director)

Published in British Isles
Wednesday, 04 January 2017 13:44

Jesus appears to Syrian refugees

Marvin Lahoud, a 26 year-old volunteer with a Lebanese church serving Syrian refugees, was in charge of food voucher distribution. On this day, Marvin discovered that one of the refugee families returned to Syria leaving him with an extra voucher to distribute to another family.

He scanned the wait list. The first family he called—also returned to Syria. The second family didn’t answer the phone. Further constraints led Marvin to dismiss the third and fourth families from the wait list. Marvin finally decided to make his way over to the house of the fifth family.

A little boy stood at the entrance of the basement space his family called home, looked up at Marvin, and smiled. Matter-of-factly the Syrian boy said, “Come in. We were expecting you.”

Marvin looked at him—puzzled. He hadn’t told anyone he was coming; much less contacted the Muslim Syrian refugee family. How could they have known he was coming?

The young Syrian boy’s mother beckoned Marvin into their home and asked the boy to explain.

“Yesterday”, the little boy said, “I had a dream that was so vivid I thought it was real. I was walking on the shore of the sea and saw a man standing in the sea with water up to his knees. He was clothed in a bright white robe. His face shined so bright, I couldn’t see the details of his face. His hands were noticeably tender. I asked him who he was. He said, ‘I am Jesus.’ I said, ‘What do you want?’ Jesus said, ‘I want you to believe in love, have faith and keep hope.’ And Jesus continued to say, ‘Do not be afraid. Help is on the way. Tomorrow, a man will come over called Marvin and he will help you and your family.’”
And now you are here, said the mother to Marvin.

Source: Providence Magazine

Photo Credit: Rawaa, 21, a mother of three from Aleppo, draws water from a storage tank in her tent at an informal tented settlement for Syrian refugees in the Bekaa Valley, Lebanon, in July 2014. Photo by Sam Tarling for Norwegian Relief Council, posted by Directorate-General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (ECHO), via Flickr.

Published in WPC World News