IPC Connections
Thank you so much for your prayers for 14-15th Oct. 2014 Prayer Seminar! Yes God did miracles through this Seminar. We couldn't do more good, but God has done more through the Indonesian prayer leaders. In the first day of program, there was heavy raining in whole day and I…
Ruth Kram, October 13, 2014Iraq (CAM) - Editor's Note: We share this news story released by Christian Aid Mission. Working in northern Iraq's Kurdish region day and night to help meet the needs of people displaced by the threats and violence of the terror group Islamic State (ISIS) in Mosul…
Video Link: http://youtu.be/aGTUcQLPhuk What is Testify World? Testify World is a Global Community of Kingdom Builders Sharing the Transformational Power of Jesus Christ. Our Mission: "Making the Invisible Kingdom VISIBLE"Download the Testify World App: http://get.theapp.co/c7b1 Join the Movement of "Making the Invisible Kingdom Visible"Follow Testify World on Twitter: https://twitter.com/TestifyWorldTestify World…
To help you to pray effectively we have set up www.prayerforleaders.com I would encourage you to log on to the website and check out the various information that is there. In essence apart from praying for the G20 summit generically, we are encouraging you to pray daily for one of…
I am writing at the request of FRC President Tony Perkins, to ask you, as one of America's Prayer Movement Leaders, to urge those in your in your prayer networks to appeal to heaven on behalf of 5 pastors in Houston, Texas, who have been ordered by city officials, under…
October 5, 2014 by S David Acuff (Excerpted) Founded by Karen Covell in 2001, the Hollywood Prayer Network began as a resource for entertainment professionals in the faith-based community; it equips creative artists and professionals to thrive personally and professionally in the arts, media, and entertainment industries. And it just…
"Darkness covers the earth and gross darkness is over the peoples, but the Lord rises upon you and his glory appears over you," says God to Isaiah (see Isaiah 60.2). At this season of the year followers of Christ around the world remember his birth. He came as the Light…
"In 2000 the Millennium Declaration was a moment when the world made clear promises to the poor. Fifteen years later, global leaders gather to evaluate those promises, with current world crises in mind. In the heart of Manhattan, The Micah Summit opens up a unique space for visionary Christian faith…
Please have a look at the video on the front page of this website. It is a report on the work of Poncho Murguia and others in his network in the former "murder capital of the world" that is now being transformed through united prayer. You will be encouraged by…
"Please keep praying. More than 50 mortars fall today on the houses and streets in Damascus. God is protecting. Open a door for Christians to go out" Let us pray for the protection and strengthening of our brothers and sisters in Syria and for the healing of this nation so…
Some dear friends from Kurdistan, Iraq have written, asking prayer for the awful situation that the Islamic State terrorists have caused in the country. They write: "Please join us as every morning we pray to God: 1.That ISIS will leave the country.2.Families can go back to their homes.3.Protection for believers…
Please see below our perspective of current situation, as well as the prayer points for Ukraine. It is quiet peaceful situation in Kiev now, despite many alarmist news reports. As you may know, our congregation together with Jewish Voice International Ministries have been conducted an International Festival of Jewish Music…