IPC Connections
Dear friends:We are excited to let you know that the Seek God for the City 2014 companion app has been released! This is a great tool to use alone or alongside the Seek God for the City booklet. The app is available for both Apple and Android devices and it…
As world leaders meet to discuss Syria's future, children are sending a message to the leaders explaining what peace means to them.When all you hear about in Syria is war it's important to listen to the voices of children calling for peace. Please share this heartbreaking video below with your…
Believing that "with God all things are possible", a prayer initiative is an internationally coordinated, united prayer effort for the holistic transformation of a nation or city. It is holistic in that informed prayer is focused on the unique needs of a society whether they are in the social, political,…
For the last three months we have seen a series of events in Kiev and Ukraine in general which can't be called other than God's miracles. Now we feel God's hand over Ukraine despite of the fact that situation here is still tense. Our economic and public administration systems are…
Last weekend in Houston, Texas, I was privileged with others to participate in an evening of giving special honor to Barbara Byerly. She is an "ordinary woman" as she describes herself that God has used to unleash extraordinary breakthroughs through prayer around the world. The theme of the evening was…
A world wide call to release children and youth in prayer and praise! Dear IPC Leaders and Networks, The heat of the battle is intensifying in our families, churches, and nations. In this critical time of history, we believe a united call to release our children, youth, and families is…
In February, on-site prayer initiatives were carried out in Iraq and for Lebanon/Syria with local ministry leaders. Our small team of four facilitators-Sam, Elizabeth, Lucrece and I- felt the prayer support of many, and so the Lord blessed in wonderful ways. Iraq 50-60 Christian leaders and intercessors gathered in the…
Use this link to find excellent articles with pictures to use in your prayers for the healing of the conflict in Syria which has now claimed well over 100,000 lives, men, women and children. Please continue to pray for His peace to cover this land and for negotiations to end…
Reported in Joel News International "We reported on the role Christians played in the massive protests in Ukraine. Last week saw an escalation of violence and police opening fire on the crowds, leading to the death of 88 protesters. In the weekend the corrupt President Victor Yanukovych fled the capital…
Trapped in cages built for animals. Beaten, chained and forced to stand in torturous poses. Left to subsist on snakes and rats. The damning UN report on North Korea's crimes against humanity contains shocking allegations, but its message of misery is driven home even more powerfully by eight sketches drawn…
There will be an on-site prayer initiative in Afghanistan, March 25-30. An international team of six or seven ministry leaders will join with local and expatriate believers, focusing on the national elections happening the first week of April. This is a very crucial time for the nation. Please pray for…
Our parliament and governmental elections will take part on Sunday, April 6th, followed by the local elections in the Autumn. There is a governing mid-right coalition, with a more and more autocratic and over-controlling policy. There is a quite weak wide-left coalition, heavily attacked and mocked by the government-controlled media.…