IPC Connections
Dear Friends, Greetings. I owe you a report from the Prayer Initiative for North Korea. I came home from Asia with some sickness for several days and so am now just getting back to you. It was a magnificent initiative, one of the best organized and most powerful ones I…
Nepal, a land of humid and fertile plains in the south, green forested hills in the middle and the majestic snowcapped Himalayas along the north. The people are ethnically diverse with more than 100 people groups and castes, many of whom have migrated to Nepal in earlier generations from the…
As we are all following what's happening in the middle east and north africa, the last 4 years. The lord spoke to our hearts that it's the time to pray for europe, being the first station to host the millions of immigrants coming from the arab world. It started with…
For those who have finished well, Bobby Clinton has done comparative study and identified 6 characteristics: Characteristic 1. They maintain a personal vibrant relationship with God right up to the end. Characteristic 2. They maintain a learning posture and can learn from various kinds of sources-life especially. Characteristic 3. They…
One of our readers reported that the story we published in our March edition is now suspected to be untrue. He writes: "I was super encouraged by this testimony about the Isis fighter who converted and was about to forward it to some friends, until I realized that the story…
Did you know that according to historians the present danger of Islamic Terrorism will be with us for awhile? Let's brush aside the temptation to feel powerless and grab the invitation to impact the outcome of things through prayer. A powerful new prayer tool has been launched to help you…
The eyes of many in the Church are watching closely an anticipated ruling in June by the Supreme Court of the United States regarding same-sex marriage. Many believe that this battle for the family and a traditional biblical view of marriage is already over. From a worldly perspective, that may…
The Australian National Day of Prayer and Fasting team are calling the whole world to pray and fast for seven days for the USA from the National Day of Repentance which is held on Thursday the 30th April 2015 - Wednesday 6th May which is the day before the USA…
1 Please pray against the threat of violence breaking out in Lebanon. 2 Pray that the lies that people are believing will be exposed. Join our prayer, saying Lord give us more time! Pray that the Lord keeps the doors of evangelism wide open. 3 Pray with us for the…
From a female member of the Iraqi Parliament who is a humble and brave woman, shared during her recent visit to the USA. Here are her prayer requests: 1 Pray that the Yazidi women who have been kidnapped by ISIS are returned safely to their families. The women have been,…
"A year after the kidnapping of 232 Nigerian girls, Australian Stephen Davis still says his contacts indicate government complicity. A year ago April 14, Boko Haram kidnapped 275 girls from the government secondary school in the Christian-dominated town of Chibok, Borno State. Students reported to the Chibok Government Secondary Boarding…
Excerpted from Stratfor, March 26, 2015 The events of the past week have created a lot of discussion about the Islamic State's expansion. First there was the March 18 armed assault at the Bardo National Museum in Tunis that resulted in the deaths of 23 people, 20 of who were…