IPC Connections
A Christian worker in Istanbul shares recent news and prayer topics. Last week we had another great day of outreach in a busy section of Istanbul. Dozens, maybe hundreds received tracts, and dozens heard the gospel clearly presented by our team of over 15 believers. One man became angry after…
Please pray for these issues in this crucial time for the nation: 1. The Church in Mozambique should stand in the gap for Mozambicans instead of going along with political ills. 2. Pray that Renamo and FRELIMO government make progress in resolving contentious electoral law. 3. This is an election…
We are so excited about all the countries that will come to Brazil, what an opportunity! Please pray with us specially for the 32 nations that will come with their teams to play the Football / Soccer World Cup from the 12th of June to the 13th of July in…
A prayer leader friend focusing on Pakistan writes: "We have been focussing prayer on 8 pir sites in the form of an 8-pointed star with the Uch Sharif shrine (#9) in the middle. All of these shrines are located in Pakistan. At the beginning of this prayer action the Lord…
Sunday 13th through to Monday 14th April 2014 - IPC Member Organisations and friends will be joining with the 4-14 Day of Global Prayer and Praise. The live broadcast can be followed here: http://globalprayerandpraise.com
April 19, 2014 Haroon, 22, a christian youth has been shot and killed by a Muslim co-worker, Farooq, in Pakistan. Farooq mocked Haroon's Christian faith on a daily basis and tried to convert him to Islam so he can get married to a wealthy, beautiful Moslem girl. On Haroon's refusal…
"When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together In one place" - Acts 2:1 PRAY WITH YOUR CHURCH, ASSEMBLE IN PUBLIC PLACES, GATHER IN HOMES OR SECRET PLACES United by a Prayer for the World, Christians from all over the world, from different cultures and denominations, from many…
Over the past two months we have been reporting on the outbreak of foot and mouth disease among North Korean livestock. This is a very serious disease that can devastate the nations supply of pigs, cattle, goats and other cloven-hoofed animals. The latest reports are that it continues in the…
One of our IPC Leader writes: "Thanks for praying. Our whole team just came back safely from mainland China. We have an extraordinary powerful time there, 500 key leaders, from 24 provinces, all doing children's ministries have been with us. Breakthroughs after breakthroughs these few days, with quite a lot…
Thank you so much for your prayer that God did a miracle in Nepal- more than 2200 children, youth and parents were gathered and worshiped Lord together. Almost all valley leaders joined and leaders prayed for formal opening for Children and youth prayer day by candlelight. This became historical for…
The Billion Souls Revival Prayer Call 2015 is a period of 40 days o f prayer, fasting and repentance beginning on International Day of Repentance (Yom Kippur) Tuesday sundown 22 September, 2015 and continues to sundown Sunday 1 November, 2015. Five Point Prayer Plan 1. Pray for a worldwide outpouring…
The True Freedom Fast is a global call to 40 days of fasting and prayer for the LGBT ( homosexual & lesbian) community to encounter the Father's love and saving grace during the 10 day World Pride festival in Toronto (June 20-29). Toronto is known internationally as where a great…