IPC Connections
In view of the serious developments subsequent to the recent raid by the Islamic authorities of the state of Selangor (JAIS) on the Bible Society of Malaysia, where sixteen boxes of Alkitab and Bup Kudus Bibles were confiscated,PU is calling all Christians and churches to come together in concerted and…
Pray for:1. Help many churches and intercessory prayer partners participate in Turkey Outreach 2014 (Big Island Outreach and Prayer Walk: 4/20-5/1, 2014) and may they pray for spiritual revival and the planting of churches in Turkey.2. May the Turkish churches that had Christmas Celebrations (Istanbul, Ankara, Izmir, Bursa, Samsun, Adana…
All is not well with Mozambique. Armed conflict is occurring in different parts of the nation. The citizenry is afraid-it is like returning to civil war. There is a campaign of destabilization being brought on the land. The tension is increased by the fact that this year is election year.Please…
Please continue to pray for us. As the Lord opens doors, the adversary tries to close them through diverse machinations. The creation of the one-thousand-voice choir and three-hundred-plus intercessors team to promote reconciliation, forgiveness, etc through singing, praying, etc are initiatives that the Lord laid on our hearts to help…
Believing that "with God all things are possible", a prayer initiative is an internationally coordinated, united prayer effort for the holistic transformation of a nation or city. It is holistic in that informed prayer is focused on the unique needs of a society whether they are in the social, political,…
"The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective." - James 5:16Dear friend,In December I emailed you asking you to pray for Christians around the world who often experience increased harassment and attacks because of their faith over the Christmas period. Sadly, this increase in violence happens so regularly…
In view of the serious developments subsequent to the recent raid by the Islamic authorities of the state of Selangor (JAIS) on the Bible Society of Malaysia, where sixteen boxes of Alkitab and Bup Kudus Bibles were confiscated,PU is calling all Christians and churches to come together in concerted and…
A much anticipated prayer initiative with Iraqi leaders, has just finished a couple days ago (Feb. 6-9). We are believing for His breakthrough for the healing of the land so scarred by war, violence and idolatry for millennia.This is the area where human civilization began around 4000 BC with many…
Updates: * 2014 is the year for the Biblical epic in theatres. Keep praying for the upcoming films that point people to God's stories and His truth. The first one to open is Son of God, produced by Mark Burnett and Roma Downey. Let's ask God to use Mark and…
Continue to hold Ken Bae up in your prayers (an American missionary imprisoned in North Korea). While there were some hopeful signs that the North might be thinking of releasing him soon as part of their seemingly increased conciliatory stance toward South Korea, the latest indication is that the official…
The national situation of Pakistan is deteriorating rapidly. Bigger and bigger suicide bombings and terrorist activities are taking place. The Prime Minister was allowed to come into office because of agreements made between the Punjab Taliban and himself. The Prime Minister continually talks about peace talks with these Taliban, who…
Burma is in the midst of change and we want to report to you what is happening, both good and bad. We are grateful for those who have brought greater freedoms to Burma. We also want to stand with those who have not yet experienced those freedoms and are still…