IPC Connections
Many ministries are getting on board (especially related to the next generation) and are looking to have a million young people gathering to pray for spiritual awakening. I know you have a heart for the next generation! If you'd like to know more, the website is www.resetmovement.com Please pray for…
As you know we are living in very hard times during these days in India. We cannot do anything openly, but we do everything carefully and without any publication. After the present BJP government came to power in the central government, even to distribute a tract is considered as an…
We continue to pray for four people in prison in North Korea and China for the sake of the Gospel. South Korean Pastor Kim Jung-Wook is serving a life-sentence in North Korea for his efforts to spread the Good News inside North Korea. Elderly (71 years old) Korean-American, Peter Hahn,…
 April 28, 2015 "For then there will be great distress, unequaled from the beginning of the world until now..." - Matthew 24:21 This past Spring, Joel Rosenberg and I taught through the book of Joel as we led a prophecy seminar at The Billy Graham Training Center at The Cove.…
For the third year in a row Australia's National Day of Prayer and Fasting team has called the nations of the world to pray and fast for the USA. This year it will be for seven days from 30 April to 6 May 2015. These dates bridge America's National Day…
On July 4th the World Prayer Centre team together with leaders from around the nation are meeting in Birmingham England to hold a Trumpet Call national day of prayer at the International Convention Centre. The ICC site is significant in that from the middle of the 18th century until the…
f you want to see the local church revived, prayer altars raised and the working life released by the Spirit of the Lord and you being part of it, then you should seriously consider attending this Conference. We will gather before the Lord in unity with diversity, representing different countries,…
You have no doubt heard about the tragic earthquake in Nepal that so far has killed over 5000 people. The toll is likely to go higher. A friend of ours who leads a house of prayer in Kathmandu wrote a couple days ago. "Please pray for Nepal. Please remember us…
The apostle Paul writes to his young protégé, Timothy, "Endure suffering along with me, as a good soldier of Christ Jesus. Soldiers don't get tied up in the affairs of civilian life, for then they cannot please the officer who enlisted them"(2 Tim 2:3-4). There is a particular lifestyle associated…
You have no doubt heard about the tragic earthquake in Nepal that so far has killed over 3400 people. The toll is likely to go higher. A friend of ours who leads a house of prayer in Kathmandu wrote a couple days ago: “Please pray for Nepal. Please remember us…
Request for Prayer: Armenian Genocide Reconciliation – 21 and 24 April 2015 Rosemarie Streseman of Intercessors for Germany asks special prayer for the following: “Tomorrow on April 21 there will be a major service of repentance with approximately 3000 participants with hundreds of pastors from all over Armenia (Baptists, Free…