IPC Connections
We need a “Gideon’s Army” of 300 specially called and anointed ministry leaders and intercessors for each of two critical prayer gatherings coming up: The Summons, Oct. 1-5, for Hollywood and the media (www.nationaldayofprayer.org) The National Prayer Assembly: Seeking the Face of God for America, Oct. 29-30, in Washington, D.C.…
"If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land".~ 2 Chronicles 7:14 FLOODSIn 2010 Pakistan recorded the worst flood…
May I ask for your prayers for the National Prayer Assembly that those God is calling, a Gideon's Army of ministry leaders and intercessors, from America and other nations will be assembled for this crucial time of intercession for the USA at the end of next month? Also, if the…
In the Missionary organization in which I was working, namely Friends Missionary Prayer Band, we found from the beginning that prayer is the spiritual strategy for transforming people groups along with what is done by evangelists and missionaries. Psalm 2:8 says, "Ask of Me, and I will give You the…
This letter which contains much wisdom from J. John, a British evangelilst, was forwarded by Leighton Ford to a friend of ours "My son asked me last week, 'How should we pray for ISIS?'A good question and one that needed pondering for a few days! It is hard not to…
During the first two weeks of September, one of our colleagues whose name is Sam (last name not included for security reasons) was able to facilitate two prayer seminars for Iraqi believers in Erbil, Kurdistan and in Baghdad. Here is his account of what happened and some continuing prayer concerns:…
Concerned governmental sources have called for prayer over information they just received that ISIS sleeper cells in the United States are organizing in a coordinated effort to attack active US military and their families. A confidential government source called BridgeBuilders' President Hal Sacks on Saturday night with the news and…
Oct.ober 29 - 30, 2014 Washington, D.C. The National Prayer Committee, Mission America, Intercessors for America, Jesus Alliance, IHOP and International Prayer Council are cooperating to call together people with a heart to pray for an all-out time of prayer for the nation just before the congressional elections. We sense…
A Billion Hours of Prayer and $1 Billion by the Year 2020 The 10/40 Window region is home to 3 billion Muslims, Buddhists and Hindus, the vast majority of whom remain with little or no access to the gospel in their language and culture. Over 90% of the world's least-reached…
We believe prayer is the indispensable key to the unfinished task among the 'Forgotten Fourth World'-the one-fourth of the world with little access to the gospel. Unquestionably God has impressed that upon us as a Body and He has been growing a global prayer movement for decades now. The Lord…
The last week of August 2014 was perhaps a turning point in the spiritual history of Uruguay. This small South American republic, known the world over for its achievements in soccer (fútbol), is also known in the Christian world as the most secular country in the American continent. However, God…
"And he will turn the hearts of the fathers to the children and the hearts of the children to their fathers before the coming of the great a nd dreadful day of the Lord." Malachi 4:6 In these increasingly challenging times the church, and our children and families, have come…