IPC Connections
Here's a question asked often, yet is basically off the mark: "How can we get God to fix America" Instead we should be asking: "What is holding back the Presence of God which truly can transform America?" We need to recalibrate our thinking so that our focus is not so…
IPC would like to commend this prayer guide, 30 Days of Prayer for the Muslim World 2014 (published by WorldChristian.com) 30 Days of Prayer for the Muslim WorldJune 28 to July 27, 2014 Join millions of Christians around the world who participate each year in this largest ongoing international prayer…
Excerpts from an inspiring interview that John Robb did with Mission Frontiers Magazine (US Center for World Mission) recently... We talked with John Robb, coordinator of the World Prayer Assembly, about the impact of this gathering and his life-long ministry of facilitating national prayer initiatives.MF: In 2012, you were involved…
We are circulating an urgent appeal from Dr. Khaled Leon, one of the key prayer leaders in the Middle East. He is a dear friend and with others will be taking tons of supplies to help the Iraqi Christians that have fled to Kurdistan for refuge from the ISIS killers…
Almighty God, creator of the Heavens and the Earth, as a nation and as a people we acknowledge that you are the true architect and designer of all nations. You are a loving father who created us out of your own image and likeness and have given us dominion to…
God is answering as we cry out to Him about ISIS and its monstrous atrocities upon the Christians and other minorities in northern Iraq. The Iraq and Kurdish armies have managed to retake the Mosul dam, delivering ISIS its first defeat, thank the Lord! Let's continue to pray for the…
The NPA will bring together 300 Christian ministry leaders and intercessors from all walks of life and from across the nation to seek the Lord in the spirit of 2 Chron. 7:14 for repentance, reconciliation and restoration of our nation. It will come one week before our national election and…
A Nigerian prayer leader, himself a former Muslim, has sent this provocative and chilling speech of Geert Wilders, a Dutch Member of Parliament and the Chairman of the Party for Freedom in the Netherlands. Here are some excerpts from it to ground and guide your prayers: I come to America…
http://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/4590/germany-jihad Supporters of the jihadist group "Islamic State" [IS] have clashed with Kurdish Yazidis in North Rhine-Westphalia, the state with the largest Muslim population in Germany. The violence-which comes amid threats by a German jihadist to blow up an American nuclear weapons storage facility in Germany-has counter-terrorism officials concerned that…
In the midst of all the chaos in the Middle East, the threat coming from ISIS, the conflict in GazaGod is at work!! As the eyes of the world are on the Middle East, making it in the headlines of all news, we do have a different report that we…
Report: Feds, law enforcement scrambling to stop ISIS carnage on border WASHINGTON - The U.S. government is warning that a terrorist attack is imminent on the border between Texas and Mexico, according to the government watchdog group Judicial Watch. The group said sources have told it the Mideast terrorist army…
Calling for a Gideon's Army of Prayer Warriors for such a time as this! Are you sensing a call of God to a time of intense intercession for the United States? At this time of growing crisis in which our nation seems to be have lost its direction morally, spiritually,…